
Content guidance

Exploration of objects

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mehrin and I'm really excited to be learning all about signs of summer with you.

Let's begin.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit, seasonal changes, spring and summer.

Your learning outcome today is I can describe changes in summer.

Now I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit challenging, but that's okay because it just means that we are going to learn lots of new things together and we are going to work really hard.

So here are your keywords for today.

We're going to do a my turn, your turn.

Ready? My turn, season.

Your turn.

My turn, summer.

Your turn.

My turn, change.

Your turn.

My turn, flowers.

Your turn.

My turn, observe.

Your turn.

Fantastic, well done.

Now next to those keywords, you'll see some definitions.

Now you don't need to worry about these because I will be explaining them as we go through the lesson today.

So our lesson is split into two parts.

Let's begin with the first one, summer.

The children are taking part in their school Sports day.

Izzy wonders how long it will be until the next one.

And she says, "My teacher says I will have to wait a whole year until my next sports day." Alex says, "How many months will that be?" How many months are there in one year? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So Izzy counts how many months there are in one year.

There are 12 months in one year, and Izzy says, "Wow, that is a lot of months for me to wait." Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

How many months are there in one year? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

The answer is B, 12.

Now, Izzy says, "I wonder how many seasons that will be?" Do you know? Do you know how many seasons there are in one year? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So a year can be split into four different seasons.

And Lucas says, "Do you know the names of any seasons?" Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So Aisha says, "I know that spring is one of the seasons.

That's when we start to notice the sound of birdsong and see buds on trees.

Early flowers such as tulips and crocuses start to bloom." The other seasons are autumn, winter, and summer.

Now, who do you agree with? Sam says, "The four seasons are January, February, April and May." Sofia says, "The four seasons are autumn, winter, spring, and summer." And Lucas says, "The four seasons are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday." I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is Sofia.

Sofia is correct.

So sports day is in the month of July.

Now do you know which season this is? So which season falls in the month of July? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Sports day is in summer.

Now the season of summer occurs in June, July and August.

So when is the season of summer? Is it A, September, October, and November? B, December, January and February? or C, June, July, and August? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

The answer is C, June, July, and August.

Now, here is your first task for today and it says, "Create a calendar of events in year one.

Use your own list or the one on the next slide.

Which events are in the summer?" So let's have a look.

So here we have the book fair, which is on the 30th September, the trip to the farm on the 2nd of May, the class assembly on the 21st of February, an egg hunt on the 11th of April, the pantomime trip on the 14th of December, sports day on the 7th of July, the school disco on the 25th of October, and the school concert on the 19th of June.

So you need to put those events into this calendar here, and then you need to see which events fall in summer.

So remember the summer months are June, July and August.

Okay, so I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go st doing that.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So this is what your calendar should have looked like and we can see that the school concert and sports day are in the season of summer.

Now we are onto the second part of your learning, which is signs of summer.

So it is summer and Jun is helping at his school's gardening club.

He has noticed that something has changed.

And Jun says, "A few weeks ago, this raised bed looked just green, but now it's full of different colours." What do you think might have happened? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So the season of summer is often full of bright colours as many flowers begin to bloom.

And when flowers bloom, they open up and different flowers are different colours.

So here we've got sunflowers in bloom, and they are yellow flowers, but there are lots of other coloured flowers as well.

Now, have you seen any flowers blooming where you are? I'd like you to have a really good think.

So I can give you five seconds and you can think about any flowers that you might have seen blooming nearby to where you are.

Or if you want, you can pause the video and you can go outside and have a look and see whether or not there are any flowers blooming where you are.

Okay, off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So Jun notices some other changes on some of the plants in the school garden.

What changes can Jun see? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So in the season of summer, some plants and trees have fruit on them, just like this picture here.

Now, what kind of fruit do you see growing here? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

So we have a strawberry plant and a tomato plant.

Now some of the changes that Jun might have seen are things like we've got some green strawberries here and some green tomatoes.

Now we've also got some red strawberries and some red tomatoes.

So the green ones are the ones that have just started to grow, but they're not ripe yet, so they're not ready to be eaten, especially the strawberries because the strawberries will taste so delicious once they are ripe.

And you can tell they're ripe when they go red, just like in this picture here.

And you don't want to pick them and they're green because they won't be sweet.

And on the tomato plant we can see some green ones, some red ones, and some orange ones.

Now the orange one will eventually turn red, as will the green ones.

Those ones are not ripe yet.

However, the red ones are ripe.

Now, some people like to eat green tomatoes and they are absolutely fine for you to eat.

They just won't be as sweet as the red ones.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning so far.

True or false, the season of summer is often full of bright colours.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

The answer is true.

Now I think this because A, the weather is not very rainy in summer, or B, plants and trees produce fruit and colourful flowers.

Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

The answer is B, plants and trees produce fruit and colourful flowers.

Now, Jun and his friends look around the school garden in summer and they describe some changes that they see.

Now, Jun says, "I can see so many different coloured flowers in the school garden." And Izzy says, "There are lots of insects on the plants.

I can see caterpillars and butterflies." Jun and his friends are looking closely at the changes they see around them.

Which skills are Jun and his friends using? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

They are using their observation skills, they're observing.

Now, when we observe something, we look closely and use our other senses too.

So we can see here that these girls are observing.

They're looking really closely at these flowers and the bananas in a tree.

Now, changes in summer can be described when we observe carefully.

So Sofia says, "I observe a tree with fruit on it." Jun says, "I see lots of different coloured flowers." And Izzy says, "I can hear a bee buzzing around a flower." Now, which of our senses can help us to observe the signs of summer? Is it A, our eyes, B, a thermometer, and C, a rain gauge? So I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is our eyes.

Now here is your second task for today, and it says, "Go on a summer walk or use the image on the following slide to spot these signs of summer." So you are looking out for different coloured flowers, fruit on trees or plants, a bee and a butterfly.

And I want you to record other things that you might observe on your summer walk.

Now remember, observe means to look at something closely and you might have to use some of your other sensors as well.

Now, if you're not able to go out on a walk, you can use this picture here.

So I'm going to go back to the previous slide, but once you are ready to start the activity, you can go forwards back in this video, so you can take a look at this picture.

So I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at doing this activity.

Off you go.

Fabulous, well done.

I hope you manage to spot all of these signs of summer and more.

So here we have fruit.

So we've got strawberries and tomatoes, we've got insects, we've got lady bird, we've got a caterpillar, and we've got a butterfly there as well.

And then we've got different coloured flowers.

I can see red flowers, I can see yellow flowers.

I can see some orange flowers as well, and some pink ones at the back too, wonderful.

Now, what other things did you record that you might have observed on your summer walk? So you might have even spoken about the weather as well.

So Jun says, "I spotted a butterfly on a leaf." and Izzy says, "I saw lots different coloured flowers." Now we are on to the summary of your learning today.

The year can be divided into four seasons, winter, spring, summer, and autumn.

The season of summer occur in June, July and August.

In summer, we can observe bright colours, plants and trees are giving fruits and flowers are blooming.

And summer is my absolute favourite season of the year because everything looks so beautiful.

Now you have worked really hard and I hope that you enjoyed your activity in going outside and being able to spot signs of summer.

You have done so well.

Well done, everyone.