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Hello, my name is Mr. Wilshire and in this lesson, we're going to be looking at monitoring and improving lifestyle choices.

The outcome for this lesson is I can record and monitor lifestyle choices over a period of time.

As always, there are some key words for us to think about as we work our way through this lesson.

The first is lifestyle.

After that is physical activity.

Next, journal.

Then, analyse.

And finally, data.

Don't worry if you're not too sure what some of these words mean or if you've forgotten about them.

The definitions are on the screen for you now so you can have a quick recap and continue when you're ready.

The first part of this lesson is called Keeping a Lifestyle Journal.

Some children are talking about healthy lifestyles.

Here's Izzy and here's Lucas.

Izzy says, "I think you are healthy if you eat a balanced diet." Lucas says, "If you get plenty of exercise, then you will be healthy.

Then it doesn't matter what food you eat." What do you think? Do you agree with either of them or are they both correct or are they both incorrect? Have a quick discussion.

Restart the video when you've done that.

So what did you discuss? What did you think? Is Izzy correct or is Lucas correct? Well, a healthy lifestyle is made up of a range of different factors.

We should eat a balanced diet so that our bodies get all the nutrients that they need.

Here's an image of some children sharing some food and eating.

What we drink is an important part of a balanced diet as well.

Here you can see an example of someone drinking water.

Hopefully, you've got a water bottle with you in your class, or at least you know somewhere that you can go to get some if you're thirsty.

Children aged between 6 and 12 years old should aim to drink around 1.

5 to 2 litres of fluids every day.

That's around 6 to 8 glasses.

Drinks that contain lots of sugar like fizzy drinks should only be drunk occasionally because they can actually really damage your teeth.

If you wanna keep your teeth looking nice and healthy and clean, you need to make sure that you brush them, but also try and avoid drinking too much of that sugary liquid.

Let's stop and think.

Your diet should: contain no fat or sugar; have a balance of different types of food; or be made up of fruit, vegetables and meat only.

The correct answer here is have a balance of different types of food.

You can have a little bit of fat and sugar.

And having a diet of fruit, vegetables and meat doesn't actually complete having a balanced diet or lifestyle.

We should also get plenty of physical activity to keep our hearts healthy even if we already have a balanced diet.

Here you can see some children doing some physical activity here whilst skipping.

To keep our hearts healthy, 60 minutes of heart pumping exercise per day is recommended for children.

Here you can see someone walking their dog.

This includes sports like swimming and playing football, as well as other physical activities too like going for a brisk walk and dancing as well.

I wonder if you ever do any of these things and if you realise that it's actually keeping your heart really healthy? Let's stop and think.

Exercise is important because: you can eat whatever you want if you exercise; it will make you look good; or it keeps our hearts in good health.

The correct answer here is it keeps our hearts in good health.

Getting plenty of sleep is also an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

Oh, I love getting lots of sleep and especially if I get to cuddle my teddy.

There's an image of somebody sleeping.

During sleep, our bodies and brains get all the rest that they need.

So if you don't get enough sleep, we can feel tired and irritable.

We can find it difficult to concentrate, and we can also then have headaches.

It's recommended for children aged 6 to 12 to get between 9 and 12 hours of sleep per night.

Oh, that is a lot of sleep.

No wonder that children have an earlier bedtime than adults.

Now, think about what time you have to wake up in the morning.

I wonder, are you going to bed early enough to get all of the sleep that you need? Have a quick think about that now and calculate it if you can.

Restart the video when you've done that.

Were you able to calculate it? I wonder if you're similar to Laura.

She says, "I go to bed at a good time, but I find it really hard to get to sleep sometimes.

What can I do?" I know the best thing to do here is to jump outta bed and keep going downstairs and telling your parents.

Hmm, what do you think? Is that a good idea? Discuss.

What did you discuss? Is getting up all the time and keep going downstairs a really good idea? Not really, it's not really helping you to settle.

