This is the third in a series of six lessons, all about the changing adolescent body.
Having already looked at puberty and the changes that we can expect to take place to the human body as it grows up and having already looked at the brain and changes that take place during puberty and adolescence.
We now look at first sexual feelings.
And we've been like that how we become prepared and our expectations of first adult sexual relationships.
If the topic of today's lesson sounds like it may be sensitive to you, please do complete it with a trusted adult nearby or speak to them first or afterwards to discuss your emotions or any further questions that you may have.
Let's begin.
And so, like in not previous lessons together on this unit, all you're going to need in terms of equipment today, is something to write on, an exercise book or a piece of paper and something to write with a pen or pencil of any kind.
When you've got those things we'll begin.
Our agenda for today is as follows.
Hopefully you've already completed today's introduction quiz.
We're going to go on to look at our key words and terms for today's session.
We'll also then going to move on to look specifically at hormones and attraction.
Before looking at how to manage risks and emotion, before then me directing you to complete our exit quiz for today.
Onto our keywords.
You can read these for yourself as they appear on the screen.
First of all, we have the names of two really important hormones.
They are each Oestrogen and Testosterone.
Perhaps you could repeat those words after me, as I now say them Eostrogen.
Brilliant, thank you so much.
These are the hormones that lead to an interest in sex during and after puberty.
And that links to the idea of attraction, which basically means when you fancy somebody, which is the language that you may be more used to using with your peers.
And then a really adult way to masterbation which describes self touching of the genitals.
So we starting today with a scenario.
I'm going to read this to you.
You can read along with me, and then you're going to be given a question to reflect on, on the back of this scenario.
Chelsea's 13 years old, the last week or so she's been struggling with a changing her feelings towards a boy at school.
In science lessons her partner is Joseph.
And just recently she's noticed how handsome he is.
When he talks her, she can't look at him how embarrassment.
He's also really clever.
And Chelsea gets butterflies in her stomach When he talks to her.
She had similar feelings about a famous footballer once, this time it feels far more real.
She thinks that she'd liked Joseph to be her boyfriend.
She never tell anybody that.
So that's our scenario.
I'm thinking about that scenario, that situation with Chelsea and her feelings towards Joseph, want you to think about this question.
Consider, Chelsea is attracted to Joseph.
Why is attraction important for human beings? Any ideas? Can you jot those down for me, please? You might want to pause the video, just take a moment or two to do that and then press play and rejoin me.
Okay, thank you.
Hopefully you've had chance to consider the answers to that question.
Let's have a look at some possible responses, about why human attraction is important to human beings.
Attraction is important for finding a partner, sharing common interests.
Essentially it relates to biology.
It's about finding somebody to reproduce and it feels nice to hike somebody else.
You may have thought of other reasons, because there are many reasons as to why feeling attracted to somebody, is an important human emotion that many people experience and enjoy experiencing.
Might be worth adding that, if you've not felt that emotion, that's absolutely fine.
Some of us may be older before we experience that emotion.
And in fact, some people, it's not an emotion that comes naturally to them at all in their life.
Just something worth remembering.
So how does link to science? Want to now look at hormones and how that links to attraction? So during puberty, it's the hormones that we mentioned earlier, testosterone and eostrogen, that make people more interested in sex.
It's essentially a chemical reaction in our bodies.
And it's completely normal to fancy all the people, which is what we mean by attraction, attraction being for more specific terminology, just because we might be attracted to somebody or we might fancy them.
It does not mean we are ready to have sex.
Those two things don't necessarily go hand in hand.
And that's really important to remember.
You might fancy somebody doesn't mean you're ready emotionally or even physically to have sex yet.
So let's just look at where we're up to in terms of our understanding through the use of this multiple choice question.
There are two hormones on the list of four here that contribute to sexual feelings and attraction.
I would like you to identify which ones they are, point to the first one now.
And if you could now point to your second choice, brilliant.
So you should have chosen two hormones that you think are linked to attraction to fancying people.
Let's see if you are correct.
So our correct answers are testosterone and eostrogen.
Have you got those right? If not, don't worry.
We going to return to our scenario now.
And we're still talking about the same individuals here.
Joseph feels a little uncomfortable in science, because Chelsea has started to act a little strangely around him.
It has crossed Joseph's mind that Chelsea might fancy him.
Joseph thinks Chelsea's great but, Joseph is certain that he likes boys that way not girls.
He really, really likes a singer from a famous boy band.
Although he knows he'll probably never meet him, until he someone he likes as much in real life.
Isn't doing any secret crush.
Joseph knows he isn't ready for an adult relationship.
I like you to consider the following.
Joseph knows he isn't ready for a sexual relationship.
So please copy and complete.
The possible risks of rushing into a sexual relationship before we are ready include.
So you might want to pause the video for a moment as you think, copy and complete that sentence and press play to resume when you're ready, Okay, you may have included something along the lines of Joseph not being emotionally ready, or the risk of being upset or regretful, and possibly unwanted pregnancies and STIs.
Thank you for rejoining me.
I'll look at your answers to the question about the possible risks associated with entering into an adult relationship, before you're ready.
