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Lesson video

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Hello, scientists.

My name is Mr. Wilshire, and in this lesson we are going to be learning about staying healthy.

Let's jump into this lesson.

The outcome for this lesson is I can present information to help humans live a healthy life.

There are some key words to remember as we work through our lesson.

I'm going to say them and I'd like you to repeat them after me.

The first is healthy.

Very good.

The next is hygiene.

Now we have unhealthy.

Well done.

Finally, it's presenting.

Very good.

Don't worry if you're not too sure what some of these words mean.

The definitions will become clear as we progress through our lesson.

But if you need to, you can pause the video here and have a think about where you've heard these words before and what you think they mean.

Pause the video now if you'd like to.

The first part of this lesson is called Staying healthy.

Let's see how we can be healthy using this lesson.

It's really important for humans to live a healthy life.

You can see three images here.

One of them is taking a bath.

Do you have a bath where you live? When I have a bath, I love to fill it up right to the top with lots and lots of bubbles.

Teeth brushing as well is very important, isn't it? Hopefully you brush your teeth at least twice a day, once in the morning, and then again the evening.

Having a shower is also very important.

If you don't have a bath in your home, maybe you have the space for a shower.

I love to use lots of shampoo in the shower, and I also like to sing in it as well.

How can these things help us to be healthy though? Pause the video now and discuss, restart when you've done that.

So what did you discuss? How can these things help us to be healthy? Well, let's dive in and find out more.

Now brushing your teeth and keeping your body clean are ways of having very good personal hygiene.

Here are three more images, one of washing hands, the other having a bath, and the next having a shower.

When you wash your hands, hopefully you put some water on first, and then the soap and lather it all up, putting it in between your fingers.

Why is it important for us to have good personal hygiene then? We know that these things can help us to be nice and healthy.

But why is that important? Why bother having good hygiene? Pause the video and discuss, restart when you've done that.

What did you discuss? Well, let's find out why it's important for us to have good personal hygiene.

Having good personal hygiene is an important part of living a healthy life, like teeth brushing and hand washing.

Without these things, we would, well, we'd always have germs on our hands when eating our food, and our teeth would get very brown and black, wouldn't they? Hmm, I like my teeth to be nice and white and clean.

Must make sure that I brush them or otherwise they're not going to be very nice in my mouth, are they? Do you know any other things that help us to lead a healthy life? What other things can you suggest? Pause the video and discuss, restart when you've done that.

What did you discuss? Were there any other ways to lead a healthy life? Hmm.

Let's stop and think.

Which of these shows good personal hygiene? Is it A, exercising, B, eating fruit, or C, brushing your teeth? Pause the video and discuss.

What? The answer here is brushing your teeth.

This is an example of good personal hygiene.

Although exercising and eating fruit is a good way to stay healthy, brushing your teeth is making sure that you are clean, and that is what hygiene is all about, being clean and healthy.

True or false? It's important for humans to have good personal hygiene.

What do you think? The answer here is true.

It's very important for humans to have good personal hygiene, why? Can we justify our answer? The answer here is B.

It's an important part of living a healthy life.

Have a look at these three images.

There's one of swimming, one of playing, and the other of cycling.

How are these people trying to live a healthy life? Pause the video and discuss.

Well in those pictures, all of those people were exercising, whether they were swimming or running or having fun.

Keeping active is an important part of living a healthy life.

Here you can see some images of people playing and even doing some sport like boxing.

Keeping active is very, very important, 'cause if you didn't use up all of the energy built up from the food and the water you eat and drink, it would just sit there doing nothing.

You may even start to feel a little bit heavier.

So it's a good idea to make sure that you are nice and active and keeping fit.

That way you can have lots of fun running in the playground or doing sport with your friends.

Have a think now.

How do you keep active? Pause the video and think.

What ways do you keep active? Maybe you like playing football or maybe you like playing hide and seek outside and climbing trees.

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's incredibly fun.

What should we eat to help us to stay healthy then? Here's some examples of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

What should we eat to keep us healthy? Pause the video and discuss.

What kind of things should we eat? Let's find out more.

We need to eat different foods to stay healthy.