Just because you are in your bed doesn't mean that you are then going to fall asleep instantly.

It's actually very hard to fall asleep, especially if you're not feeling too tired.

But just by lying down in your bed, it's really helpful for you to start getting rest and eventually your body will begin to shut down.

This is why some people like to read a little before bed because it helps to relax themselves a little bit and also can help them dream big.

Now, some things that can also help us fall asleep more easily at night include: going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.

So having that continuous routine.

Avoiding using technology with screens like TV, smartphones, and tablets for at least an hour before you go to bed.

Doesn't mean that you should never watch these things, but by turning them off and giving your eyes that much needed time to rest and refocus, you're going to help them prepare for bed.

Now, also being more physically active during the day can help too.

I wonder if you have any other ideas? Pause the video here and discuss: what are your ideas for helping you to get to sleep? I wonder if you discussed reading or maybe even just line there and counting sheep? That can certainly help me get some more sleep.

Taking care of your mental well-being is a really important part of having a healthy lifestyle as well.

Here you can see an image of somebody feeling happy.

This means thinking about how different things make us feel and actions we can take to help ourselves feel content.

There are lots of things that we can do to help us look after our mental health and different things will work well for different types of people, like spending time with family, for example.

Some actions that help some people include: limiting the amount of time spent on social media; spending time outside; spending time with friends and family; writing down thoughts and feelings; thinking about things that we feel grateful for.

Just because you are not doing all of those things doesn't mean that you're not looking after your mental health.

Just one or maybe two of those things can really help you.

And if you are feeling a little bit down, then maybe you can take a look at this list and think about one thing that you could try and do to help you that's gonna help you feel emotionally better.

Stop and think.

Which statement is correct? Is it a healthy lifestyle is made up of many different factors? Is it good sleep will ensure a healthy lifestyle even if we don't have a balanced diet? Or is it exercise only needs to be part of your lifestyle if you want to be very strong? The statement correct here is a: A healthy lifestyle is made up of many different factors.

Now we can keep a track of things like our diet, physical activity, and sleep patterns, with a lifestyle journal.

This is similar to a diary and can be used to record and analyse the things that we do each day.

A lifestyle journal makes it quick and easy to log physical activity, diet, and sleep patterns.

There you can see there's different days of the week in one column, hours of sleep in the next, exercise that you do, and the water that you drink, and the mood and how you are feeling.

I can see that on the day that they had a swimming lesson, they felt very happy 'cause they also had lots of water.

They also felt very happy after playing football.

But also on those days, they did get lots of sleep as well.

So information about your day can be recorded with writing or pictures.

Sofia says, "Here is a page from the lifestyle journal that I've made." There's the date at the top, the time that she went to bed, and the time that she woke up, the different drinks that she had as well, and the meals that she had across her day.

She says, "I've got some space at the bottom of each page.

What else do you think I should track?" Hmm, other thing, do you know? Pause the video and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

So what did you think? What else is she going to track? Sam says, "You could log how much time you spend looking at screens each day." Hmm, there's also apps on your phone that can help to tell you this.

Alex adds, "You could use the space to write about your mood each day as well." Oh, just like we saw in the other ones, just with those smiley faces.

I wonder if you had any other ideas as well? Stop and think.

What's a lifestyle journal? Is it a book that gives you tips for healthy living? Is it a diary that keeps track of lifestyle habits and activities? Or is it a website with ideas for workouts and other physical activities? The correct answer here is b: A diary that keeps track of lifestyle habits and activities.

Here's task A: You need to create your own lifestyle journal to keep track of your lifestyle and all the choices that you make for one week.

Your journal should allow you to record information about at least three things that have an impact on your health.

You could track how much you eat, how much you drink, how much you sleep, or your exercise or physical activity, your moods and your feelings, how much time is spent looking at a screen, and activities to help your mental well-being.

I wonder if any of these are going to surprise you when you find out the true answers when you track them and analyse them across your week.

Have a go creating that.

