Hi everybody, it's Miss Simkin back again for your next science lesson.
Now, I actually have a special assistant with me for today's lesson.
This is Charlie and Charlie is my dog, and Charlie loves science.
He's really excited to be learning all about habitats today.
So let's get started.
Say bye Charlie.
Our lesson question today is what is a habitat? and this is what we're going to be doing in today's lesson.
We're going to start with our star words, going to do a bit of a recap.
See what we can remember from last lesson.
Then we're going to learn what a habitat is, and look at some different habitats.
Then we're going to look at food chains and then you'll have the chance to do your end of lesson quiz.
We've got lots of great learning to do today.
For this lesson, you are going to need a piece of paper, a pencil, and a coloured pencil, and your brain.
If you don't have any of those things, can you pause the video and go and get them now please.
Great, just before we begin let's wake up our brains, a gentle tap, a bit of a shake, and three deep breaths.
Good job, I feel ready to go.
Let's start with our star words.
I'm going to say them, and then you're going to say them.
Habitat, organism, natural, food chain, good job.
Now, we're going to learn what a habitat is during the lesson, and the same with the food chain.
But I'm going to explain what the word organism and what the word natural means before we start, An organism is a word that you'll hear me say a lot during this unit.
An organism just means and living thing.
So a plant or an animal, they are both types of organism.
Natural, means something that you would find in nature.
Something that hasn't been made by humans.
Let's see what you can remember from last lesson.
Last lesson we learnt about the characteristics of living things, and we had somebody called MRS NERG to help us remember them.
Can you remember what the M in MRS NERG stands for? I'm going to give you a clue with my actions, are you ready? Can you remember what the M stands for? It stands for if you know say to your screen, movement, good job.
Can you remember what the G in MRS NERG stands for? I'm going to give you a clue.
What do you think the G stands for tell your screen, grow, good job well done, Today we are going to learn what a habitat is.
A habitat is the natural home of an organism.
Can you say that with me? A habitat is the natural home of an organism.
Good job.
Okay, let's see if you can remember.
is the natural.
of an organism.
What are those gaps? Can you say it out loud to your screen? A habitat is the natural home of an organism, good job.
Let's say it one more time.
And can you do the home action when we get to that word please.
A habitat is the natural home of an organism, good job.
Okay now I'd like you to get your pencil and your piece of paper ready.
And I want you to write down the definition please.
A habitat is the natural.
of an.
The second gap was one of our star words, it begins o, pause the video and write down your definition of a habitat for me now please.
Great, what you should have written is this A habitat is the natural home of an organism.
Well done if you got that correct.
That means your memory is on fire today.
Just double check for me that you've spelled organism correctly 'cause it's quite a tricky word.
Pause the video and correct your spelling if you need to.
Okay, I'm going to show you an example of a habitat now.
So a habitat is the natural home of an organism.
It's where plants and animals live.
And this is an example of a habitat.
This is a woodland habitat.
So you can see that there are plants like trees, and bluebells and grass living in the habitat.
And there would be lots of animals living in this habitat too.
Maybe woodpeckers, or owls, or robbins, or woodlice, or mice or.
Can you think of any other animals that would live in a woodland? Maybe foxes or badgers.
This is another habitat.
It's a pond habitat.
What kind of animals or plants would live in a pond? Tell your screen, great ducks, fish, maybe frogs.
With plants you might get reeds or Lilly pads, or sometimes you see algae, which is like the fluffy green stuff that you might see on the surface of the water.
Good job.
And here is another example of a habitat.
This is a Savanna habitat.
Now this is not the kind of habitat that you would find where we live, but you might find a Savannah in a country like Kenya in Africa.
What kind of animals do you think might live on a Savannah? I'm going to give you a clue.
A giraffe is one of them.
What other animals might live on a Savannah? Tell your screen.
Great, maybe lions, or antelope, or baboons.
Good job, or elephants, just remembered elephants.
Those are all examples of habitats, because they're the natural homes of lots of organisms, plants, and animals.
I've got a question for you, is a zoo a habitat? What do you think? Well, it might be a habitat because animals live in the zoo.
But, remember we learned that a habitat is the natural home of an organism.
That means it hasn't been made by humans.
Is the zoo natural? No, a zoo is not natural, because it's been made by humans and the animals have been put there by humans.
