
Content guidance

Exploration of objects

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello everybody.

My name is Ms. Panchal and I'm going to teach you the next science lesson and I'm really looking forward to it.

So we are going to be learning all about some different objects that we see every single day and we are going to also learn about some materials.

Have you got your thinking cap on? Let's all put it on.

Well done everybody.

Let's get started with the lesson.

So the outcome for our lesson today is I can name different objects and the materials they are made from.

So we are going to talk through some key words for our lesson today and it's important that we practise saying these words.

So I'm going to say the words and I want you to say it back to me.

My turn.


Your turn.


Well done.

My turn.


Your turn.

Super job everyone.

My turn.


Your turn.

Wow, well done.

My turn.


Your turn.

Well done.

My turn.


Your turn.

Wow everybody, I'm so impressed with how you practise saying those words.

Well done.

So we are going to use these words in our lesson today.

So we are first going to learn about everyday objects.

So objects that you see all around you every day.

The world is full of lots of different things.

Do you know what these things are? Have a look on the screen.

Well done everyone.

We've got a toy duck.

Do you have a toy duck? Maybe When you have a bath, a chair, do you sit on a chair at school? A spoon.

Do you use a spoon to eat your food? Well done everybody.

We can call these things objects.

Can you say that for me? Objects.

Well done everyone.

An object is something you can touch but something that is not usually a living thing.

Well done everyone.

Do you know what these objects are? Take a look really carefully at the screen.

Do you know what these are? Well done everyone.

We've got coins and as money to pay for things and we've also got keys.

Well done everyone.

We can compare these objects.

Now Laura says when we compare things we say what is the same and what is different.

Lucas is looking at objects around him.

What do you observe about the size of these objects? So what can you see? Lucas is seeing a climbing frame and pens.

What can you see about the size of these objects? Have a think with your talk partner.

Can you tell me what you can see about the size of the objects? Can you tell me? Well done everybody.

Fantastic work.

So some objects are big and some objects are small.

Do you have a climbing frame in your school or your garden? And do you use pens in your learning? So we know that a climbing frame is very, very big, but we also know that pens are a lot smaller than a climbing frame.

Well done everybody.

Lucas finds some more objects.

What do you observe about these objects? So what can you see? We've got mugs and we've got welly boots.

Have you worn your welly boots recently? Have you been in the mud? What do you notice about the mugs and the welly boots? Have a think with your talk partner.

Super job everybody.

Well done.

We've also learned the objects can be different colours.

So mugs can be different colours.

We've got a red and we've got a blue mug.

And also know that where these can be different colours, so different objects can also be lots of different colours.

Well done everybody.

So let's do a check of our learning.

An object is a person a plant or a thing? What do you think? Have a think with your talk partner.

Well done everybody.

So hands up if we think an object is a person, a plant or a thing.

Well done everybody.

An object is a thing.

Fantastic work everyone.

So we are going to move on to the first task for today's lesson.

So I would like you to look around your room or you can use the picture on the screen here.

And I would like you to find an object that is red, that is blue, that is yellow, has lots of different colours, is taller than you, smaller than your hand and longer than a ruler.

So there's lots of different things for you to find and maybe you can work in small groups and find different things and then put them all together at the end.

Have a fun time looking for all of these objects.

If you want to, you can also use the picture on the screen here to help you look for different objects or you can look for different objects in the room you are in now.

Have a go and we'll talk through some example answers really soon.

Have fun everyone.

Super job everybody.

Well done.

I know you worked really hard there to find all of those different objects.

So you may have found a red toy car and for blue you may have found a colouring pencil.

For the colour yellow you may have found a football, something that's lots of different colours.

You may have found a dinosaur toy that's got lots of different colours on the outside.

Something that's taller than you you may have found a door in your room.

Something smaller than your hand you may have found a toy globe.

And something longer than a ruler.

You may have found an exercise book that you do your writing in.

Did you find any of these objects or did you find any different ones? Maybe you can compare your objects to another group's objects were they're the same or were they different? Well done everyone for having a good go.

I know it was a little bit tricky and you had to look really carefully to find these different objects, but you did such a good job everybody.

Well done.

