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Exploration of objects

Adult supervision recommended


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Hello, everyone.

Welcome to our science lesson.

I'm Dr.

Pemberton and I hope you're all looking forward to doing some science.

I'm looking forward to it and today's lesson is called Simple Machines.

Do you know what a simple machine is? I think that by the end of the lesson you'll realise that you do already know quite a few simple machines, you just might not know that that's what they're called.

The learning outcome for today is that you can use your understanding of simple machines to invent something that can be used to make everyday work easier.

It's part of our big question, how do forces make things happen? Hopefully you've got your inventing hats on so that we can have some fun later designing our own machines.

These are the keywords that we'll be using in today's lesson.


Simple machine.

Inclined plane.


And engineer.

Some of these words might be new to you, but I'm sure some of them are fairly familiar already.

This slide shows the meaning of each of the keywords and I'll explain them as we come across them during the lesson rather than going through all of them now.

So this is here as a reminder that you might like to come back to and you might like to check later whether you're confident with these words.

This is our lesson outline for today.

There are two parts to the lesson.

We'll begin by learning how simple machines make life easier, and then we'll be learning about simple machines in history.

We're going to get going on the first part of our lessons now.

Simple machines make life easier.

When we think of machines, we might think of engines or robots, but not all machines have moving parts like engines and not all machines need power like robots.

And you can see an engine and a Mars Rover robot in the pictures.

Simple machines and mechanisms make work easier.

They change the direction or size of the force needed to do a job.

This means that they can reduce the effort needed to move something.

In the photo you can see a pulley and a lever used to help raise sails on a boat.

Levers, pulley, and gears are simple machines.

They help people do difficult tasks more easily.

Here we can see some flagpoles.

Pulleys are used on flagpoles that would be too high to reach otherwise.

Here's a spanner.

Now spanners can loosen and tighten with great force and with a force much greater than you could use just with your hand.

Now finally, gears allow cyclists to cycle up really steep hills.

Can you name any of these simple machines? Starting from the left, we have wheels with axles, inclined planes, which are also called ramps.

This one's a lifeboat ramp going from the lifeboat house into the sea.

Wedges, like the blade of an axe.

And screws.

Have a think.

Where have you seen any of these being used? What we've learned so far by trying a couple of questions.

This one's a multiple choice question.

Why do people use simple machines to perform tasks? Is it because A, they make it cheaper? B, they're fun to use.

Or C, they make tasks easier.

Well done if you chose C.

People use simple machines to perform tasks because they make tasks easier.

Let's try another one.

Which simple machine is shown in this image? Is it A, a wedge, B, an inclined plane, C, a screw, or D, wheels with axle.

That's right, it's B, an inclined plane.

This image shows a ramp leading up to a first floor.

Remember that ramps are inclined planes.

Let's try a couple more.

Which simple machine is shown in this image? Is it A, a screw, B, an inclined plane, C, wheels with axle, or D, a lever.

That's right, it's A, a screw.

Okay, one more.

Which simple machine is shown in this image? Is it A, a screw? B, wheels with axle.

C, an incline plane.

Or D, a pulley.

That's right, it's B, wheels with axle.

This one is used for winding cable.

Okay, it's your turn to do some science now.

Izzy and she says, "I wonder what simple machines are in my house." You're going to annotate a photo of an everyday item, which includes a simple machine.

Perhaps it'll be one that you've seen near your house.

You need to make sure that you include what it is, how it makes life easier, and any parts that you can name.

You're going to annotate one of these photos of an everyday item which includes a simple machine.

It's time for you to pause the video and try the task.

When you finished, come and rejoin me for the next part of the lesson.

Welcome back.

How did you get on with your annotations? Remember, your job was to annotate a photo of an everyday item which includes a simple machine.

If you did the wheelbarrow, you might have done something like this.

There is a title, wheelbarrow, and Izzy has added these labels.

Bucket, the load goes in here.

The rods from the handle to the axle are levers.

Legs to stop it falling over.

And wheel and axle, this allows the load to be rolled over surfaces not just dragged or pushed.

And she's noted that the wheelbarrow makes life easier because it allows people to lift and move loads which are heavier than they could have managed without it.

If you did the horsebox, you might have done something like this.

Again, there's a title and Izzy's added these labels.

Wheel and axle.

This allows the load to be rolled over surfaces, not just dragged or pushed.

A ramp.

This makes it easy to get up into the box.

And she's noted the ramp on the horsebox makes life easier because people in horses would find it hard to make the big step up into the box.

The wheels allow it to roll smoothly over surfaces rather than being dragged.

If you did the washing line, you might have done something like this.

There is a title and Izzy has added these labels.


This changes the direction of a force so someone can pull down and the washing moves up.

Then she's labelled the rope on the right.

And then at the bottom on the left, the wooden post.

The pulley is attached to this.

She's noted that the pulley on the washing line makes life easier because it allows people to lift the washing much higher up than they could do otherwise.

This means it's out of the way and stays clean.

Now, we're going to move on to our second section where we're going to learn our simple machines in history.

People have used simple machines for thousands of years.

Ancient inventions helped people to find water, move large objects, and construct buildings.

In the photos we can see a well, Stonehenge, and an Egyptian pyramid.

