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Lesson video

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- Hi everyone.

My name is Miss Hummel and together we'll be answering the questions, What are nicotine and alcohol? In this lesson, we will learn about non-medicinal drugs such as alcohol and nicotine.

We will learn about the effects of alcohol on the body as well as the negative consequences of consuming products with nicotine like cigarettes or vaping.

Finally, we will work on applying our knowledge to real life scenarios.

This lesson covers the topics nicotine and alcohol.

If this is a sensitive topic for your child, then please make sure that they're adequately supervised.

Our lesson will follow this structure.

First, we will complete some recap questions which will help us assess our previous knowledge.

Then, we will learn more about alcohol followed by nicotine.

Finally, we will complete some application questions.

in this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper, a pencil or a pen, a coloured pencil or pen, and a ruler.

If you haven't got those things, pause the video now and go get them.

Here are our Star words which are the most important words of our lesson.

I'm going to say them and ask you to repeat them after me.

When I point at myself, it will be my turn and when I point at you, it will be your turn.

Alcohol, nicotine, drugs, chemical, addictive, lungs, cancer, cough.

Well done.

We will begin by completing some recap questions.

Let's begin with these questions.

First, what is a drug? Second, why is a medicine considered a drug? You can resume the video when you're ready to mark your work.

A drug is a chemical that has an effect on the body.

Medicines have an effect on our bodies which is why they're considered drugs.

Get ready to answer these three questions.

First, when can medicines be harmful? Second, which professions have important jobs ensuring people take medicine correctly? And third, what does addictive mean? Pause the video to complete those questions and then you can resume the video when you've finished.

Medicines can be harmful if taken for the wrong illness or by the wrong person.

Doctor and pharmacists have an important job to do to make sure that people take medicine correctly.

Medicines can also be addictive.

Addictive means that you feel like you cannot stop using something even when you know it's not good for you.

Now answer these questions about anaesthetics.

First, when are anaesthetics useful? What is their effect on the body? Second, how are anaesthetics similar to painkillers? And third, how are they different? Get ready to mark your work once you resume the video.

They are useful to have in operations because it gets rid of all sensations.

They numb all sensations.

It's similar to painkillers because they both get rid of pain.

And then lastly, they are different because anaesthetics gets rid of all feelings and sensations, not just pain.

It may be that you're not able to feel a region of your body.

Our final questions for our recap are about antibiotics.

First, how is an antibiotic different from a painkiller? And second, why don't antibiotics cure all diseases? Pause the video to answer those questions and you can resume when you've finished.

Now, painkillers cannot cure a disease, but antibiotics can and antibiotics cannot cure all diseases because they only work on diseases that are caused by bacterias.

They don't work in viruses for example.

Now, let's learn about alcohol.

Remember that this was the definition of a drug.

A drug is a chemical that has an effect on the body.

Some drugs are not medicinal and do not treat illnesses.

Repeat that after me.

Some drugs are not medicinal and do not treat illness.

Two examples are alcohol and nicotine.

Now answer these questions to test that you were paying attention.

First, what is a drug? And second, name two non-medicinal drugs.

Pause the video and resume when you're done.

A drug is any chemical that has an effect on the body.

And then alcohol and nicotine are both non-medicinal drugs.

Alcohol is a non-medicinal drug found in drinks such as beer and wine.

Can you point to the beer on the screen? Now, can you point to the wine on the screen? In small amounts, alcohol makes people feel happy and relaxed; however, alcohol is addictive so sometimes people find it hard to stop drinking.

In large amounts, alcohol can make people feel sleepy, angry.

and sad and, over a long time, so over prolonged use of alcohol, it can cause the liver to stop working properly.

Now answer these questions to test your understanding.

First, what effect do small amounts of alcohol have on a person.

Second, what effect do large amounts of alcohol have on a person? And lastly, explain why people keep drinking even though it's harmful.

Get ready to mark your work once you resume the video.

Small amounts of alcohol can make people feel happy and relaxed.

Large amounts of alcohol can make someone feel sleepy, angry, and sad and people keep drinking even though it can be harmful because drinking can be addictive.

Now let's discuss nicotine, which is another non-medicinal drug that you may already have heard about.

Nicotine is a chemical found in cigarettes.

Where can we find nicotine? In cigarettes.

Nicotine is very addictive, meaning people find it very hard to stop smoking even when they're focusing really hard on stopping.

Now, answer this question.

Name the chemical that makes cigarettes addictive.

You should have said nicotine.

As well as nicotine, cigarettes have lots of other chemicals in them which are very bad for our lungs and can cause coughing.

Over a long time, these chemicals build up and can cause deadly diseases like cancer.

These chemicals will also significantly deteriorate the function of lungs.

Now think about this question, Why can smoking be dangerous? It can be dangerous because it's addictive.

It can damage our lungs and cause coughing and it can lead to deadly diseases like cancer.

And you may have heard about something called vaping.

Vaping refers to the inhaling of a vapour that's created by an electronic cigarette or an e-cigarette or another vaping device.

E-cigarettes are battery powered, smoking devices.

They have cartridges filled with a liquid that usually contains things like nicotine, flavourings, and other chemicals.

The liquid is heated into a vapour which the person then inhales, Vaping hasn't been around long enough for us to know how it affects the body over time, like cigarettes have been, but health experts are reporting serious lung damage in people who vape, including some deaths and cancers.

For a very long time, cigarette industries claimed that there was nothing wrong with smoking cigarettes and that there were no health risks associated with it.

Now over time, there were studies that proved otherwise.

Some people think that vaping companies are now doing a similar thing.

- [Female Speaker] What are the risks to health from smoking? Smoking is one of the biggest causes of illness and death in the UK, with around 78,000 people dying every year.

Smoking can harm your digestive system and cause heartburn and painful ulcers.

Smoking can reduce the fertility of both men and women.

Carbon monoxide in cigarettes stops your blood from carrying oxygen.

This can lead to strokes.

The tar in cigarettes stain your teeth and fingers brown.

The smoke makes your clothes, hair, and breath smell.

Heart attacks are more likely for smokers.

At least 15,000 heart and circulatory disease deaths are linked to smoking.

Cigarettes release over 5,000 different chemicals when they burn.

Many of these chemicals are poisonous.

Bones become weakened and break more easily.

Smoking damages your lungs and can lead to more colds, chest infections, pneumonia.

and bronchitis.

Smoking causes around 70% of lung cancer cases.

Unfortunately, the nicotine in cigarettes is very addictive, so people find it very hard to stop smoking once they have started.

Breathing in the smoke is called passive smoking.

This can lead to people who spend time around smokers also becoming ill.

- Finally, we're going to complete some application questions.

First, you're going to write some advice based on what you have learned for the following scenarios.

Our first scenario involves someone called Abdullah.

He is 14-years-old and he finds cigarettes in his older sister's bedroom.

What would you advise that he does? Next, we've got Jessica who's in the park with her friends who are smoking.

She's offered a cigarette by someone that she really likes.

What should she do? Now, we've got Mikael.

He's with this older cousin who's asking him if he wants to vape/ Mikael refuses and says that vaping is bad for you.

His older cousin says that only cigarettes are bad.

Vaping is better for you.

Again, give some advice Mikael and try to give as much evidence in your advice as possible.

Finally, we're going to end on an optional activity.

Could you make a poster warning people of the dangers of either too much alcohol consumption or products that contain nicotine? We have now finished our lesson and it is time for you to complete your exit quiz.

You need to exit the video and complete the quiz to test your knowledge and understanding of the lesson.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson.