So we've learned about some objects that we see every day and so we're now going to learn a little bit about everyday materials.

So do you know what these objects are? Have a think with your talk partner or have you seen these objects before? Well done everybody.

The first object is a glass.

The second object is a book.

And the third object is a jumper.

These objects are made from different materials, but what is a material? Pause the video here and have a think and talk with your talk partner.

What is a material? Have a go.

Well done everybody.

Super job.

Let's do a quick check of our learning.

A material is something that you wear.

Is that true or is that false? What do you think? Well done everybody.

A material is not something that you wear.

I think this because a material is what something is made from or a material is an object.

What do we think is the answer? Super job everybody.

Well done.

A material is what something is made from, well done.

A material is what an object is made from.

Do you know what these objects are? Have a think with your talk partner.

Super work everybody.

We've got a watering can that we can water our plants in the garden.

We've got bottles that we drink water out of.

And we've got a toy elephant and I'll let you into a little secret, elephants are my favourite animal.

So I've got lots of toy elephants.

Do you know what material they are made from? So all three of these objects are made from the material.

Do you know which material? Have a think with your talk partner.

Well done everybody.

These objects are made from plastic.

Can you have a go at saying that please? Excellent, well done everybody.

So plastic is a material.

Now do you know what these objects are? Have a look really closely at the board if you need to come and stand a little bit closer.

Do you know what these objects are? Can you tell me? Well done everybody.

The first object is a boat.

Hands up who's been on a boat before? I definitely have.

The next object is a toy car.

And our last object is building blocks.

Do you know what material they are made from? Have a look really closely at the different objects.

Do you know what material they're made from? Maybe you've seen this material in other objects.

Have a think.

Super job everybody, well done.

These objects are made from wood.

Well done everyone.

Do you know what these objects are? Pause the video, come up to the board really closely and take a good look at these objects.

Do you know what they are? Have you seen them before? Wow, everybody.

I'm so impressed.

You know what all of these objects are.

So we have a tin.

Sometimes we can have food inside a tin, maybe a tomato soup.

That's my favourite.

A pair of scissors you use for cutting.

And a two pound coin.

So some money.

Do you know what material they are made from? Look really closely have a go.

Wow, everybody.

Well done.

I'm so impressed with your learning today.

These objects are made from metal.

So we've looked at lots of different objects and we know that different objects are made from different materials.

Well done everybody.

Now do you know what these objects are? Come really close to the board so you can look at them really carefully.

Can you tell me what they are? Have you seen them before? Have you used them before? Super job everybody.

Well done.

We've got a glass and maybe you have a glass at home where you drink water out of.

Marbles, maybe you've got some marbles at home or at school and you've played a game with marbles.

And we've got a jug we can pour water out of.

Do you know what material they are made from? Have a little think with your torque partner.

We've got a glass, marbles, and a jug.

What material are they made from? Well done everybody.

These objects are made from glass.

Fantastic work everyone.

I'm so impressed with all of your learning.

Now let's move on.

Do you know what these objects are? Have a think with your talk partner.

Well done everyone.

Now I definitely think you know what some of these objects are.

We've got a t-shirt, a teddy and a towel.

So I know that you'll all know what the teddy is.

Do you know what material they are made from? So we have a t-shirt, a teddy and a towel.

What material are they made from? What do you think? Super job, everybody.

Well done.

These objects are made from fabric.

Well done.

Do you know what these objects are? Pause the video, come up to the board so you can see really closely.

What are these objects? Have you seen them before? Well done.

We've got a statue and we've got a pond.

Hands up if you've seen a pond or been to a park where there's a pond.

I know I definitely have.

Well done everyone.

So rock and water are also materials.

So we've just looked at lots of different objects and we've learned about what materials they're made from.

But rock and water are also materials.

So let's do a check of our learning.

Which object is made from wood? A, a spoon, b, a bottle or c, toy bricks.

Have a discussion with your talk partner.

Excellent work everybody well done.

The answer is a, a spoon.

So we know that we can get a wooden spoon and we can stir our food with that.

Well done everybody.

Let's do another question to check our learning.

Which of these is not a material? Hands up for a, wood, b, a jumper, or c, water? Well done everyone.