I can see some images of fruit and veg, some milk and dairy, some meat, and some sweets.


Here's Sophia.

Hi, Sophia.

She says, "Should we eat the same amount of all foods?" I wonder.

Do all of those things help to keep us healthy? And should we eat the same amount of all of them? Discuss, pause the video, have a chat.

Well, let's move on and find out more.

Here's Lucas.

Hi, Lucas.

He says, "We should eat different amounts of different foods.

Fruit and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, and these should be eaten often." You can see some veggie skewers there.

Maybe they're about to go onto a barbecue and also a fruit salad.

How yummy.

Laura's here as well.

Hi, Laura.

Now she says, "Foods like biscuits and sweets can have a lot of fat and sugar in them, so we should only eat these sometimes as eating too much fat can be unhealthy for us, but it's important to note that it is a good idea to have some of them just not too much.

Some chocolate muffins and some sweets there.

How delicious.

Have you eaten any of those things recently? Let's stop and think which of these will help us to live a healthy life? Playing video games, eating lots of biscuits or exercising? The answer here is exercising.

Although all of those things are fun and nice to do, exercising is getting nice and active and using up all of that stored energy in your body.

So this brings us on to our very first task of this lesson.

Have a look at these photographs.

How are the people in each photograph living a healthy life, and why is that so important? Now, there's three images.

The first one there is of a group of children.

Oh, they're all sharing some different foods and I can see lots of fruit there as well.

The next one is of children moving around and playing football, and finally there's a child there who's washing their hands.

Hmm, why is all of that so important? Good luck with your task.

See you in a moment.

So why were all of those photos so important? Well, here's Alex, and he says, the children are eating a balanced diet.

I can see fruit and vegetables like apples, bananas, cucumbers.

There's lots of nice things in their lunchbox as well as bread and some cake.

Eating a balanced diet is very, very important to keep a human healthy.

Oh, well done, Alex.

That's a really good answer.

Here now he says, well, these children are playing football.

They're keeping nice and active.

Football is a great way for exercise, and exercise is a very important part of life.

It's very important to live healthy lifestyle, isn't it? Exercise should be a part of that.

Finally, Alex says that this child is washing their hands with water and soap.

Keeping yourself clean and healthy helps to get rid of germs, and it's very important of having good personal hygiene, which can help humans to live a healthy life.

Yeah, if you had dirty hands all the time, your food wouldn't be very nice to eat, would it? Well done, Alex.

Hopefully some of your answers were very similar or maybe you had some slightly different ideas.

Well done.

The next part of this lesson is called Presenting information.

Now, scientists often try to find out the answers to questions by testing and observing things.

Here you can see a scientist observing something, and there you can see two scientists testing something.

So what do they do with the information that they find out? Do they just write it all down or keep it in their heads? What do they do with it? What's the point? Discuss.

I wonder what you decided.

Why is it so important for them to do something with that information? Let's find out more.

Scientists share the information that they find out and the results of their tests.

Here you can see scientists testing and scientists recording some results.

So they share their information, that they find out.

I wonder why? How do you think they do this? Pause the video and discuss.

So how do they share all of this information? It's important to share it, but why and how? Well they share information in different ways like drawing or writing or talking about it.

We can also call this a way of presenting information.

A lot like I'm doing right now.

I'm presenting all of this information to you, and why am I doing it? Well, it's important that you understand how to stay healthy.

There you can see three images, someone writing, someone drawing, and someone talking.

So how would you choose to present some of this information about how to live a healthy lifestyle? It's really important that lots of people understand how to do that and maybe they don't.

That's where you come in.

Using all of your knowledge, you'll be able to help people understand why it's so important.

So discuss, how would you choose to do it? Pause the video, restart when you've done that.

I wonder what you chose as a way to present your information? There are many different ways of presenting information about how to live a healthy life.

Here's Aisha, and she says that she's written down some instructions about how to wash your hands and then place them above the sink.

That's a good idea.

So she's put all of her information down into a little poster, put it on the sink so other people can learn about it too, just in case they've forgotten.

Here's Aisha's writing.

How to wash your hands.

First, turn the tap on and make sure your hands are wet.

