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Hi, everyone, it's Ms. Panchal here.

I hope that you are well and you've had a great day so far.

I'm really glad that you've decided to join me on today's lesson.

So this science lesson is going to be focusing on the changes in adulthood, and this is all part of our bigger unit of learning on human development.

We've got lots of learning to do today, so let's get started.

So the learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can describe changes in humans as they develop in adulthood.

So we're going to talk through some key words now that we're going to use in today's lesson.

So we've got human, develop, adult, adulthood and chronological order.

Now, some of these words you would've heard in the previous lessons or actually in other subjects, but please don't worry if you're not too sure of some of the meanings 'cause we're going to go through all of these words in today's lesson.

So I'm going to put some definitions up now and what I'd like you to do is pause the video here and have a little bit of quiet reading time to yourself to understand these words a little bit better.

Click play when you're ready to continue with the rest of the lesson.

Great job.

I hope rereading those definitions really helps you to understand the words a bit better.

So our lesson today is split up into two sections.

So we've got adulthood and we've got recording changes during adulthood.

So let's get started with learning all about adulthood.

So humans go through lots of changes and development stages as they grow from babies.

Do you remember the names of any of these stages? Can you name any of them? Well done.

So some of these stages you've actually looked at already in previous lessons.

What can humans do at each stage? So you will know from what you can do when you were a little baby to what you can do now is actually very different.

For example, you can walk, you can talk, you could feed yourself, whereas when you were first born, you were not able to any of those things.

These are the stages of development up to the age of 20 years in humans.

So we first got a baby, so age zero to 12 months.

Dependent on parent for care.

So when you are a baby, you are dependent on an adult to pretty much do everything for you.

When you get to a toddler, so that's between the ages of one and three years old and that's where you are learning to walk and talk.

And then we move on to being a child.

So that's your age.

Between age three to 12 years old, developing skills such as reading and writing.

We move on to being an adolescent.

So ages 12 to 20 years old.

And during that time, lots of body changes happen during puberty.

What do you think is the next stage? Well done.

It's all about adulthood.

So when human's bodies and brains have finished growing and developing, they are called adults.

Adulthood is generally considered to begin at around 20 years old, but remember as I've said previously, everyone develops at different rates.

Let's have a quick check of our learning so far.

Starting with the youngest, order the stages of human development.

So I'll read the different options to you and then I want you to order them.

We've got A, adult.

B, baby.

C, adolescent and D, toddler.

So I want you to look at these different stages and order them in terms of human development.

So pause the video here, have a go and click back when you're ready to continue and we'll go through the answer.

Fantastic job.

So the first one is baby and then toddler, child, adolescent, and then adult.

Fantastic work everyone, well done.

So let's move on.

In early adulthood, a human's physical development is complete.

This means they have reached their full height and their body, including muscles, is fully developed.

At this stage, a human's height is not related to their age.

A taller adult may be younger than a shorter adult.

For example, I'm much taller than my mom.

I'm five foot eight and my mom is probably about five foot three.

And obviously my mom is a lot older than I am.

So just because my mom is older than me, doesn't mean that she's going to be taller than me.

At the adult stage, a human's intellectual development is also complete.

They have learned many of the physical and social skills they need to look after themselves and can live independently from their parents.

Adults are able to use more complex skills such as driving, using tools and cooking meals.

So when a human develops into an adult, they're able to do lots more things and they're pretty much able to do everything themselves and actually learn lots of other complex things.

For example, driving.

Learning how to drive can be quite challenging.

There's lots of different things to think about, lots of different things to focus on.

So that's why it's important you only start learning how to drive when you feel that you are ready.

This girl says, "my body is not developed enough yet to have any children." And this lady here says, "when humans have finished going through puberty, they are usually able to reproduce and have offspring of their own." And at around 40 years old, humans reach a stage of adulthood called middle age.

And at this stage their hair may start to grey or to get thinner.

They may experience some changes in vision and hearing as they move towards the next stage of old age.

And women also stop having their periods during middle age.

Now it's important to remember these are just guidelines and everyone develops and changes at different rates and at different speeds.

So let's do a check of our learning.

Which of these changes usually happens during adulthood? Is it A, baby teeth falling out? B, greying hair? Or C, growing body hair in additional places? So have a think.

Well done.

The answer is B, greying hair.

Let's have a look at the next question.