The answer is b, a jumper.

So a jumper is not a material.

Well done everyone.

Look at what these objects are made from.

So we've got a bin, a chair, and a bear.

Are all objects made from the same material? Can you put your hands up for yes, all objects are made from the same material or no, not all objects are made from the same material.

Super job everybody.

Well done.

So different objects can be made from different materials.

For example, a bin can be a metal bin, but also it can be a plastic bin.

Both of these are bins, but they're made from different materials.

So both of these objects are bins, but bins can be made from metal or plastic, but they're both bins.

These objects are all bears, but they are made from different materials.

Can you name the different materials they're made from? Pause the video here, come up to the board really closely so you can have a look at the different bears.

Can you name the different materials they're made from? Super job everybody.

Well done.

We've got a plastic bear, a wooden bear, a glass bear, and a fabric bear.

So we've got four different bears.

They're all bears, but actually they're made of completely different materials.

Super job, everybody.

Well done.

Can you name these objects and say what materials they're made from? Can you tell me? Well done.

They're both chairs.

We've got a plastic chair and a wooden chair.

These objects are chairs and chairs can be made from plastic or wood.

Well done everyone.

So let's do a check of our learning.

Andeep and Sofia are finding out about materials.

Andeep says all objects are made from the same material.

Sofia says, different objects are made from different materials.

Who do you agree with? Do you agree with Andeep or Sofia? Have a talk with your talk partner.

Who do you agree with? Super job, everybody.

Sofia is correct.

Different objects are made from different materials such as a ball, which can be made from plastic and a spoon, which can be made from metal.

So different objects can be made from different materials.

Well done everybody.

Now are all objects made from only one material.

So we've got a source pin, a chair and a glockenspiel.

Look really closely at these objects.

Are they all made from only one material? Have a think.

Well done everybody.

Some objects can be made from more than one material.

So if we have a look at this saucepan here, it's actually made from two different materials.

We've got metal, which is where the food goes, and we've got plastic as the handle.

So this saucepan is actually made of two different materials.

Did you get the same answer as that? Well done everyone.

This saucepan is made from metal and plastic.

Can you name the materials these objects are made from? So the chair is made of two different materials and so is the glockenspiel.

Can you tell me the different materials? Have a go.

Well done everyone.

The chairs are made from metal and fabric and the glockenspiel is made from wood and metal.

Well done everyone.

So let's move on to a question to check our learning.

True or false? All objects are made from only one material.

True or false? What do you think? Well done everybody.

The answer is false.

I think this because a, all objects are made from more than one material.

B, different objects are made from different materials.

Which answer do you think is correct, a or b? Well done everyone.

The answer is b.

So we've learned in our lesson that different objects are made from different materials.

Super work everybody.

So we're now going to move on to the next task.

So I would like you to go on a materials hunt and look for objects made from rock, metal, glass, plastic, fabric, water or wood.

And I would like you to then add labels to the different objects that you find to show what material they are made from.

Write down or draw the objects that you find and the material or materials they're made from.

You might want to draw your objects or you might want to take a photo of them.

It's completely up to you.

Have a fun time on your materials hunt and we'll talk through some example answers really soon.

Off you go and have a great time on your materials hunt.

Excellent work everybody.

You work so hard to look for all of those different objects and find what different materials they're made from.

So for example, you may have found a playhouse and we know that that's made out of wood.

You may have found a pencil sharpener and we know that that's part plastic and metal.

You may have found a metal watering can, a fabric towel or a plastic spoon or a glass.

Did you find any of these objects or did you find different ones? Well done everybody.

So we've come towards the end of today's lesson now.

So let's do a summary of our learning.

An object is a thing that is not alive.

A material is what an object is made from.

And different objects can be made from different materials and some objects can be made from more than one material.

Some common materials are plastic, wood, metal, glass, water, and rock.

So we've done lots of great learning today, all about different objects and their materials.

And I want everyone to give themselves a pat on the shoulder because you've done such amazing learning today and I'm so impressed with all of your work.

Have a lovely rest of the day and I'm sure I will see you very soon in the next science lesson.

Bye-Bye everybody.