
Lesson video

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Hi there everyone, my name is Ms. Shaw, pleased you are joining me today.

This lesson, we'll be focusing on issues with oversharing.

So in this lesson, we're going to be focusing on issues with oversharing, which includes exposing our vulnerabilities and portraying ourselves as untrue versions of ourselves and the possible challenges that that brings.

And also not being sure about the true characteristics of the people that we speak to when we're online.

This lesson will cover sensitive topics so therefore we recommend checking with a trusted adult before you start, or doing the lesson with a trusted adult nearby.

So for this lesson, you're going to need an exercise book or some paper, and you'll also need a pen, and you're going to need your brains.

So hopefully, you've already completed your intro quiz.

Firstly, we're going to be focusing on what is meant by oversharing.

Then, we'll look at the reasons why people overshare.

And then, some of the issues that are associated with what happens when you do overshare.

And finally, we'll cover the key learning points and you will complete your exit quiz.

So as a recap from prior learning, two of these are keywords which we covered in previous lessons, I'd like you to have a look and choose the correct ones.

Pause the video now while you complete the activity and then resume when you've finished.

So how did you get on? Were you correct? Well, these two were the correct ones.

So social media is computer-based sharing of information by different networks, and networking was the way that we interact with other people to share information either professionally or socially.

Now the other two, which were digital footprint, which was the trail of data that we leave behind, or that we create when we use the internet, and oversharing which meant sharing too much personal information.

We're going to look at those two in more detail in today's lesson.

The keywords for today's lesson are oversharing, which means sharing too much personal information, self-esteem, which refers to our overall sense of worth or value, digital footprint, which is the trail of data which we create when we use the internet, and fear of missing out, also referred to as FOMO, which is anxiety that's caused by online posts that something else might be happening that's more exciting than what's going on in our lives.

So in this first section we're going to look into what is meant by oversharing and the reasons why people do this.

So oversharing is often a problem on social media, but what do we mean by oversharing? I'd like you just to pause here for a few seconds just to think about what you think that term might mean.

So did you come up with something like this? Oversharing mean sharing too much personal information to the public, or stranger, both online or offline.

Now, social media should be a place where we engage with other people and we have fun, and we share memories, and we share our good or bad times and our experiences, but we really shouldn't be sharing everything about our lives because it can potentially cause long-term harm and damage to our futures and have long lasting effects, and we will look at some of those in today's lesson.

So why do you think people do overshare on social media? I'd like you to pause here to complete a list of reasons why you think people might overshare on social media.

Pause the task, pause to complete the task and then resume when you've finished.

So how did your list compare with mine? Well, it might be that people don't think it's kind of real so they drop their inhibitions and become somebody else.

It might be that they think they're invisible, so, by that I mean, it's easier for people to say things from behind a keyboard than they would do if they were saying it to somebody's face.

It might be that they're bored and they're using their time to fill posts and messages and inform people about what's going on in their lives.

It might be that there's a lack of authority, so, we don't regulate what we're saying because there's no one to answer to, so, if it was in real life and there was an authority figure that we'd think twice about what we were saying, whereas online, there's not that regulation.

Could be anonymity, so people hiding behind a fake profile, for example, or there are a lot of people out there who don't have the best intentions and that might have set something up to try and coax other people to give more information.

It could be that there's a delay in communication.

So by that, I mean, comments and posts and messages that people send online don't need to be dealt with straight away.

They might also have low self-esteem.

So they're seeking validation or attention from other areas to boost their self-esteem.

Or it could be that they're quite egocentric, so they genuinely think that the world revolves around them and that everybody's going to be interested in every single part of their lives.

And in this next section, we're going to look at the issues that are related to oversharing.

So what are the problems associated with oversharing? I'd like you to pause here and make a list of everything that you can think of that might be an issue associated with oversharing.

So how did your list compare with mine? Well, with oversharing, it can expose our vulnerabilities, and we can't really control who accesses the information so we can put restrictions on, but once it's out there on social media, we can't control other people then sharing it on and it then makes it easier for people who.

Don't have the best intentions to take advantage of that situation.