Who do you think is correct? Aisha says, "I think you stop growing when you are an adult." And Sophia says, "I think you continue growing until the end of your life." Who do you think is correct? Well done, it is actually Aisha that is correct.

So Sophia we know is not correct 'cause you do not continue growing until the end of your life.

So we're going to move on to the first task now.

Do you agree with Sophia? Explain why.

So Sophia has said, "I am older than my friend Aisha, so I will always be taller than her." So have a think.

Do you agree with Sophia? I want you to explain why.

Have a go at the task.

Click play again when you're ready to continue.

Super work everyone.

Well done.

So let's look at this example answer.

Once humans reach adulthood, they do not get taller as they get older.

Sophia might always be taller than Aisha or Aisha might be a taller adult than Sophia.

So remember I gave the example of me and my mom.

My mom is a lot older than me, but I am actually taller than her.

So we're going to move onto to the second part of the task now.

So Jacob has been writing about the human body in adulthood.

Can you find and correct the mistakes? So I'm going to read through a series of different sentences and I want you to think about are there any mistakes in these sentences? And if there are, I would like you to correct them.

So you can either write the sentences out or you can print out the slide and just change the bits that are incorrect.

Humans continue growing taller throughout adulthood.

At this stage, their muscles are fully developed.

Adult humans have fully developed physically and mentally and are usually able to survive with lots of help from their parents.

At around the age of 60, humans reach a stage called middle age.

Their hair may go great and their vision and hearing may get a little better.

So pause the video here.

I suggest you have a read over the sentences again just so you have an understanding of what they say.

And think about are there any mistakes in these sentences.

And where there is a mistake, I would like you to cross it out and write the correct answer or the correct words that should be there.

So pause the video, have a go, click play when you're ready to continue and we'll go through the answers.

Off you go.

Fantastic work everyone, well done.

I know some of those sentences were quite challenging.

So let's go through the answers.

Humans stop growing taller when they reach adulthood.

At this stage, their muscles are fully developed.

Adult humans have fully developed physically and mentally and are usually able to survive with no help from their parents.

At around the age of 40, humans reach a state called middle age.

Fantastic work everyone, well done.

I'm really impressed with how you've corrected these sentences.

And the last one here was their hair may go grey and their vision and hearing may get a little worse instead of better.

Well done everyone.

As I said, I'm really impressed with all the corrections you've made on these sentences.

So we've gone through and learned a little bit about adulthood and what it's all about.

So we're now going to think about recording changes during adulthood.

So how do you think you will change through adulthood? Izzy's is having a think.

How will your body and mind develop as an adult? So I want you to pause the video here and either jot down some ideas on a whiteboard or have a talk with your talk partner and think about how do you think you'll change through adulthood? How will your mind and body develop? Have a think.

Well done, well done for having a fantastic discussion with your talk partner.

So Alex has lots of ideas about how he will change as an adult.

Alex here has said, "I will be taller than I am now.

When I'm middle aged, my hair will probably start going grey and I think my eyesight will get a little worse.

When I'm a young adult, I will be able to learn to drive and I'll be much more independent and I might not live with my family anymore." So did you also think of some of these changes similar to Alex or did you think of some that are a little bit different? Now we're going to have a think about how Alex could record these changes in a clear way.

So Alex there has listed lots of different changes that will happen as an adult, but we now need to think about how we can record these in a way that is easy to understand.

How do you think we could do this? Have a think with your talk partner.

Super job.

So a good way to record changes that happen over time is in chronological order.

Can you say that for me? Fantastic, well done.

This means the order that they happen in.

And you may have heard this phrase, chronological order before, mainly actually in your history lessons because sometimes in our lessons, we order when things have happened and that's called chronological order.

So Alex could use a timeline or other sequencing diagram to show this.

So we've got an example of a start of a timeline or another type of sequencing diagram.

So there's lots of different ways you could actually present your information.

And actually it will still show that it's in chronological order because you can show the order that it is happening in or going to happen in.

So let's have a quick check of our learning.

Sort these changes into chronological order according to when they are most likely to happen.

So we've got A, baby teeth fall out.

B, hair starts going grey.

C, stop growing taller.

And D, puberty starts.

So have a think about these statements and think about ordering them into chronological order.

Pause the video here, if you want to, maybe write out the statements on a piece of paper and have a go moving them around to make sure you have the correct answer.

Give it a go and we'll go through the answer soon.

Fantastic work.

So the first one is baby teeth falling out, and then puberty starts.

We stop growing taller, and then hair starts growing grey.