Next, cover your hands with soap.

Okay, rub the back and the front of your hands together.

Right, okay, and then rub in between each finger and oh, your thumbs as well.

Now, wash the soap from your hands with the water under the tap.

Oh, and then dry your hands as well.

Some really good instructions there.

Very clear and very simple to follow.

Well done, Aisha.

Jun is also here, and he says, well, "I drew a picture of a healthy meal and I shared it with my friends." Good idea Jun.

Then we can make sure that if we're making a lunchbox in the future, we've got the right things in there included.

Like a chicken sandwich, some yoghourt and an apple.

Does your lunch look like this? Alex here has taken a photograph.

"I took a photograph of my healthy packed lunch to show my mum." Oh, okay, I can see some fruit.

I can see a sandwich and a tasty snack in there as well.

How fantastic Alex.

Photographs are a good idea as well, especially if you're not too confident with your writing.

Lucas has kept a little diary here.

"I kept a toothbrushing diary," he says, "to keep track and share with my teacher." Well, yes, he can prove to his teacher then that he's been able to his teeth.

He's brushed his teeth every morning and every evening, all week.

Well done, Lucas.

You're gonna have some very healthy teeth.

Izzy chose to talk to her little sister about how much of each type of food she should eat.

There you can see at the bottom there's fruits and vegetables.

It's important to have lots of those, and at the top there's things like fats and sugars that you get in sweets.

That's a smaller section so that she knows that she should have less.

Izzy says, "It's important to eat different types of food and stay healthy.

I can show you how to use a triangle to know the amount of each food you should eat." Very good, well done, Izzy.

Have any of you seen a food triangle similar to this before? Which of these are ways of presenting information? Do we create an information poster? Do we talk about it in a presentation or do we write about it? What do you think? The answer here is all of them.

Of course, you could do any of these things and it would be a good way to present it.

So it's time for our final task.

Present information about how humans can live a healthy life.

There's different ways of presenting information down the side there as we've just discussed.

A poster, drawing, a photograph, writing, video, or a digital slideshow.

A bit like this one.

Jacob says, "How will you present your information?" So that is up to you really, isn't it? Over to you now.

Present some information about how humans can live a healthy life.

Choose one of those really important elements and then have a go.

Create a poster, do a video, up to you now.

Best of luck.

Pause the video here and restart when you've done that.

How did you get on? I hope you've been able to be really creative with some of your work here to show off all that you know about living a healthy life.

Let's look at some examples.

Here are some examples of some children exercising.

They're using a skipping rope there.

Next up, there's drawing of a healthy meal.

We've got potatoes and carrots and some chicken too.

How wonderful.

That's a really good way to show people how to stay healthy.

Then we've got some images of how to brush your teeth.

That's a good idea.

So some people might just decide to brush across the front like that, but you need to go in the back and behind and all sorts of places.

Next up, there's a poster there of scooting to school.

This is a reminder.

Don't forget to scoot to school, everyone.

You can encourage people to stay active.

Good idea.

Laura here says, well, "I told the children in Reception class all about different kinds of exercise and why it's important to be active." Of course, telling younger children than yourself is good.

You are going to inspire them to be better.

Jacob says, "I made a video to show how I brush my teeth, and I explained that it's important to do it twice a day." Oh, I love watching videos, so that would really inspire me, I think.

And Sam says, "How did you present your information?" Ah, very good point.

I wonder what you chose to do with your presentations.

Whatever it is that you've done, I'm sure it's incredibly inspiring and able to encourage people to live a healthy life as everyone should have the chance to do.

Well done.

So let's summarise our lesson.

I can see an image there of people getting ready to present some information to each other.

Looks like they've got lots of different colouring and creative materials too.

It's really important for humans to have good hygiene in order to live a healthy life.

It's important for humans to exercise and eat the right amounts of different types of food, and scientists share important information by presenting it in different ways.

Well done everybody.

I hope that you've had some good fun presenting your information as well.

You've been able to prove different ways that you can stay healthy and maybe even learn about some new ways to keep healthy too.

Hopefully you go on to use your presentations to inspire other people in the future.

I've been Mr. Wilshire, thank you very much for listening.