Do they match mine? So don't being emotionally ready and answer to do with emotions would be a really good one.
And our emotions being impacted by being in a relationship that we weren't ready for, lead us to being upset, could lead us to feeling regretful perhaps.
The relationship probably won't go in the right direction and won't make us happy if we're not ready for that yet.
Also, if the relationship is physical, is a sexual relationship before we are emotionally ready, that might lead us to taking risks that could lead to unwanted pregnancy, or possibly sexually transmitted infections.
All of these aspects of adult relationships and particularly of the risk taking that might be involved in adult relationships.
Before we are ready to embark on them, We're going to go on to look at in a couple of slides time.
Your answers may be different from mine.
You may have thought of even better ideas and that's absolutely fine.
So this slide just gives a little bit of information and a definition of what masturbation is.
Just something that many young people will begin to explore and become familiar with, after they enter puberty and beyond.
perfectly normal.
But it's also perfectly normal not to masturbate as well.
That brings us to managing risks and emotions, at this tricky time of puberty and adolescence.
Young people might feel ready for sex during puberty or adolescence.
Remember the age of consent is 16.
And having sex sooner than this is illegal because it's likely that young people are not emotionally prepared.
Sex between an adult and child is illegal.
Of course, there's also the physical risk of sexually transmitted infections or an unwanted pregnancy if precautions are not taken during sex.
And evidence suggests having sex, when not emotionally mature, may lead to more risk taking.
on the back of that.
I'd like you to consider what emotions someone might experience if they get involved in an adult relationship before they are ready? just think of two or three different emotions someone might experience if they embark on that relationship before they are ready? Have a think and say those emotions out loud.
Yep, scared, frightened, regretful, upset, terrified, sad, fearful, lots of examples.
And I'm sure you thought of something.
So linked to our tasks today, we are now going to complete one final main task in today's lesson.
I'm sure you are familiar with my maps.
You're going to create a mind map today.
I'm going to give you a template just in case you are unsure.
You're going to try to add two examples to each section of my mind map template.
So the mind map is all about healthy first relationships.
I put three different branches onto my mind map here.
And for those three different branches, you're going to think of two examples.
So just to illustrate a little bit further before you go ahead and do this on your own, if we think about what would be healthy behaviour within a first relationship, one example might be to be never cruel or violent.
So you can see I've linked that example to my behaviour branch on my mind map.
So I would like you to now pause the video and to copy and complete my mind map, adding two examples of your own to communication, to activities, and a further example to behaviour.
You might be able to add more than two, and if you struggle, even just adding one example to each branch would be fantastic.
So remember we thinking about healthy first relationships in a healthy first relationship, what activities would be healthy? How should we communicate? and what behaviour is healthy? please pause the video to complete the task now.
Thank you so much for rejoining me.
So please have your mind map in front of you that you've completed or tried to complete to the best of your ability.
Remember, we're thinking about healthy first relationships.
Have you made any similar points on your mind map? To the ones that I'm going to list now below on the slide.
So in terms of communication, you may have put points along the line, or lines off.
It's important to share feelings, talk about shedding trust, talking with kindness and respect, listening to each other.
And if we disagree to do that respectfully.
In terms of activities, enjoying sharing interests together, going to a concert, going to a cinema enjoying time, not just together, but also with your own friends.
It's also really important.
On behaviour.
Healthy behaviour in a first adult relationship.
Respecting each other's boundaries and choices, so important.
Never being violent or cruel.
Not breaking each other's confidence.
If one of you tells the other something that's meant to be private, it's kept that way.
Making joint decisions and never putting pressure on each other to take the relationship further in any way than the other person is ready for.
I wonder if you got similar answers to mine, you may have thought of different ones, which is absolutely brilliant.
Just have a look and see if any of my ideas, match ones that you've written down.
We now going to move on to the final reflection of today's lesson.
So final scenario, and you're going to use your reflections on this scenario to help you with the final reflection question that you'll be thinking about when we move on to the next slide.
Joseph is now 16, through joining his local gym.
He's met a boy called Adam, Joseph and Adam have started seeing each other two or three times a week.
They attend the gym together.
They like going to the cinema and they've talked about being in a relationship and being in each other's boyfriends, but they're both happy just to take the time and to get to know each other.
Joseph's also spending time with Chelsea, he's good friend.
because they help each other with their studies.
But Joseph and Adam treat each other with patience and respect.
So think about the positives of this relationship before we move on to the next slide.
I'm going to leave you with a question today, something to ponder on over the coming weeks.
And it might be something that at some point in your life, you've sort of drawn having already thought about this really important question.
What do you think most important feature of a healthy first relationship is? If you can really think about that question and have that in your mind, hopefully something that you will draw on and use and refer back to, perhaps when you're ready to have your first adult relationship, or perhaps when you're talking to friends about their first adult relationship.
So I'll leave that question with you.
Thank you so much for joining me today.
I would really like it, if you would complete today's exit quiz, don't forget to do that.
And hopefully I'll see you next time, in our next lesson, in this unit about adolescent and the changing body.