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Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mr. Nicholson.

And today I'm going to carry on looking at bullying with you.

Our focus today is imbalance of power and about bullying relationships.

This will contain some sensitive information.

So if you want to talk to an adult, whether it be a parent or carer, do so now before you start the lesson.

And if at any time during the lesson, you think you want to talk to somebody, please do so.

These are issues that affect a lot of people.

It's important that you feel comfortable doing this lesson.

Before we begin, make sure you've got a pen with which to write.

There's quite a few activities for you to do in this lesson.

But you'll also need some paper or an exercise book in which to keep your notes.

I'll be asking you to do certain things and write down your own ideas that we'll come back to later.

Make sure you keep them all together and that way you can reflect on your learning as we go along through this lesson.

Before we started you should have done your introductory quiz.

If you haven't done so, pause the video and do it now.

You have reflected on what we've done already but also what we're going to do today.

And also remember at the end of this lesson do your exit questionnaire as well.

That'll help you consolidate your learning to think forward what you're going to do.

Now in this lesson, we're also going to be looking at the idea of what we call the power imbalance.

So in a bullying relationship, where there is a bully, the person being bullied, and the bystander, what is the power imbalance? And that will lead us into the idea of being an upstander.

And we'll look at what that would mean for you or somebody you know, when they see bullying actually happening.

So that'll speak something about the bullying, making sure we make it stop so the person feels better about themselves and therefore improves their mental and physical wellbeing.

We're also going to look at the idea of scenarios.

It's important you place your learning into context.

I'm going to do that with the use of scenarios.

Are these bystanders? Are these upstanders, and why? And then finally, we're going to look about being an upstander online.

How can we stop bullying online? Much bullying nowadays does occur online and therefore, how can we, as individuals or as groups, stop this and make people feel better about themselves.

If you haven't done that quiz, do it now and then come back to the lesson and we'll carry on.

As with all lessons there going to be key words we need to use.

And these are important so we can understand what we're talking about as we go through the lesson.

A key element here is something I've mentioned already.

The keyword for today is the idea of imbalance of power.

And there are two ideas behind this.

It's when a group of people, i.


more than one, bullies an individual.

So the balance there is between one person and many, therefore it is imbalanced.

But it's also when one person bullies another person in the same way continually.

They use the same methods and same ideas to bully them over a period of time.

So make sure you've got both of these in your own minds.

If you need to maybe jot down some ideas now and move on in the lesson shortly but make sure you're aware all the time, what is the imbalance of power? The definition is here, so see if you can remember it as we move forward in our learning.

I've got a key question here for you.

What do we mean by the term 'bystander'? If you looked at the introductory quiz and you've looked some of the other lessons, you may know this already.

But spend a few minutes thinking about what we mean by the term bystander.

It's going to be really important idea as we move forward in this lesson.

What does the bystander do? Or what don't they do? That's something else we're going to be thinking about shortly.

So if you need to pause the video, think carefully, what we mean by bystander and come back to this in a moment.

Here's an answer to that question I asked you earlier.

A bystander is someone who is there when bullying occurs or knows that it's happening but chooses not to do or say anything about it.

In other words, they stand by why the bullying is going on.

If you need to pause the video here and jot down my definition or write your own definition.

So we've got that common understanding as we move forward.

This is going to become really important later on when we look at the scenarios that we have a common idea of what a bystander actually is.

Remember they say or do nothing whilst this is happening but they have the knowledge or they see it actually happening.

We're now going to look in more depth what the imbalance of power actually is.

We've got to keep in mind the definition we came up earlier with keywords, but also your definition of a bystander.

So if you've got, let me know, this is going to be really useful for you to look to.

if not refresh your ideas and refresh your memory about it so that we can move on.

The key thing here is applying our learning to the scenarios we look at to make sure we have a clear understanding of what the imbalance of power actually is in practise and how a bystander can help stop it.

I mentioned earlier, when we looked at the imbalance of power of the two different types; the imbalance of power through repetition when one person continually uses the same form of bullying over and over again to another, or an imbalance of power by number where more than one person is bullying the individual.

