
Content guidance

Exploration of objects

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mehrin and I'm so excited to be learning all about signs of autumn with you.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit, Seasonal Changes: Autumn and Winter.

Your lesson outcome today is I can describe changes in autumn.

Now, I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit challenging, but that's okay because it just means that we are going to work really hard together and we're going to learn lots of new things.

Let's begin.

So, we're going to do a my turn, your turn of the keywords here.

My turn, season.

Your turn.

My turn, autumn.

Your turn.

My turn, observe.

Your turn.

My turn, change.

Your turn.

My turn, describe.

Your turn.

Fantastic, well done.

So, we also have some definitions here and I'm going to be referring to these definitions throughout today's lesson.

Let's begin.

So, our lesson is split into two parts today.

Let's begin with the first part.


Sofia walks through the park every day on her way to and from school.

And here we have the park at different times of year and Sofia says the park looks different at different times of year.

I wonder why this is.

Why do you think the park might look different at different times of the year? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Fabulous, well done.

So, before we go into why the department looks different at different times of year, let's have a look at this.

It says there are 12 months in one year.

Now do you know the names of any seasons? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Fantastic, well done.

So, a year can be split into four different seasons and each season lasts for around three months.

So, how many seasons is a year divided into? Is it A, four? B, five, or C, six? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

It's split into four seasons.

Now, how long is each season is A, three days, B, three weeks or C, three months.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is three months.

Now Sofia takes photographs of the park in every season throughout her time in year one.

So, remember the seasons that we have are autumn, winter spring and summer.

And Sofia says, can you help me to find a photograph of each season? This photograph is from when I started year one in September and my sister says, this is autumn.

What do you know about the season of autumn? So, you can have a look at this picture here if you'd like or just think about what you remember school was like or what it was like around the time when you started school in September.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

If you need longer, you can pause the video here and then you can come back once you have your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So, you might have said that it starts to get a little bit colder.

You might also notice that the leaves start to change colour and they go from green to orange to yellow and you might have lots of beautiful colours and also the leaves start to fall off the tree.

Now Sofia says, I took this photograph at New Year.

This was during winter.

What do you know about the season of winter? So again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

If you need longer, that's okay.

You can pause the video here and then you can come back or once you have your answers, off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So, from this picture, we can see that the weather changes in winter.

So, in winter you might get snow or you might get lots of rain and the trees will start to, will have shed their leaves and they will be bare just like this picture here.

And the only trees that might still have some leaves on are evergreen trees.

Now Sofia says, "I took this picture just after my birthday in March "and my sister said this is spring." What do you know about the season of spring? So, you can use this picture to help you or you can think about what you already know and I'll give you five seconds to do that.

If you need longer, you can pause the video and you can come back once you have your answers, off you go.


So, you might have said that the leaves start to grow back on the trees again and you might get these beautiful blossom trees.

The sun starts to shine a little bit more.

You might still get some rain, but the weather is a little bit warmer than it was when it was winter.

And Sofia says, "I took this photograph, "just before I finished year one in July "and this was during summer." What do you know about the season of summer? So, you can use this picture to help you or you can try and remember what you already know.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

If you need longer, you can pause the video and come back, once you have your answers, off you go.

So, you might have said that now all of the trees have got green leaves on them.

It might be that you have a pear tree or an apple tree and they're full of fruit now.

The grass is a beautiful green and the weather is so much warmer.

So, Sofia looks again at her photographs and she says, "Can you remember the names of each of the seasons?" I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

So, the seasons are autumn, winter, spring and summer.

And here we have the pictures.

This the four seasons of winter, spring, summer and autumn.


Now who do you agree with? Lucas says "The four seasons are winter, "spring, summer and autumn." Izzy says "The four seasons are Monday, Tuesday, "Wednesday and Thursday." And Alex says "The four seasons are January, February, "March and April." So, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Who do you think is correct? Off you go.

Lucas is correct.

The four seasons are winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Now here is your first task.

It says find the names of the seasons and match them to the correct images.

So, you've got Sunday, August, winter, Saturday, March, Wednesday, autumn, May, Thursday, January, July, spring, June, December, September, Monday, October, Friday, Tuesday, February, summer, November, April, and year.

