
Lesson video

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Hello everyone.

This is Mr. James and I hope that you are feeling curious and ready to do some science with me today.


Let's get started.

Today's lesson is from the unit Simple Electric Circuits, and our lesson is called Working with Electricity.

As a lesson outcome today, can you describe different careers associated with electricity? Let's hope you'll be able to do that after the lesson.

We have some key words.

You can repeat them after me.

Science, scientist, engineer, findings, and electrician.

We can have a look at what those words mean.

I'll leave them up for you for a moment.

You can pause the video if you need to or just be reassured that these words are here for you to come back to anytime that you need to come back to them.

Pause the video now if you need to.

Our lesson is going to begin today with science in different jobs, and then we'll go on to talk about electrical engineers and electricians.

So science in different jobs.

Jun, Laura, and Jacob are talking about jobs related to science.

Jun says, if you want to do science, you should become a scientist.

Laura says, engineers do science so you could become an engineer.

Jacob says, farmers do science too because they grow plants and raise animals.

Who do you agree with? Pause the video.

Take a moment to think about that.

I wonder who you agreed with.

Did you agree with all of them? Maybe you thought of some other jobs that have a science connection as well 'cause there are an awful lot of them.

Science is the study of the natural and human made world, including how and why things happen.

What is a scientist? A scientist is a person who learns about science and investigates answers to questions about the world.

What is an engineer? An engineer is a person who designs and builds things to solve problems. Engineers use scientific ideas and results to design practical solutions.

Both engineers and scientists work in science.

Scientists carry out research to learn how the world works.

Engineers design, test, and create equipment to allow scientists to carry out their research effectively.

Engineers design and create many things to help us live in the world.

They rely on information from scientists to help them create effective designs.

There are many jobs that use the findings of scientists and engineers to help them carry out their work.

Jacob says, farmers do science too because they grow plants and raise animals.

Jacob is not quite right.

Farmers use the findings of scientists and engineers to help them carry out their work.

Agricultural scientists carry out tests to grow healthier crops and farmers use these findings in their farming.

Mechanical engineers design all sorts of machines which farmers use, including those to prepare soil, grow crops and milk cows.

Farmers provide food to feed us all, including scientists and engineers.

Other jobs also use the results of science.

Scientists test ingredients to make and improve hair dyes.

Hairdressers learn how to use the new dyes safely.

They do not do science, but they use science.

They use the results of science in their work.

Which of the following activities are doing science? What do you think? A, investigating the temperature at which different liquids boil.

B, measuring the correct amount of liquid to put in a recipe.

C, selling liquid cleaning products.

D, comparing how different liquids react when mixed.

Have a think about that for a moment.

Pause the video if you need to.

How did you get on? A is doing science when you are investigating the temperature at which different liquids boil.

D is doing science.

When you're comparing how different liquids react when mixed.

True or false? A hairdresser is a scientist because they have to use hair dyes safely.

What do you think? It's false.

Now you need to think why.

What's the reason for that? Can you justify your answer? Here are a couple of suggestions.

A, a hairdresser does not have to know how to use hair dyes safely.

B, a hairdresser uses the results of scientific research but does not do science.

What do you think? Which one did you think was the best answer? This is correct.


A hairdresser uses the results of scientific research but doesn't actually do the science.

Sort these jobs into those that involve doing science and those which involve using science or the results of science.

There are some on this slide and there are some on the next slide, so I'll read them through for you and you can have a think as we go before you need to do some sorting.

Here we go.

Marine biologist.

Well, marine biologist is someone who investigates living things in the sea.

A zoologist.

A zoologist learns about animals.

A dog walker.

A dog walker takes dogs for walks.

A fisherman, a fisherman catches fish for food.

A physiotherapist.

A physiotherapist uses knowledge of our bodies to help people move.

A photographer, a photographer takes photographs.

A mechanic, a mechanic inspects and repairs machinery.

A botanist.

A botanist studies plants.

A virologist.

A virologist learns how viruses are spread.

A construction worker, a construction worker, builds structures and buildings.

A painter, a painter paints rooms and buildings.

A geologist.

A geologist studies rocks, minerals, and fossils.

Pause the video now so you can do some sorting of those jobs, which involve doing science and those which involve using science.

Good luck with that.

I hope you got on well with that sorting.

Here's how the jobs should be grouped.

These jobs involve doing science, marine biologist, zoologist, botanist, physiotherapist, virologist and geologist.

You might notice something similar in the in the way the names are spelled and these jobs are involve using science, fisherman, dog walker, a photographer, a mechanic, a construction worker, and a painter.

Now what I'd like you to do is to match these scientific findings and a scientific finding is the result of a scientific inquiry.

Can you match the finding with a job which relies on the finding? And those jobs are listed on the next slide.

So I'll read the findings for you first.

Okay, ready? Humans need vitamins to survive.

Plants need minerals to grow.

Some substances kill plants and fish in our rivers.

Plastic does not break down in the environment.

Each person has a unique fingerprint.

They do not match other peoples'.

Some substances help blood to clot and stop people from bleeding.