They're not living there naturally.
So that means a zoo is not a habitat.
Because even though animals live there, they haven't chosen to live there.
Humans have put them there.
I've got another question for you.
is a birdhouse a habitat? Well again, bird live there.
So it might be, it's been made by humans, but, do birds have to live there? Do humans make birds live in bird houses? No they don't.
They might choose to live there.
And if they do then that's natural.
So a bird house could be a habitat.
I've got a task for you now, there are seven organisms, plants and animals on the screen.
There's a woodpecker, a duck, a lion, a butterfly, a giraffe, a frog, and a tree.
Which habitat does each organism belong to? Can you get your pencil and can you write down, so you would write woodland and then next to woodland, all the animals that you think live in the woodland habitat.
And then do the same for pond and Savannah.
Pause the video and complete that task for me now please.
Great, let's check our answers.
If you've got it correct, you can give yourself a tick.
If you made a mistake that's okay, just correct yourself in your different coloured pencil.
So a woodpecker, a butterfly, and a tree an Oak tree.
They come from the woodland.
They live in the woodland.
A duck and a frog live in a pond habitat.
And a lion and a giraffe live in a Savanna habitat.
Well done if you've got those correct, if you need some time to mark your answers, just pause the video here.
The next thing we're going to learn about is food chains.
Now a food chain shows us what eats what in a habitat.
So here's an example of a food chain from our pond habitat.
You can see at the beginning of the food chain is a plant.
So our food chains, if there's ever a plant in a food chain, it's always at the beginning.
So you've got your plant, which is pond weed here.
And you can see that arrow shows it's eaten by shrimp.
And then there's another arrow to show the shrimp are eaten by the frog.
So it goes pond weed, shrimp, frog.
The pond weed is eaten by the shrimp.
Can you put your finger on the pond weed for me, don't touch the screen, but just go right up next to it and say, the pond weed is eaten by move it along the arrow.
Good the shrimp.
And then the shrimp is eaten by, what's the shrimp eaten by? the frog, good job.
Okay so that's an example of a food chain.
'Cause you can see the chain of food what's eaten by what.
Now, let's see if you can draw the food chain for the woodland.
We've got the Oak tree, the squirrel, and the owl.
And I've been really kind this time.
And I put them in the right order.
So can you draw your Oak tree big eaten with the arrow to show it's eaten by the squirrel, and then another arrow to the owl.
So your arrows should be facing this way.
So tree, to squirrel, to owl, let me just show you the pond one again.
Can you see the way that your arrows are facing? They show is eaten by, okay.
Can you pause the video and draw your food chain for the woodland habitat.
Good job.
Now, let's have a go at drawing the food chain for the Savannah.
This time I've made it a little bit trickier.
I haven't put them in the right order.
Which picture is going to come first? What did I say about plants? Where do they come in The food chain? They come first, good job.
Then think what eats the plant, and then what eats that animal? Okay, so it's going to go tree, animal, animal.
And again you need to draw your arrows between them.
Pause the video and draw your food chain of a Savannah now.
Great, so your food chain should have gone tree, giraffe, lion.
Is that what you did? Good job.
If you got your giraffe and lion the wrong way round, that's okay you can swap them over now.
Remember a giraffe is a herbivore.
That means it just eats plants.
Whereas the lion is a predator.
So a predator and a carnivore eats animals like the giraffe.
So it should go tree, giraffe, lion.
If you need some time to correct your food chain, that's okay, you can pause the video and do that now.
Great, I've got a food chain now that has a mistake in it.
Can you spot the mistake in this food chain look really closely, well done if you've spotted it.
If you haven't I'm going to give you a hint, it's something to do with the arrows.
Yes, the arrows are facing the wrong way.
Remember they need to face the other way.
They need to show what's being eaten by what? So it should go, the pond weed is eaten by the shrimp.
Not the shrimp is eaten by the pond weeds.
That doesn't make sense.
Well done if you spotted it.
Great job today, you've worked really really hard.
I hope you're impressed with your work and with your food chains.
Just before you go, can you remember please to take the end of lesson quiz? That would be fantastic.
Have a lovely rest of your day everybody.
And I will see back here for another science lesson very soon.
Next lesson we're going to learn about microhabitats.
Bye, have a good day.