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Hi everybody.

It's great to see you again.

My name's Mrs. Hart, and I'm going to be your teacher today.

I can't wait to get started with our learning, so let's get going.

Today's lesson is from the Healthy Me Unit and it's called Washing Hands.

I wonder if you can guess what we're going to be doing today.

Well, by the end of today's lesson, you'll be able to describe why it is important for humans to wash their hands.

Some of the learning today might be new to you, but don't worry, I'm here to help you and we're going to have great fun along the way.

We'll start our lesson with today's key words.

These are words that are going to be important for our learning today.

I'm going to go through them with you now.

Don't worry if you're not sure what they mean, because I'll explain them to you as we go through the lesson.

So, I'll say each word and it'll be my turn.

And then I would like you to say the word back and it'll be your turn.

So, our first key word today, my turn is healthy.

Your turn.


Your turn.

My turn, germs. Your turn.

My turn, prevent.

Your turn.

My turn, hand washing.

Your turn.

Now, I think we're ready to begin today's lesson.

Today's lesson is in two parts.

So, we're gonna start with the first part now, which is called Healthy Me.

Many people like to exercise regularly and try to eat different types of food.

And here we can see some children who are doing some exercise.

Can you see what kind of exercise they're doing? That's right, there running.

And then we can see a family over here, eating some different foods.

If you look closely at the photograph, which different foods can you see? Well, I've spotted some salad, some spaghetti bolognese, apples and some bread.

It looks like a delicious lunch.

Why do you think that many people like to exercise regularly and try to eat different types of food? Talk to your partner, pause the video now and come back when you've got an answer.

Well, what did you decide? Why do you think people exercise regularly and try to eat different types of food? I wonder if the clue is in the title of this section of our lesson, Healthy Me.

Let's find out some more, shall we? These people are trying to live a healthy life.

Is that what you said? And we've got some more photographs here of people trying to live a healthy life.

We can see a child with his packed lunch and it looks like he's got lots of fruit and vegetables in that pack lunch today.

Do you have a pack lunch or perhaps you prefer a school dinner? And we can see some people playing basketball.

They're exercising, keeping active.

What do you think it means to live a healthy life? Again, pause the video now and talk to your partner and when you are ready, come back and we'll find out what it means to live a healthy life.

While living a healthy life, means that you do things to look after your body and your mind to keep them healthy.

Here we can see some people living a healthy life.

We can see this girl is eating a watermelon and we know that having a healthy diet is an important part of having a healthy life.

And then we can see a man walking his dog, he's taking some exercise.

Exercising regularly is also important as part of having a healthy life.

Why do you think it's important for humans to live a healthy life? And here we can see a couple more examples of ways of living a healthy life, keeping active by jumping on a trampoline.

I wonder if you have a trampoline to jump on.

Or keeping active by gardening.

We can see people doing some gardening, planting some seeds here.

So, pause the video now and talk to your partner.

Why do you think it's important for humans to live a healthy life? It's important for humans to live a healthy life to help them to stay well and happy.

And we'll find out some more about different ways and different things that we can do to help us to live healthy lives.

Here's our first check for understanding.

And it's a true or false question.

It says, "Humans can keep active "and eat well to help them live a healthy life." Do you think this is true or is it false? Talk to your partner and pause the video now and come back when you think you've got an answer.

So, what did you decide? Is this true or false? It's true.

Humans can keep active and eat well to help them to live a healthy life.

But why do you think this? Is it because it's important for humans to live a healthy life to be well and happy, or humans need to live a healthy life to do more exercise? Again, pause the video now, have a talk to your partner and come back when you think you have the answer.

So, what did you decide? Why do we think that humans can keep active and eat well to help 'em to live a healthy life? Well, I think this because it's important for humans to live a healthy life, to be well and happy.

And like I said earlier, there are different ways of doing this.

So, let's find out some more.

These photographs show ways in which you can have good personal hygiene.

It's one of our key words today.

We can see someone washing their hands.

Looks like they're using some soap as well and someone getting ready to have a bath.

What do you think that having good personal hygiene means? Have a chat to your partner and pause the video now.

So, what did you decide? What does it mean to have good personal hygiene? Well, personal hygiene is the way that we care for our bodies.

It's the way we keep them clean.

It might be washing our hands, it could be having a bath or a shower.