Restart when you've done it.

As you get on, yours is probably going to look similar or different to this.

So here is a page from Jun's.

He's got the date, the amount of water he drinks, his mood in the morning and the afternoon, his meals across the day, his time spent being physically active, and the time spent sleeping, all important things.

I wonder what else you included so yours is different? Now, it's time for the last part of the lesson: Analysing data about lifestyle choices.

We can analyse the data we collect in a lifestyle journal to help us learn more about our choices and how they impact our body.

This can then help us find changes that we could make to become more healthy.

Andeep says, "Here's the data from my journal about what I drank each day." He's got Monday to Friday written down and the different drinks that he's drank as well.

Oh, I see on most of the days there, he's got different sugary drinks as well.

Can you see any changes Andeep can make to have a more healthy lifestyle? Hmm, have a think.

Restart when you've done that.

So what changes could Andeep make? Andeep says, "Well, I thought I didn't drink much cola because I only have one glass on most days, but I can see that adds up to a lot over a whole week there." Just like I said before, he is having lots of cola, isn't he? He says, "I could swap some of these for water or milk and only have fizzy drinks once or twice a week." Hmm, that's a good idea, isn't it? So making a swap for something, so that means you are reducing something and you can then have a little bit of a treat at some point in the week.

But each time that he thinks that he is going to need to have a cola drink, he could have something healthy instead and see if his mood changes across the week.

Now, "Here's the data from my journal about my physical activity," says Aisha.

There she's got Monday and Tuesday, all of her physical activity.

Nothing on Wednesday.

And on Thursday, she's got some more.

Friday, there's nothing again.

Can you see any changes that Aisha could make to have a more healthy lifestyle? Pause the video and discuss.

Restart when you've done that.

So what else could Aisha do? Well, she said, "I thought I got lots of physical activity because of my swimming and karate, but I can see from my journal that I don't get an hour of heart pumping exercise every day.

So I could walk to school more often.

I could play some active games at play times to increase the amount of physical activity that I get." Let's stop and think.

Analysing the data collected in a lifestyle journal is useful because: it can help us find changes to our lifestyle that will make us more healthy; it will help us to answer questions in lessons at school; or we can compare how healthy we are with our friends.

The correct answer here is a: It can help us find changes to our lifestyle that will help make us more healthy.

Here's task B: You now need to analyse the data collected in Jacob's lifestyle journal over five days and make three suggestions that would lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Have a go doing that task and restart when you've done it.

Your answers may be similar to this.

Alex says, "You could drink more water and fewer sugary drinks like cola.

And this would be better for your teeth." June says, "You could spend more time being physically active.

Maybe swap some of your screen time for playing outside or ride your bike to school more often." Remember, all of these suggestions are just suggestions, aren't they? So you could change any part.

Just by analysing your journal, you're going to help make some changes and that could help make you feel a little bit healthier or maybe even make you feel happier.

You could have a go at this as well.

There's no point in keeping the journal unless you're going to look back at it and have a look at your own lifestyle.

So after the five days, have a go looking at your own journal if you managed to keep one and see if there's any other changes that you can make.

You might be surprised at some of the results.

Let's summarise our lesson.

Lots of factors contribute towards a healthy lifestyle including diet, physical activity levels, and sleep patterns.

A lifestyle journal can be used to log physical activity, diet, and sleep patterns.

Analysing the data collected in a lifestyle journal can help us identify changes we could make to become more healthy.

So by keeping a journal, you are going to be able to track the things that you do.

You may not realise it, but you may be really healthy already and make lots of positive choices.

But keeping a journal and writing everything down is going to help you pinpoint some of the reasons why you might have a nastier mood on some of the days.

It could be because you're drinking too much sugary drinks or maybe you're not having enough exercise or maybe you are finding that having too much exercise is causing you to be incredibly tired, who knows? Analyse your data from your own journals and share it with each other as well.

I've been Mr. Wilshire.

Thank you very much for listening.