I want you to spend a few minutes reading these definitions, so you have a clear understanding of what they actually are.

As I said earlier these will be really important for you later on.

So remember, it's the idea of repetition and number.

The imbalance of power can be shown in two ways and those two ways are really important cause sometimes we do not see them as an imbalance of power where it's one-on-one but it's to do with the repetition of it.

Well, it's easier to understand this where there's more than one person doing the bullying of an individual.

As I said, spend a few minutes reading these carefully, seeing what they are and then move on in your learning so we can carry on applying these scenarios we actually have.

Here's another key question for you.

We've mentioned there that if a bystander in the past being somebody who stands by and watches the bullying going on.

But think carefully, how do they maintain the imbalance of power? Apply your learning and knowledge from understanding about repetition and number to this question.

Pause the video, spend a few minutes thinking about it and then carry on.

It's important you come up with your own idea before we actually move on cause we're going to look at what other people say shortly and how that may impact on your own thinking.

And in this lesson, your own thinking is really important and it's also helping you develop that further.

Here's my idea, a bystander by doing or saying nothing becomes a bully by association.

What's that happening is they become part of the bullying exercise because they are doing nothing to stop it.

And that helps maintain that imbalance of power because it's happening over and over again or by a large number of people.

They are implicit in it happening over and over again or they become another person in that group that's bullying the person who is being bullied.

It's important for you to think about these ideas carefully.

So maybe pause the video, jot down what you think about this one and add some ideas to your own understanding.

It's clear, this is going to be a topic we're going to be looking at it in some depth.

So make sure you've got this really clear in your minds about what we're going to do and what you are going to think about it.

We're now going to move on to the concept of the upstander about how you can be an upstander.

Maybe you already realise that actually this links to being a bystander.

So think carefully, if bystander who somebody stands by and watches the bullying happening, what will an upstander do and what actually is an upstander? So, have you come up with your own idea about what an upstander actually is? Now is your chance also to think about some examples of when somebody can stand up to a bully.

What could they do? But this idea of an upstander is going to be really important in the next few minutes.

So make sure you've clear in your mind what it actually is.

This is the definition, in a really simple way, an upstander is anyone who helps the person being bullied.

They may not stand up to the bully themselves but they may find a way of helping the person being bullied.

And therefore that help is really important cause it helps that person themselves and the person being bullied, stand up to the bully in that way, taking away that power imbalance from the bully and the person being bullied.

And this is a really important role in looking at bullying and stereotyping cause it's something that everybody may be involved in at some point.

If you know, you've been bullied in the past pause the video and talk to a parent or a carer and they will help you understand what's going on and maybe able to help you more with this lesson as we move forward.

When you're ready let's move on and carry on with our learning as we move into those ideas around scenarios and applying our learning to them.

Well, I've explained what I want you to do, I want you to pause the slide and read it really carefully.

There are four people here we're going to be looking at shortly.

Salim is not a student who understands, someone says he is stupid.

He is the person being bullied, and he reports it at school.

Angela reports the comments she's seen about Salim to school and make sure that something may be done about it.

Maya has actually liked the comment that's been made about Salim and it's negative online.

And James is the person who sent the text to Salim to see if he's all right.

So read carefully what these four people have done and what's going on and think carefully, are they bystanders or are they upstanders? Once again, think about the ideas we talked about, about what a bystander is and what an upstander actually is.

You've got to decide for yourself, which is which and come and up with a reason for that.

And that's why you should pause the video now, maybe jot down some ideas in your notes and then we'll carry on later on.

When you're ready, press play and we'll carry on seeing whether they are bystanders or upstanders, and why.

Let's check what you've written.

Salim, Angela and James are all upstanders.

They tried to do something about it.

They reported it.

They are Salim how he was.

They did something positive to help Salim when he was being bullied.

Maya, however, is a bystander because she liked the comment made about Salim that was negative.

In that way she is reinforcing what the bully has said and that she has become a bystander.

She's become a part of that imbalance of power.

She's now added another person to the bullying.

And therefore this is making Salim feel bad about himself and affecting his mental and physical wellbeing.