And here we can see some photographs of a shower and somebody washing their hands.

What else do you do to have good personal hygiene? Have a think and come back when you have an answer.

Did you think of anything that you do to have good personal hygiene? Perhaps you wash your hands after playtime.

Perhaps you wash your hands before you eat.

Maybe you have a bath or a shower every night.

There are lots of different things that you can do to have good personal hygiene.

And now we have our next check for understanding.

So, which of these helps humans to have good personal hygiene? I'm going to have to remember what we've just talked about on those slides.

What was good personal hygiene.

So, is it exercising regularly, helps humans to have good personal hygiene? Eating well helps humans to have good personal hygiene or is it taking showers regularly? Pause the video now, have a chat with a partner and come back when you think you've worked out the answer.

Well, earlier on we said that having good personal hygiene was about keeping ourselves clean.

So, which of these would help to keep us clean I wonder? Is it the exercising? Well, I certainly don't feel particularly clean, after I've been exercising.

Does eating keep us clean? Not really.

So taking showers regularly, that is a great way of having good personal hygiene and keeping ourselves clean and well done if that's what you said.

We're onto our first task now.

Laura and Jacob are having a chat, about ways of keeping healthy.

Laura says, "I think that exercising "and eating healthy food are the only ways "that we can lead a healthy life." Jacob says, "I think that there are other ways "that we can be healthy." Who do you agree with? Talk to a partner to describe other ways to be healthy.

So, have a think about what Laura is saying and what Jacob's saying.

Who do you agree with and can you think of any other ways of staying healthy? Pause the video now and come back when you've got your answers.

What did you decide? I think Jacob's right There are other ways we can be healthy.

Exercising and eating healthy food are brilliant ways of staying healthy, Laura.

But there are other things we can do to help us to lead a healthy life.

So, Jacob says we can also take care of our personal hygiene.

Is that what you said? This means keeping ourselves clean by having regular baths or showers and washing our hands.

This can help us to lead a healthy life.

Did you say that or perhaps you had some other ideas too.

Well done if that's what you thought.

Great work, everybody.

Now we're on to the second part of our lesson and this part of the lesson is called washing hands.

So, let's find out some more about why it's so important to wash our hands.

We use our hands for lots of different activities every day.

And we can see here some children playing with dough, using their hands, digging maybe in a sandpit or in a mud pit and playing some music.

This person's playing a piano or a keyboard.

What have you used your hands for today? Pause the video now.

Have a chat with your partner and then come back when you've got your answers.

You're back again.

What did you decide? What have you used your hands for today? I bet there were loads of things that you thought of.

Perhaps you've used your hands for having your snack or your lunch for writing or drawing, for measuring, for playing, maybe you've been digging.

I bet you thought of lots of things you've used your hands for.

What kind of things did you think of? There are so many different things that we use our hands for.

I bet that everybody had different answers.

Well, well done.

Let's find out some more, shall we? Our hands get dirty when we use them.

Let's have a look at our hands now.

How are your hands looking? Are they looking clean or are they looking dirty? Mine don't look too bad.

After messy activities, we can see that our hands aren't clean.

So, perhaps you've been using a felt tip pen or doing some painting or playing with some mud and you might be able to see the dirt in your hands.

Have another look.

Can you see any dirt or any pens or paint on your hand? Sometimes though our hands can look clean, even when they aren't.

Do you know what is also on our hands that is invisible? Pause the video now and have a chat with your partner and come back when you think you have your answer.

What did you decide then? Did you have a good look at your hands? Maybe like me, you thought they were quite clean, but perhaps there's something on there that I can't see.

What did you decide? What is also on our hands that's invisible? Well, some of the things that we cannot see are called germs. Perhaps you've heard of germs before.

We'll find out some more about germs now.

Scientists can look at germs using a microscope.

And a microscope just makes very tiny things, much, much bigger.

So, that things we can't normally see just with our eyes, we'll be able to see through the microscope.

It's like a very strong magnifying glass.

So, we can see the scientists, looking at germs through her microscope.

And here we have a picture of germs. That's what she can see through her microscope.

If I looked at my hands, I can't see them on my hands, but they could be there.

They're just so tiny that my eyes can't see them.

I would need to get a microscope to have a really good look.

So, germs appear bigger through a microscope.

What do you know about germs? Now's a great time to have a chat with a partner or maybe in a small group.

