
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mehrin, and I'm so excited to be learning with you today.

Today we are going to be learning about the importance of exercise.

Let's begin.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit Healthy me.

Your lesson outcome is, I can describe why it's important for humans to exercise.

Now I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit challenging, but that's okay because we are going to work really hard together, and we are going to learn lots of fabulous new things.

Let's begin.

Now here are your keywords for today.

We're going to do my turn, your turn.

My turn, healthy.

Your turn.

My turn, exercise.

Your turn.

My turn, heart rate.

Your turn.

My turn, lungs.

Your turn.

My turn, muscles.

Your turn.


Well done.

Now our lesson is put into two parts today.

We're going to begin with the first part, living a healthy life.

Now I want you to think really carefully.

How are these people living a healthy life? What are they doing in the picture that's helping them to be healthy? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So this little boy here is eating a healthy meal.

This person is washing their hands and getting rid of all those germs. And this person here is brushing their teeth to keep their teeth nice and healthy.

Now eating a healthy diet and having good personal hygiene are all ways of living a healthy life, so having a healthy lunch and having a shower.

Now, why is it important for humans to become and stay healthy? Why do you think that is? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So healthy life is important.

And humans who are healthy are more likely to feel well.

And being well can help humans to live a happy life.

So playing outside, catching a ball, these are all ways that we can be healthy.

Now, I want you to think.

What are they doing exactly that's helping them to have a healthy life? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So they are doing exercise outside, and that's helping them to live a healthy life.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

True or false, it's important for humans to live a healthy life.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is true.

Now I think it's because, a, living a healthy life can help to make you unwell, or b, living a healthy life can help to make you feel happy.

Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is b, living a healthy life can help to make you feel happy.

Now exercise means using a lot of effort to move our bodies so that they stay fit and healthy.

So we've got dancing, and swimming, and playing.

Now there are lots of different ways to exercise, and here are some of them.

Can you name any other ways of exercising? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Fantastic, well done.

So some other ways that we can do exercise is playing games, so maybe football or netball.

We could go running.

We could dance.

We could jump.

There are so many different ways that we can exercise.

So swimming, dancing, playing sports, walking, skipping, and gardening are all types of exercise.

Now I want you to think about this one.

What activities do you like to do to exercise? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So I love going for walks with my friends, and I love going swimming as well.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning so far.

Which of these are ways of exercising, a, watching television, b, playing, c, sleeping or d, cycling.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Playing and cycling are ways of exercising.

Now, true or false, exercise is not a good way of staying healthy.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Well done.

The answer is false.

I think this because, a, personal hygiene is the only way to stay healthy, or b, if we don't move our bodies, they won't stay fit and healthy.

Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is b, if we don't move our bodies, they won't stay fit and healthy.

Now here is your first task for today.

It says, which of these activities are types of exercise? Reading a book, rollerskating, playing, or playing a computer game.

I'll give you some time now to have a think about this.

If you need to, you can pause the video, and you can come back once you're ready.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So playing and roller skating are both types of exercise.

When you exercise, you are often very active and you move around a lot.

Now reading a book and playing a computer game and not types of exercise.

These can be fun things to do, but you usually keep still when you're doing them.

So you're not using a lot of effort to move your body.

Now I want you to try some different exercises.

So I want you to try dancing, playing, catching, kicking a football, and skipping.

And I want you to think about which exercise is your favourite.

So I want you to pause the video now and go and have a go at those activities.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Which one of those was your favourite? My favourite is dancing.

Now Aisha says, "My favourite exercise was kicking the ball between the cones.

When I tapped it gently, I could move really fast." Sofia says, "I really enjoyed the dancing.

We played some music, held hands, and danced together." Lucas says, "I liked the catching exercise.

We made it even harder by playing piggy in the middle." Now you might have tried some different types of exercises and enjoyed some different ones.

Now we are on to the second part of our learning today, which is the importance of exercise.

Now I want you to think about this question.

How do you feel after you've exercised? Jacob says, "I really enjoyed skipping, but I got out of breath because I was jumping so much." Laura says, "I could feel my heart beating faster after running around when I was playing." And Andeep says, "I felt really warm and sweaty after all of that exercise." Now why do you think this is? And do you feel like that after you've exercised as well? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Now exercise can make you breathe faster and increase your heart rate, which means your heart beats faster.

And when you get hot, you might also start to sweat more.

Does this happen to you when you exercise? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

Exercise can, a, make you breathe faster, b, make you breathe slower, c, make your heart beat faster, or d, make your heart beat slower.

There might be more than one right answer here.

I'll give you five seconds to think about which ones are correct.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

It's a and c.

Now when your heart rate increases, your heart beats faster.

This means your heart has to work harder.

Now, why can it be good for us if our heart is working harder? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So exercise can make your heart stronger by increasing your heart rate and making it work harder.

Now, what other body parts do you think are working hard when you exercise? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So when you breathe faster, your lungs are working harder.

And your lungs are the part of your body that you use to breathe.

Do you know where your lungs are? I'll give you five seconds before I show you.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Here are your lungs.

Did you get that right? Now when we exercise, our muscles work harder.

A muscle is a part of our body that helps our bones to move.

And exercising our muscles can make them stronger.

Why do you think that's a good thing? Why is it good to make our muscles stronger using exercise? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So exercising is an important part of living a healthy life.

And having a healthy heart, lungs, and muscles can help to keep you well.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

How can exercise help you to live a healthy life? Is it a, it can make your muscles stronger, b, it can make you sweat, or c, it can make you out of breath.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is it can make your muscles stronger.

Now here is your second task for today.

It says, jump on the spot or wave your arms over your head for one minute.

Describe what happens to your body.

Has your heart rate increased? Are you breathing faster? Do you feel warm or sweaty? So I want you to pause the video now and have a go at this activity for one minute.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So Sam says, "I can feel that my heart rate has gone up, which means my heart is beating faster.

I'm a bit out of breath and feel a bit hot." And Jun says, "I am breathing faster and I feel much warmer.

I started sweating, so I had to take my jumper off." Now did you feel that you had the same effects as well? Did your heart rate go up? Did you feel that you were breathing faster? And did you get hotter as well? I know I do when I exercise.

And just like Jun, you may have to take off your jumper if you're getting too hot.

But what a great way to get good exercise and stay warm if you are feeling a bit cold.

Now, number two, I want you to tell a partner why it's important to exercise.

And here, we have pictures of children exercising at school.

So I want you to use everything that you've learned today about why it's important to exercise and explain that to your partner.

I'd like you to pause the video now and have a go at doing that.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So Sam says, "It's important for humans to exercise so they can strengthen their bodies, especially their muscles." And Jun says, "It's important for humans to exercise as it helps to keep them healthy and strong.

Exercising can be lots of fun." So you'll have a much healthier, happier life if you are exercising and doing exercises that you find really fun.

And hopefully, today, after you've done some of the activities that we've done together, that you will have found something that you enjoy doing.

And you can do that every day if you wanted to.

Great way to stay active and healthy.

Now we are onto the summary of our learning today.

It says, it's important for humans to live a healthy life.

Exercise is one way for humans to become and stay healthy.

Exercise increases breathing rate, so how fast you're breathing, heart rate, and it can cause humans to sweat more.

And exercise is known to improve the strength of your heart, your lungs, and your muscles.

And the stronger your heart, lungs, and muscles are, the healthier you will be.

Now you have worked really, really hard today.

I am so proud of you.

You've done lots of exercise, and hopefully you've found one that you love doing.

Well done for today.