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Hello, and welcome to today's lesson.

My name is Mrs. Mehrin and we are going to be learning all about sight, smell, and sound.

Let's begin.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit "Human Body Parts." Your lesson outcome is I can use my sense of sight, smell, and sound to identify things.

Now, I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit challenging, but that's okay, because we are going to work really hard together and we're going to learn lots of fabulous new things.

Now let's take a look at our keywords for today.

We're going to do my turn, your turn.

My turn, senses.

Your turn.

My turn, sight.

Your turn.

My turn, smell.

Your turn.

My turn, sound.

Your turn.

My turn, identify.

Your turn.


Well done.

Now, our lesson is split into two parts today.

We're going to begin with the first part, sight, smell, and sound.

Now, humans explore and make sense of the world around them using their senses.

Humans have five basic senses.

Do you know what they are? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So a human's five basic senses are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.

Now, can you think of where you use each of these senses? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So you might have said you use your sense of sight to see things.

You can use your ears to hear things.

So you might be listening to a clock ticking, or cars going up and down the street.

You can use your skin to touch things.

So, for example, in this picture, this person is exploring toys.

You can use your smell to smell perfume or food, and you can use your sense of taste to taste different foods.

Now, true or false, humans have six senses? Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is false.

I think it's because a, humans have five senses, which are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, or b, humans have five senses which are eyes, ears, hand, nose, and a tongue? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is a, humans have five senses, which are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.

Well done.

Now, which of these is a sense? A, ears, b, eyes, or c, touch? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is touch.

Now, which body part does a human use when they use their sense of sight? What do you think they use? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

We use our eyes to identify sight.

Now, which body part does a human use when they use their sense of smell? What you think the answer is? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

We use our nose to identify smells.

Now, which body part does a human use when they use their sense of hearing? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is our ears.

We use our ears to identify sounds.

Now, which body part do humans use to smell? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


We use our nose to smell.

Now, who do you agree with? Laura says, "Humans use their ears to hear things." Sam says, "Humans use their tongues to hear things," and Alex says, "Humans use their noses to hear things." I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is Laura.

Laura is correct.

Now a human's senses give them information about what's going on around them.

Now, why do you think that might be useful? Why is it useful for our senses to give us information about what's going on around us? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So our senses can help us to react to the world around us.

So we can use our eyes, nose, and ears to check for dangers.

Now, how can a human's senses help them to stay safe? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So humans use their sense of sight and hearing to check when it is safe to cross a road.

Now, how about in this? How can a human's senses help them to stay safe here? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So if there's a fire, humans can use their sense of hearing to hear the sound of a smoke alarm and their sense of smell to smell smoke.

They could also use their sense of sight to see the smoke or any flames.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning, it says, how do our senses warn us if there is danger? Is it a, we use our sense of smell to find out if something is burning, b, we can use our sense of hearing to listen to the radio, or c, we can use our sense of sight to read a book? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is a, we can use our sense of smell to find out if something is burning.

Now let's do your first task today.

Which senses would warn a human that a police car is going to an emergency? So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at this activity.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Now, Lucas says, "I use my sense of sight to see the flashing light and the bright colours of the police car," and Izzy says, "I use my sense of hearing to hear the sound of the siren." Now, let's have a go at your second activity, it says, which senses would warn a human that toast has burnt? So again, I'd like you to pause the video and have a go at this activity.

Off you go.


Well done.

Lucas says, "I use my sense of smell to smell that bread in the toaster is burning," and Izzy says, "I use my sense of sight to see smoke coming from the toaster and also that the toast is dark brown or black." Now we are onto the second part of our learning, identifying sights, smells, and sounds.

Now, humans can use their senses to identify different sights, smells, and sounds.

Aisha says, "To identify something is to be able to name it correctly." So I want you to use your sense of sight to try to identify this object.

I'll give you five seconds.

Fantastic, well done.

So Aisha says, "I think it's a rabbit." Lucas says, "I think it's a horse," and Izzy says, "I think it's a dog." Now what do you think it is? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So I want you to compare your ideas with a partner and then look at this photograph here.

Does it make it any easier for you to identify this mystery object? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So Aisha says, "I don't think it's a rabbit now.

It looks more like a dog." What did you think? Can you identify the object now using your sense of sight? I'll give you another five seconds to think about your answer.

Fantastic, well done.

It's a dog.

Did you identify it correctly? What did you think it was and what did you see that made you think that? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

So you might have thought it was a rabbit because of the ears, but you may have also thought dog because of the fur.

And also when you got a bigger picture of it, it looked more like a dog.

Now, let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

It says, what do we do when we identify something? Do we a, test it correctly, b, name it correctly, or c, hide it correctly? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

We name it correctly.

Now, Sam and Alex go on a listening walk.

They use their sense of hearing and compare ideas to identify each sound.

Sam says, "I can hear a tapping sound.

I think it's someone using a hammer." Alex says, "The tapping sound is coming from a tree.

I think it might be a bird." What could the sound be? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

It's a woodpecker.

Now, Sam and Alex keep walking.

They listen and compare their ideas to try to identify this sound.

Sam says, "I hear a whoosh sound.

Maybe someone is doing the washing up in the kitchen." Alex says, "I think I can hear water.

It sounds a bit like a water fountain." What do you think the sound could be? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.


Well done.

It's someone washing their hands.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning so far.

So when we compare our ideas with other people, we a, talk about what is the same and what's different, b, talk about how many senses humans have, or c, talk about where to go on a listening walk? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is a, talk about what's the same and what's different.

Now, here is your second task for today.

I want you to use your sense of smell and compare ideas to try to identify each smell.

So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at this activity.

Off you go.


Well done.

So you may have done things like toothpaste, banana, room spray, lemons pencil case.

Those might have been your guesses.

Your friend's guesses might have been mouthwash, banana, perfume, oranges, rubbers, and then you would do a final guess and then you would have a look to see what it was.

The first one was mint.

The second one they guessed correctly was banana.

The third one, flowers, the fourth one, lemons, and the fifth one, rubber bands.

Now, we are onto the summary of our learning today.

It says humans have five basic senses.

Our eyes, nose, and ears are used to identify sights, smells, and sounds.

Our sense of sight, smell, and sound can help warn us of dangers, and we can compare ideas with other people.

Well done for today.

You have worked really, really hard and I'm so proud of you.

Well done.