What do you know about germs? Have a chat and then come back when you've thought for some ideas.

Okay, then what did you think about? What did you chat about? Do you know something about germs already? Let's find out some more.

Perhaps you knew that some germs are good for us, because some germs are, they're good for keeping us healthy.

However, perhaps you knew that a lot of germs can be harmful to humans.

They can make us unwell.

You might have heard of that before.

Germs that might give you a cold or a cough or maybe a funny tummy.

So, we can see some different germs, through a microscope this time.

Remember they're very tiny, so we can't actually see them with our eyes, but when we look through that microscope and it makes them look much, much bigger.

Some germs look a bit like this.

We can see a girl who's feeling a little bit poorly.

She looks like she might have a cold and is blowing her nose.

And then we can see a different type of germ, through a microscope.

How do you think that germs are spread between humans? Pause the video now and have a chat with your partner, about how you think germs are spread between humans.

Well, what did you decide? How do you think germs are spread between humans? Germs can be spread when people touch the same things or they touch each other.

If there were germs on a person's hands, remember we can't see them 'cause they're so tiny.

This could make them unwell if perhaps they touch a person that's got germs on them or they touch the same thing that has germs on it and then they rub their eyes.

Or perhaps some people put their fingers in their mouths and that can help the germs to get into your system and make you feel unwell.

And we can see people touching each other, giving each other a high five or touching the same things, like toys.

And as we said, if people rub their eyes or perhaps when they're eating or they put their fingers by their mouths, that can help germs to spread.

How can we prevent this from happening? There's another one of our key words.

I wonder if you know what prevent means? That's right, it means stop.

How can we stop this from happening, 'cause we don't want to be poorly all the time, do we? How can we prevent the germs from spreading? What might help? Pause the video now and have a think.

So, what did you decide? How can we prevent this from happening? We've got another check for understanding next and we'll talk a little bit more about how we can prevent or stop this from happening, once we've done our check for understanding.

So, another true or false question today, germs can be spread easily between people.

Do you think that's true or false? Pause the video now and have a chat with a partner.

Well, what did you decide? Can germs be spread easily between people? I'm hoping you remember that it's true.

So, why do you think this is? Is it because germs are invisible or is it because germs spread when people touch the same things? Which of those means that germs can be spread easily between people? Again, pause the video and have a chat about this.

So, what did you decide? I think this because germs spread when people touch the same things.

And we often touch the same things, don't we? Like toys or pencils or the remote control for the television? So, it's very easy for germs to spread.

They are invisible and we can't see them.

But the way they are spread is when we touch the same things.

Well done, if that's what you said.

Some scientists investigate or try to find out how germs spread and how this can be prevented or stopped.

And here we can see a scientist, looking into the microscope investigating germs and we can see a child who's feeling unwell.

She looks like she's got a very sore nose, perhaps she's got a cold.

Why do you think that scientists investigate how germs spread and how it can be prevented? Have a talk with your partner and pause the video now.

But what did you decide? Why do you think that scientists investigate how germs spread and how it could be prevented? Let's find out some more.

Scientists want to prevent or stop the spread of harmful germs, so that fewer people become unwell, because it's not fun to feel poorly, is it? So, scientists try to find ways of stopping that from happening.

Now we can see that little a boy with a thermometer in his mouth feeling poorly.

And another scientist investigating germs. What can we do to prevent or to stop the spread of germs? Well, if we're touching the same things, perhaps there's something we could do to stop the germs from spreading.

Which word tells us that scientists want to stop the spread of germs? Is it prevent, investigate or microscope? Pause the video now and come back when you've worked out your answer.

So, which word did we say meant stop.

Well done if you said it was prevent.

Prevent means stop.

And scientists want to prevent the spread of germs, which means stopping the spread of germs. Great work, everyone.

So, now we're thinking again about what we can do to prevent or to stop the spread of germs. Washing our hands could help to prevent the spread of germs. Why do you think this is.

What's happening to our hands when we wash them? Pause the video now and have a chat with your partner.

Well, when we wash our hands, it removes, it gets rid of some or all of the germs that are on our hands.

And this prevents them from spreading to other people.

And now we can see somebody washing their hands.

It looks like they've used water and some soap to try and get rid of as many germs as possible.

When did you last wash your hands? Have a think about that question.

I hope it wasn't too long ago.