Now let's take a look at some jobs and we'll think about which of those jobs might rely on which of those findings that I've just read to you.

Okay, here we go.


Politicians making decisions about what companies can flush down drains.

Next one, materials companies that are choosing packaging.

Next one, apolice detective working out who committed a crime.

And the next.

Dietitians advising people what they should eat.

Next, companies making fertilisers for farmers.

And the last one, paramedics and doctors.

All right, your turn now to match the scientific finding.

That's the result of the inquiry, the scientific inquiry.

You've gotta match those to the jobs which rely on those findings.

You'll need to pause the video to do that.

Well, I'm sure that's certainly got you thinking.

Here are some pairs matched up for you.

See if you've got the same result.

The scientific finding is humans need vitamins to survive and the job which uses it.

Dietitians advising people what to eat.

Next finding is this.

Plants need minerals to grow and the job which uses it is companies that are making fertiliser for farmers.

Next finding, some substances kill plants and fish in our rivers and the job which could use that finding, a politician, making decisions about what companies can flush down drains.

Next finding, plastic doesn't break down in the environment and a job which might find that useful.

Materials companies choosing packaging for their products.

Our next finding.

Each person has a unique fingerprint.

They do not match other people's.

And the job which would find that useful is a police detective working out who committed a crime.

Last finding, some substances help blood to clot and stop people from bleeding and the job that would find that very useful indeed.

Paramedics and doctors.

Well done for sorting those out.

Did you manage to match them all? The second part of our lesson is about electrical engineers and electricians.

Jun, Laura and Jacob all want to work with electricity when they grow up.

Jun says, I want to become a scientist who studies physics because they work with electricity.

Laura says, I want to become an engineer because they work with electricity.

And Jacob, he says, I want to become an electrician because they work with electricity.

How do these jobs relate to electricity? What do you think? Pause the video and have a little discussion about that now.

All of the children are correct.

Physicists are scientists who study electricity among other things.

They ask questions and seek answers about electricity.

This helps us understand how electricity works and how it can be used.

Electrical engineers design, develop and test the manufacturing of electrical systems and electrical devices.

Electrical engineers are not scientists, but they apply science in a wide range of jobs.

Some design electronic circuits and components.

Some electrical engineers work on the generation and transfer of electricity.

You can see some wind turbines in the photograph.

A familiar site.

They, electrical engineers, designed turbines used in power stations and they consider the best way to transfer the electricity to our buildings and vehicles.

Engineers design ways to generate electricity, which do not rely on fossil fuels such as solar and wind power systems. Some electrical engineers design and develop electrical devices such as mobile phones, computers, medical devices, and audio equipment.

Electricians are not scientists either.

In their job, electricians use the findings of scientists and engineers to help us use electricity safely in our daily lives.

They can solve wiring problems to help us get electricity to our houses.

They check if circuits have been built correctly and repair broken appliances.

We need all of these professionals to help us in our day-to-day lives, scientists, electrical engineers and electricians support each other's work and help us with our use of electricity and electrical appliances.

What type of engineer designs new circuits for electrical appliances? Do you think it's A, a mechanical engineer? B, an electrical engineer or C, a software engineer? What do you think? Yes, it's an electrical engineer.

Which of these jobs do electricians do? A, design new circuits for electrical appliances? B, solve wiring problems, C, design new ways to generate electricity? D, repair broken appliances? What do you think? Take a moment to think about that and then I'll give you the answers.


They solve wiring problems and they repair broken appliances.

Those are jobs that electricians do.

Task B now, write a job profile for an electrical engineer and one for an electrician.

You'll need to include what they do day-to-day, what skills you think they need and also how their jobs link to science.

Ready to do that? Fantastic.

Pause the video now.

Great job.

I'm sure you've written a job profile that somebody would love to apply for.

Jacob had a go two writing a job profile for an electrical engineer and this is what he came up with.

What they do, design, develop and test electrical systems and electronic devices.

Design electronic circuits and components, work on the generation and transfer of electricity, design and develop electrical devices.

The link to science.

They use results of science to inform their designs and what skills or interests they need.

An interest in electricity, problem solving and creativity, and an understanding of how machines work.

Jacob wrote a job profile for an electrician.

Here's what they do.

Solve wiring problems to get electricity to our buildings and homes.

Check if circuits have been built correctly and repair broken appliances.

And the link to science in their work is they use the results of science to help us use electricity safely.

What skills or interests does an electrician need? Well, an interest in electricity that would help problem solving.

And to be aware of safety rules.

That's very important.

I wonder if your job profiles looked anything like Jacob's.

And I wonder also if any of you have moms or dads perhaps, or uncles or aunties that do any of those jobs.

So a summary of what we've learned today.

Working with electricity.

There are many jobs that use the results of scientists and engineers to help them carry out their work.

Electrical engineers carry out tests to design new circuits for electrical appliances.

Electricians solve wiring problems. Check if circuits have been built incorrectly and repair broken appliances.

Well, you've been busy today and done some great work.

Well done and I will see you next time.