So, you need to find the names of the seasons in this table here and match them with the picture below and match the correct season to the correct image.

So, I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at doing this activity.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So it was winter, autumn, summer and spring and the winter one was the one with the snow.

Spring had the blossom trees, summer had the green trees, the trees with the green leaves.

And autumn was the one where the leaves had turned oranges, browns and yellow and could be found on the floor.

So, we are now onto the second part of your learning, which is signs of autumn.

Now, each season lasts for around three months.

Do you know which months are in autumn? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Brilliant, well done.

So, the season of autumn happens is September, October and November, just here.

So, when is the season of autumn? Is it A, December, January, February? B, September, October, November or C, June, July and August? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Brilliant, the answer is B, September, October, November.

Now Sofia looks at her photographs of the park in different seasons and she's got summer in autumn here.

And she says, "I notice that some of the trees look different in autumn." What do you observe about the trees? So remember, observe means to look at something closely.

So, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer, but if you need a little bit more time, you can pause the video here and you can come back, once you have your answers.

Off you go.

Well done.

So, you might have said that in autumn the leaves are a different colour and they start to fall off the trees.

So, the leaves of some trees begin to change colour in autumn.

Now have you observed any trees whose leaves are changing colour? And what colours have you seen? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Brilliant, well done.

So in autumn, the leaves of some trees change A, shape, B, size or C, colour.

Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Brilliant, well done, the answer is colour.

Now it's autumn.

Sofia and her friends go for a walk, around their school grounds and they describe what they see.

Aisha says some of the trees have orange leaves.

Jacob says, some trees have got yellow and brown leaves and Sofia said some trees still look green.

Now Sofia and her friends are looking closely at the things they see around them.

Which skills are Sofia and her friends using? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Brilliant, well done.

So, Sofia and her friends are using their skills to observe when we observe something, we look very closely and use other senses too.

So, here we have somebody observing with a magnifying glass to make the image bigger and we have someone getting nice and close to this plant here and observing using their eyes.

Now when we observe something closely, we can describe what we notice.

So, Aisha says "The leaf looks orange "and I can see some yellow too." Jacob says "The edge of the leaf looks red "and even brown in some places." The children describe some of the things they observe in autumn during their walk.

Aisha says, "I can see prickly brambles.

"They have some berries on them." And Jacob says, "I see some helicopter seeds.

"They spin around if you throw them up in the air." Jun says, "I found some conkers on the ground, "beneath the tree.

"Some of them are still in their spiky green shells." Sofia says, "Some of the trees in autumn still look green.

"I can see some pine cones on one of these trees." Now when we look closely at something, we are using our grouping skills.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

The answer is false.

Now, I think this because A, we are using our observing skills or B, we are using our naming skills.

Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

The answer is A, we are using our observing skills.

Well done.

Now here is task B.

It says go on an autumnal walk or use the image on the next slide to spot these signs of autumn.

So, I want you to see if you can find some brambles, a yellow leaf, a conker and maybe you can find a conker that's still in its spiky green shell, a helicopter seed.

And if you find it, I want you to throw it up in the air and see how it spins down to the ground.

An orange leaf, a pine cone, berries and a brown leaf.

Now, if you can't go for an autumnal walk, that's okay, because we can use this image to help us to find all of the signs of autumn.

So, I want you to pause the video now and I want you to have a go at this activity.

If you are using the image on the next slide, that's okay.

You can just rewind this video until you get to that part and then you can pause it and you can flick between the two.

Okay, so I'd like you to pause the video now, have a got this activity and then come back and join us when once you are done.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

I hope you enjoyed your walk if you managed to get out and do one.

So, did you manage to find everything that was on your list? I know I did.

So here, if you use the picture, then you may have found the yellow leaves there in the air.

There's some on the ground as well and some on the trees.

Same for the orange leaf.

You've got some brambles there in the picture.

Conkers, helicopter seeds there just flying in the air.

Brown leaf, berries and pine cone.

So, now we are on to the summary of your learning today.

The year can be divided into four seasons; winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The season of autumn occurs in September, October and November.

The leaves of some trees begin to change colour in autumn and changes in autumn can be described using observation skills.

Now, you have used your observation skills, really well this lesson.

I'm so proud of you and I hope you enjoyed learning lots of new things, all about autumn.

Well done.