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Lesson video

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I am Mrs. Smith.

Welcome to our first lesson together for this unit, Mental Wellbeing, Talking About Our Emotions.

In this lesson, you will learn about what mental wellbeing is and also the factors that affect our positive wellbeing.

In this lesson, you will need a pen and paper so that you can make some notes.

If you don't have that equipment in front of you now, just pause the video and come back when you are ready.

I will now go through today's agenda.

We will start by looking at this question, what is mental wellbeing? And defining our keywords today.

Next, we will look at the factors that impact a positive wellbeing for us.

We will then discuss ways to look after our own mental wellbeing.

And then, we will reflect on what we have learned today.

You will finish with an exit quiz.

So, what is mental wellbeing? Pause the video now and just take a moment to consider what a good definition for this term might be.

So, what did you come up with? Well, mental wellbeing is all about your thoughts and feelings and how you cope with the ups and downs of everyday life.

It is not about being happy all of the time, but in fact, about how you react in the different situations that happen in everyday life.

Well done, if you've got something similar to me.

So, let's now have a go at our first task.

On your piece of paper, I would like you to create a spider diagram about the pressures that you might have in your life.

These could be big or small, and these may be different to mine or somebody else in your life.

As an example, a good first pressure that we may all experience is homework.

So, you can add that as an example.

Pause the video now and have a go at adding some more ideas to that spider diagram.

When you have finished, press play and resume the video.

So, let's compare our spider diagrams. What else did you add? Don't worry if it is different from mine and feel free to take some more of my ideas to add to your spider diagram.

So, I also added chores.

We all have them.

You might have to do things around the house to help out, and this might add an extra pressure.


Friendships can add pressures.

So, remember to be kind to yourself and to others.


We all know about assessments by now.

So, don't worry because we all have to experience them.

And finally, the pressure to do well.

That could be a pressure from other people or that might be a pressure that you put on yourself.

But don't worry.

Today's lesson is all about looking about how we can talk about these emotions, and we can find positive ways to deal with these pressures.

Let's now have a look at some of the factors that can impact our positive wellbeing.

The first one I would like to introduce you to is the importance of connecting with others.

Having good relationships is really important, and it allows you to have a sense of belonging and gives you the opportunity to share positive experiences.

Being physically active is another way to improve your mental wellbeing, as it raises your self esteem and causes chemical changes in your brain.

It is also important to learn new skills.

This will not only improve your mental wellbeing, but it will boost your self-confidence and build in you a sense of purpose.

Pause the video now and consider.

Do you have any strengths in these areas already? Research shows that another way to improve your mental wellbeing is by giving to others.

This creates a positive thing for you and helps you to connect with those around you.

Next, it is really important to be mindful.

Paying more attention to the present moment will help to generate those positive thoughts and improve your mental wellbeing.

And finally, sleep.

Sleep is vital to ensure that you are ready for the day and that you can be the best possible version of yourself.

Pause the video again now and consider where your strengths are in these areas.

Let's have a go at this true or false activity now.

So, is this statement true or false? Mental wellbeing is about your thoughts and feelings and how you cope every day.

So, if you selected true, well done.

That is a true statement.

And remember, it is not about you being happy all the time but actually about how you react and deal with those different situations that are happening in your life.

For this next part of the lesson, we are going to discuss ways that we can look after our own mental wellbeing.

So, let's have a look at some examples.

For this next activity, you are going to try a match-up of positive wellbeing factors with some examples that I have listed on the screen.

Let's do one together, as an example.

If we take connecting with others, which of the examples do you think matches best with this? Take a moment now to read through the list of activities on the screen.

Now, I am sure you agree with me that a great way to connect with others is to have a family meal.

And this could be at any time of the day.

So, pause the video now.

And on your piece of paper, have a go at matching up our positive wellbeing factors with the examples on the other side, just as we have done in this example.

Take as long as you need.

And when you are ready to carry on, just press play, and we will resume together.

Are you ready to go through the answers? Let's have a look now at whether you agree with me in the examples that I matched with our positive wellbeing factors.

So, we've already, together, discussed connecting with others and that a great way to do this is to have a family meal and to really catch up with those people in your life.

The next factor to consider was how to learn a new skill.

And, hopefully, you have also matched with this try a new hobby.

And this could be absolutely anything and can be as simple as just needing the pen and paper in front of you.

Your next positive wellbeing factor was about being physically active.

I matched with this going for a walk with the dog.

Now, you do not need a dog to go for a walk.

And, actually, being physically active can be anything from doing some yoga to going for a run.

The next factor was about how to give to others, and a great way to do this is to say thank you.

Saying thank you will go a long way, and it will create positive feelings for both yourself and the person you are thanking.

So, why not try that today? Our penultimate factor is sleep, and the best way to get a good night's sleep is to turn off our devices.

And finally, being mindful.

Try some meditation.

Go to a quiet, calm space where you live and try out some box breathing.

As simple as breathing in for four counts, pausing for four counts, and breathing out for four counts.

It really is a great way to reconnect with yourself and to highlight your positive mental wellbeing.

So, well done on those.

Let's have a look now at our next activity.

For our next activity, I would like you to consider how you look after yourself.

And we are going to set some targets, using our spider diagrams from us starter activity, our list of positive wellbeing factors, and even the examples that we have just discussed.

So, let's do an example together.

If I wanted to improve my positive wellbeing factor of learning a new skill, I would create a spider diagram on my piece of paper that might look a little bit like this.

So, I have written learning a new skill in the centre of my page.

And I'm now going to consider three targets for myself.

The first one is that I am going to offer to help cook a meal once a week.

My second target I'm setting for myself is that I am going to download an app that's going to help me learn a new language.

And my third target is I am going to start a new book and read.

Now, hopefully, that's helped you in your next task because you are now going to pause the video and choose two or three of our factors and set yourself three targets for those.

Of course, if you would like to look up more factors, that would be brilliant.

But even just two or three is a great place to start.

Pause the video now and resume when you are ready and you are happy with the targets that you have set.

I hope that you found that activity useful and that you now have a lot of ideas to be getting on with to help to improve your mental wellbeing.

Let's end now with a reflection.

And I have three questions for you to consider.

How do you look after your own mental wellbeing? Think back to our definition and the thoughts and feelings that you have every day.

Remember to be kind to yourself.

What changes can you make to improve your mental wellbeing? Hopefully, you now have lots of ideas of activities that you can try.

And make sure you are sharing these with others because my final question is how can you help others with their mental wellbeing? It might be as simple as sharing the targets that you have set for yourself today.

There might be someone else in your household who would like to join in and be part of your ideas for improving mental wellbeing.

Thank you for working so hard today.

You will finish the lesson with an exit quiz.

But I cannot wait to see you again for our next lesson.

Remember, if you would like to share your work and anything that you do in these lessons, you can with Oak National.

I'll see you again very soon.