So for example, if you've posted that you're going on holiday, those people are going to know that your house is empty and that could potentially cause problems with burglaries, et cetera.

And it might not be a true representation of yourself, or other people, so it's encouraged us to showcase our lives and what's going on, and often people just post about the good stuff because no one really wants to go online and start talking about the bad things that have happened to them.

So other people looking in think that you're living this fantastic life and you've got no problems and no issues, and they might see it as they're missing out on something, so their focusing leads to the fear of missing out, FOMO, where other people have, it impacts on their mental health because they're worried about missing out on things.

It also encourages that need for validation or for attention so you feel compelled to have to post things so that people like or boost your confidence by telling you how fantastic you look, or how what a great life you lead.

And unfortunately, that can also then go on to offend people and potentially cause arguments, and encourage people to cyber bully.

And this also, things that you post, could potentially go on to affect your future, so something that you've posted as a teenager that you thought was funny, might, as a part of your digital footprint, have your employer or future employer looking back on years later and pulling that up as an issue.

And so you really have to be careful about what you post and what you say and how you show your digital presence basically.

So I'd like you just to pause here to think, have a read through these and see which ones you think are issues related to oversharing.

So pause here, have a quick read through and pick out the ones that you think are issues related to oversharing.

Did get them correct? yep, we've said before, it might make other people feel jealous which then goes on to lead to cyber bullying or maybe defriending you because they don't want to see all the great things that you're doing.

It also, it makes it easier for people to take advantage, if you shared a lot of personal detail, people who are out there that don't have the best intentions can then use that data against you and to manipulate you into doing things that you might not want to do.

It could, as I say, affect your future, can cause offence to people, can expose vulnerabilities.

So, something that you've posted, someone else might you use against you in certain way.

It does encourage a need for attention and validation, it can encourage cyber bullying and it can be damaging on mental health.

It exposes vulnerabilities and things that make, that might be fake or not a true representation of ourselves or other people, and it doesn't stop you from having fun, and it doesn't stop you from sharing memories or experiences and engaging with others, so they were the ones that we needed to pick out as incorrect on that.

But I'd like you to just kind of look at this scenario, Joseph is very ambitious and he has every intention of achieving highly.

He's confident and has a supportive family and home life, and has recently won a scholarship for a private school because of his sporting abilities, and he's been selected to play for England's youth team.

Now, Joseph is obviously really proud of his achievements and has posted a lot of comments on social media, which others have viewed as him bragging.

He's posted a lots of pictures which you probably should have kept private, and when people have commented, he's reacted badly to the comments and vented his frustrations online.

And this has resulted in him being targeted for online bullying.

What I'd like you to do here is identify at least three ways which oversharing in this situation has contributed to Joseph being targeted for cyber bullying.

I'd like you to just pause the video here to complete this task and then return when you've completed.

So the task was to identify at least three ways which oversharing contributed to Joseph being targeted for cyber bullying.

How did you answer as match with mine? So I said, Joseph offended people and caused arguments, he shared far too many posts, and went into way too much detail about his achievements, and he then went on to argue with people as well.

Now, a point to consider here is that it's really good to be proud of your achievements but oversharing can seem like you are bragging which might offend some people.

And arguing with people online is never a good way to handle an issue and he could have handled the situation better by perhaps speaking to them in private or messaging them separately rather than airing it on social media.

Now I'd like you to pause the video here to complete the following task.

I'd like to create an advice sheet aimed at educating other young people about the dangers of oversharing, and perhaps you could offer some advice too.

When you've completed it, you might want to share your work with Oak National.

So if you'd like to, you can ask your parent or carer to share your work on Twitter by tagging @OakNational and hashtag "Learn with Oak".

The key learning points for this lesson are that oversharing means sharing too much personal information, oversharing can expose our vulnerability to strangers, and also that there are many problems associated with oversharing information, and what we see online can be fake.

Now, if we do have any issues with things that happen online make sure that you turn to a trusted adult for help or support.

I'd now like you to complete your exit quiz to check your understanding of the content of this lesson, you need to pause the video to complete your task.

Well done on completing the second lesson in this unit and I look forward to seeing you again, bye for now.