How might simple machines have helped with each of these? Ancient Egyptians use levers and inclined planes to raise large stones used to build the pyramids.

In the picture, you can see Ancient Egyptians using those planes and you can see that they're dragging a stone up the inclined plane, which is much easier than lifting it high up on a rope.

The people that came up with the ideas were the early scientists and engineers, even though they weren't called that back then, not everyone agrees on when the pulley was invented or who the ancient engineers were.

In this picture, you can see a man using a pulley and logs to help him pull a ship out of the sea.

Some say that Archimedes, the famous Greek thinker, used a pulley to do this to lift a ship out of a harbour around 287 BCE.

Others say that Egyptians were the first to use them when they used them to help pull the blocks up inclined planes.

The wheel is thought to have been invented by the Sumerians around 5,000 years ago.

The first wheel was probably just a log over which objects were rolled, and that still made it easier than pushing it along the ground.

And then over time, the design gradually developed finally to become a pair of wheels and an axle to which a load could be attached, just like you can see in the drawing.

It's not just ancient people that use machines.

Engineers still include simple machines in modern inventions.

Screws are the main part of the jacks, which are used to lift vehicles.

Ramps are used to help vehicles drive on and off ferries.

And wheels and axles are also used in vehicles.

Let's try a few questions to see how we're getting on.

This one's a multiple choice question.

Which of these simple machines were used by the Ancient Egyptians to build the pyramids? Was it A, screws, B, inclined planes, or C, levers? That's right, it's B, inclined planes and C, levers.

The Ancient Egyptians used both to build the pyramids.

Let's try another one.

This one's another multiple choice question.

The first blank was probably a log over which objects could be rolled.

Is the blank A, wheel and axle, B, wedge, or C, lever? That's right, it's a wheel and axle.

Now it's time for you to do your final task.

These children are thinking about inventing simple machines that would help them to do everyday work.

Can you think of any inventions that would make your life easier? Andeep says, "I want to design a machine that will pull my boots off." Sofia says, "I'm going to design a machine to replace books back on the shelf." And Alex says, "My machine will scrape waste food off plates into the bin." What ideas have you got? I'd like a machine to pick up socks off the floor.

I'd also like a machine to wipe the table after dinner.

Maybe want to do the washing up.

I think my children could do with a machine to hang up their coats or perhaps a machine to put the cereal boxes back in the cupboard after breakfast.

Have you got a pet? Perhaps you could have a machine to help you there.

I wonder if there's a machine that could walk a dog or clear out a hamster cage and give them fresh sawdust.

Spend a minute thinking of ideas, then come back to here how to present your design.

So, you need to design a machine to do an everyday activity and your machine can include one or more than one simple machine.

Remember that simple machines are levers, pulleys, wheels and axles, and that includes gears, they're a type of wheel and axle.

Inclined planes, screws, and wedges.

So you might have one lever and two pulleys or one wedge, one screw, one inclined plane.

You can have a mixture of all of them, so make your design really fun with lots of stages.

Then when you know what you're doing, draw, label, and annotate your design to show which machines you will include and what they will do.

Okay, pause the video now and go and try this and then come back and join me.

So your task was to design a new machine to do an everyday activity.

Here's an example of an invention.

This one's Andeep's so I wonder if it's similar to yours.

So Andeep has designed the boot removing machine that he mentioned on the previous slide.

He's drawn a person sitting on a stool about to have their boot pulled off and it was quite a good idea that he drew a stick person.

He didn't spend hours making it look like an artistic drawing because this is a scientific drawing, so we just want to know how it works, not know exactly what clothes people are wearing.

Starting from the left, he's labelled the pulley, the boot, a rope, a small gear that he'll turn with a handle, and a gear that's attached to a wheel and an axle.

He's also written an explanation.

One, I turn a small gear with a handle to make a bigger gear turn with more force.

Okay, you can see the small gear that his hand's touching and then directly below it there's a bigger one.

Next, number two, a chain links the big gear to an even bigger gear, which is part of a whee and axle.

Three, the rope is wound onto the axle.

And then four, the rope goes around a pulley and the end is hooked onto the bottom of my boot.

So as the rope is pulled, it pulls my boot off.

So Andeep sits in his chair and he turns the small gear.

Then that turns the bigger gear, which is attached to the chain.

The chain turns the wheel and axle, and that pulls the rope around the pulley and then his boot is pulled off.


I wonder what your invention did.

Which simple machines did you use in it? Well, we're coming to the end of our learning.

Let's look at the summary to remind ourselves what we have learned.

Simple machines and mechanisms make work easier.

They change the direction or size of the force needed to do a job.

There six types of simple machines.

They are levers, pulleys, gears, screws, inclined planes, and wheels and axles.

Ancient inventions helped people to find water, to move large objects, and construct buildings.

And simple machines are still used today in modern inventions.

Well, I've learned an awful lot about simple machines today.

I knew some of the names and I was familiar with some of them, but I didn't realise that they were all called simple machines and they were classed together.

I hope you've learned something new today and I hope that you might notice simple machines every day in your day-to-day life now.

Perhaps you could look out for them over the next week and then tell somebody about them.

You can be the teacher.

They're all over the place, I think you'll spot some.

Well, well done for your hard work and have a great day.

I'll see you next time.