Jot down some ideas of your own, why they are upstanders or bystanders.

When you've done that we'll move forward and carry on with our learning.

So you can press play and we'll carry on.

Now, I do want you to pause the video and I want you to write a paragraph for me explaining what a bystander is and what an upstander is.

You'll see here, there are 12 statements or comments I want you to use.

Try and use all 12 of them and at the end of it count up on the points you've given yourself.

See what is the maximum number of points you can get.

Try and use everyone at least once.

If you use one more than once use the points again for that one.

When you finish writing it and check it over to make sure you've got or maybe take why you've got them into your paragraph.

Play the video and we'll carry on with the lesson and we'll look at what you could have written and how we might be able to add some more things into it.

Remember to think about clearly what a bystander or upstander is and maybe use four of our named people from earlier as examples to show what you know and what you understand cause that's really important in this lesson to show our understanding of what's actually going on.

So when you're ready, pause the video, write the paragraph and when you're finished, press play.

Now you can read what I've written to check your own understanding.

You may have written more than I have and included more ideas.

But for this one here, a bully will often pick on someone as it makes them feel superior and they want to make the person being bullied feel inferior to them.

That looks about what we mean by being bullied and what a bully actually does and why they do it.

A bystander is someone who stands by and let the bullying happen.

This makes an imbalance of power of the person being bullied.

An upstander will help the person being bullied by reporting to someone or reporting it online.

So in that sense, what I've got in here is the idea of the imbalance of power, the bystander and the upstander.

But I've not given examples and you may have done.

And that really will help your learning move forward by giving examples.

So it shows your clear understanding of what we've been looking at.

If you want to add something to your own, please do so otherwise we'll carry on with the lesson now.

Here's a statement for you.

You can be an upstander online.

Is it true or is it false? What do you think? I want you to pause the video now and spend a few minutes thinking about your answer to this one before we move on.

Think about our definition of an upstander.

Think about some of the scenario elements we've looked at there was online bullying there, and think how was it supported? Think carefully about this one and when you're ready press play, and we can move on in this lesson.

Now you've thought about it, the answer is true.

Ever%y online site will have a report abuse button.

By pressing that and reporting the abuse you see online you are being an upstander.

These will be clearly marked on all social media sites and websites about how you report abuse.

And to be an upstander you should do it every time you see abuse happening online.

That way you can stop the person being bullied feeling bad about themselves.

And this will lead to the bully being stopped from bullying.

So make sure you can see these sites see the button and in your learning here today you're aware that that's what you are looking for.

This is where I want you to bring all your learning together from this lesson.

You're going to write a pledge about being an upstander and I've given you this starter, I pledge to be an upstander.

Now you can write in here what you will do and why you will do it and when you will do it.

A pledge is a promise to stop bullying whenever you see it, whether it's in person or online.

In that way, we'll also counter the imbalance of power.

Because as soon as somebody is an upstander it changes that balance of power.

It makes the bully feel less superior and the person being bullied less inferior.

And therefore, by doing this we can stop bullying all together.

Pause the video, write down your own ideas, and then reread them.

Look at your explanations, why.

Look at what you've written, will this really help bullying stop? When you've done that, press play and we can carry on.

Here's an example pledge for you.

I pledge to be an upstander by giving support to anyone being bullied or by reporting bullying when I see it, whether it's online or in person So all I've done is I've brought together all the ideas we've looked at; reporting buttons online to make sure the person being bullied knows they're being supported and to report it to stop the bullying happening again.

Or whether you're going to report this in person to somebody at school, or making sure that the person who's being bullied feels that there's somebody there for them that will help them.

why but the why is important for you.

To think about why it's important we do this and what the impact is actually going to be.

In this lesson we looked at the idea of bullying, being an upstander and how important is to support people being bullied, so they don't feel bad about themselves and they don't suffer that emotional and physical wellbeing.

The lesson is now over.

Thank you for taking part in the lesson and make sure you fill in your exit quiz.

Also, if you want to share your learning please do so.

The address is in here to do that.

So once again, thank you for taking part in the lesson and goodbye.