Was it just before this lesson? Was it maybe before or after you'd eaten? Whatever your answer, I hope it wasn't too long ago.

What can help to prevent the spread of germs? Is it eating well, keeping active or handwashing? Pause the video now and have a talk to your partner.

So, what did you decide? What can help to prevent to stop the spread of germs? Well, we know that there can be lots of invisible germs on our hands that we can't see.

So, washing our hands or help to prevent the spread of germs because washing our hands is going to get rid of some or maybe all of the germs that we can't see on them.

Well done if that's what you said.

Now, your next task is a hand glitter test.

And you are going to need a couple of things for this task.

You are going to need some sanitizer gel and you're also gonna need some glitter.

What you're gonna do, you're gonna put just a little bit sanitizer on your hand.

There we go.

We can rub that in over our palms. There we're.

And then your adult, perhaps it's your teacher, is gonna put a tiny bit of glitter on your hands.

And the glitter is going to represent, it's going to pretend to be germs, because we know that we can't see germs, 'cause they're so small, they're invisible.

So, we're going to pretend that the glitter is germs. I'm hoping you can see them on my hands.

We're gonna pretend that these are the germs on our hands.

We're going touch very carefully.

We're gonna touch other people.

We're gonna touch surfaces like tables or chairs, and we're going to see what happens when our pretend germs touch other people and other things.

So, you are going to observe, which means you're going to look really carefully on what happens to the germs in your hands when you touch other people or other things, you might notice how they spread.

So, pause the video now and you're gonna ask your teacher for a little bit of sanitizer gel and a little bit of glitter and see how those germs spread.

Off you go.

Well, how did you get on? Maybe you were like me and you had glitter all over your hands.

What happened when you touched other people or if you touched a table or a chair or perhaps a toy? What did you notice happened to the glitter germs that we put on our hands? I found that glitter went everywhere, got glitter on my table.

I've now got glitter on my computer.

So, imagine if these were actual germs that we couldn't see, then I would be leaving germs on the table.

I would be leaving germs on my computer.

And everything I touched has now got glitter all over it.

I'm hoping your classroom's not too messy now.

The second part of this task is to now get rid of your pretend germs. You might be like me and you've still got them all over your hands.

So, we know that the best way of getting rid of real germs, those germs that we can't see is by washing our hands.

So, I'd like you to try washing your hands three different ways.

You could try washing your glittery germy hands with just cold water.

You could try washing your hands with warm water and you could try washing your hands with warm water with some soap as well.

So, which of these ways of washing your hands, gets rid of or removes the most germs, the most glitter? Which one do you think it'll be? Let's go and find out, shall we? Well, how did you get on? Did you try washing your hands in the three different ways? Or perhaps some of you wash your hands with cold water.

Some of you tried the warm water and some of you tried warm water with soap.

Which one removed most of the glitter? Most of the germs? Well, Sam's tried this activity and she says, "The cold water "and the warm water got rid of some of the germs." So some of the glitter.

"The soap made my hands very slippery "and nearly all of the germs came off." That's really interesting, Sam.

I wonder then, which way of washing your hands is the best way to get rid of the most germs? Pause the video now and have a think about that question.

Which way is the best way of washing your hands to get rid of the most germs? Well, what did you decide? Well, I noticed the same as Sam that when I used the soap, my hands became much more slippery and that's when most of the glittery germs came off.

So, I think that using soap is a really important part of washing your hands.

Do you always use soap when you wash your hands? I hope so.

So, let's find out what we have learned today.

We have found out that personal hygiene is a way that we care for our bodies.

Do you remember we said that personal hygiene was about keeping our bodies clean, and that's a great way of caring for our bodies.

We've also found out that invisible germs, so germs we can't see, they can be passed easily between humans.

We touch things and then if we touch our mouths or rub our eyes, they can be spread really easily.

Some scientists investigate how germs spread and how this can be prevented or stopped.

Washing your hands regularly, which means often is one of the best ways to remove, get rid of germs and prevent them from spreading.

So, I'm hoping that you've given your hands a really good wash in this lesson and that all your germs are now gone.

I think I might need to wash mine again.

I've still got a few left, but I hope you enjoyed the lesson today and I hope you're going to remember to wash your hands regularly in the future to get rid of all those invisible germs and help to prevent their spread.

Well done everyone, you did a brilliant job today.