So after those four statements, this is the chronological order that they are most likely to happen.

Well done everyone.

So Andeep and Lucas have been arranging events in chronological order according to when they think they will happen from adolescence to adulthood.

So Lucas here has put puberty happens, stop growing taller, have a baby, 30th birthday, hair starts growing grey.

Whereas Andeep said, puberty happens, stop growing taller, 30th birthday, hair starts growing grey, have a baby.

What do you notice? Have a think with your talk partner.

Fantastic work everyone, well done.

So all humans are different.

So both those children there had a different order and that is completely normal.

So this means that they grow and develop at different rates.

And we've mentioned this in previous lessons.

So both Lucas and Andeep arranged their events chronologically in a way that could possibly happen, but everybody's events can happen in different orders.

So we're going to move on to task B now.

So I would like you to think about who has not recorded these events in chronological order and how do you know? So I'll read the different statements to you.

So Aisha has said, first we start off with puberty happens, then have a baby, then it's your 25th birthday, learning how to drive, and then middle age.

Whereas Sam has put, have a baby, puberty happens, hair starts turning grey, 40th birthday, learning how to drive.

So have a think, who has not recorded these events in chronological order and how do you know? So you can either jot down your ideas on a whiteboard or you can have a talk with your talk partner.

Click play when you're ready to continue.

Super work everyone, well done.

It was quite tricky actually 'cause they look very similar.

So this is an example answer.

So we know that Sam, that actually has not ordered her events chronologically.

So we know that different humans develop at different rates and that's completely normal.

So some events will happen at different times, but it is impossible to have a baby before puberty has happened.

So if we have a look back at what Sam's suggestions are, she said have a baby first and then puberty happens.

But we know that that is not possible and it cannot happen.

Did you get an answer similar to this or did you get something a little bit different? Maybe compare your answer with your partner.

Did you get something same or did you get something a little bit different? So we are going to move on to the next part of the task now.

So it says, think about how you could change and develop through adulthood.

Complete the sequence in diagram to show what could be happening at different times.

So we've got four different ages here.

We've got 20 years old, 25 years old, 30 years old, and 40 years old.

So what I would like you to do is have a think about what changes in developments through adulthood could happen at those ages.

So complete the sequencing diagram or you can change up and make your own sequencing diagram.

It's completely up to you.

So pause the video here, have a go.

If you would like to, maybe go back to a couple of slides before and have a look at Alex's suggestions on what he thought were changes that he would go through during adulthood to maybe give you some ideas if you are a little bit unsure.

Pause the video here, have a go, and then we'll go through an example answer really soon.

Good luck.

Fantastic work everyone, well done.

You had tried really hard with that task, it was quite tricky as you're thinking about the future and other changes that you haven't necessarily gone through at the moment, but you've all done a fantastic job.

So let's have a look at an example.

So at 20 years old, Sam has put, I have left college and have a job.

25 years old, I don't live with my parents anymore.

I rent a flat with friends.

At 30 years old, I have brought my own house and had a baby.

And at 40 years old, my hair is starting to turn grey.

So we can see here from the age of 20 years old to 40 years old, there's still some changes that are happening.

Was your diagram similar to this or was it a little bit different? Maybe you can compare your diagram with your partner.

Did you include the same changes or did you include some different ones? Have a go at comparing your diagram.

Well done everyone, hopefully you had a good time there sharing your work with your partner as well as comparing.

So well done everyone for today's work.

We've covered quite a lot, all about adulthood.

So we're going to do a summary of our learning.

Adulthood is generally thought of as being around 20 years old.

When humans reach adulthood, they have fully developed physically and intellectually.

In early adulthood, humans reach their full height and muscle mass.

Adults reach middle age at around 40 years old.

At this stage, their hair may start to turn grey and their hearing and vision may begin to change.

And lastly, the stages of human development can be recorded chronologically using timelines and diagrams. So we said the word chronological means that order of events of how they're going to happen and when.

And it's important to remember, yes, we've said adulthood generally starts at 20 and middle age roughly starts at 40 years, everyone develops and changes in completely different ways.

So it's important to keep that in your mind.

I'm so impressed with all of the work that you have done today.

Some of the tasks have been quite challenging and there's been lots of learning for you to do, but you've all done really, really well.

So you deserve a great pat on the back.

Well done everyone.

Now I hope you have a great rest of the day and I'm sure I'll see you in the next science lesson really soon.
