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Hi, there.

I'm Mrs. Kemp.

And welcome to today's lesson that is all about movement.

This fits into the topic of human skeleton and muscles and it links back to the topic that you did back in primary about skeletons and also the cells topic that you have done in year seven.

So, really excited for us to start.

So, off we go.

So today's lesson, you will be able to explain how muscles work together to move bones at their joints.

Some of this information will be completely new and I will be introducing some new key terms to you.

But don't forget that I will be on hand to help you, so there's absolutely nothing to worry about.

Okay, these are some of the keywords that I'll be using today.

And if you would like to have a read of these in your own time, please do feel free to pause the video and have a read of them.

Otherwise, I will actually be covering them throughout the lesson.

So these are our different learning cycles for today, and you can see that we have three.

We're going to start with joints today, all right, is our learning cycle number one.

So here we have an image of the human skeleton, and you can see that the human skeleton is made up of lots of bones.

We covered that earlier on in the unit.

And wherever those two bones meet, we call that a joint.

So we can see all over that skeleton the different places where we may find joints.

Some of those joints are actually fixed, so you do have different bones that make up your skull, but where they meet at a joint, they're fixed and they're hard, so that's why your skull just feels completely hard.

However, most of the joints in your body, the one on the video there is the one in the wrist, okay, are the one on your elbow, all right? Those ones are actually flexible and they allow for movement of your skeleton.

All right, onto our first check then.

So, "Which of the following statements are correct?" A, all joints are flexible.

B, joints are found where two or more bones meet.

C, most joints are flexible.

Or D, joints are always in a fixed position.

I'll give you a little bit of time to think about it.

But if you need more time, please do pause the video.

Okay, did you get B and C? So joints are found where two or more bones meet, and C, most joints are flexible.

Brilliant, well done.

Okay, so as I said earlier on, actually most of the joints in our body are flexible.

The ones that are in our skull are not, but the other ones such as in our wrist and our fingers are flexible.

There are three different types of movable joint, okay? Those are the ball and socket joints, and here the example is in your hip.

The hinge joint, and the example on the slide is an elbow.

And then finally a gliding joint, which we find in that vertebral column.

Okay, so let's move first of all onto a hinge joint.

You can see the image of the hinge joint there actually shows that it's very similar to the hinge of a door, and that's because it allows for a forward and backwards motion as if you are opening or closing a door.

The example on the video is actually the knee, okay? And you can see that where the two bones meet together inside the knee, you've got this other material that's covering that bone called cartilage.

Cartilage is a really smooth tissue.

It's made up of many cells.

And the reason that we find it inside of this type of joint is that it stops it from rubbing away the bone, all right? It provides a lubricant, if you like, so that it reduces the friction, and therefore reduces the wearing away of your bones so that your knees and other types of joint can last for a much longer time.

The next type of joint then is the ball and socket joint.

And as we said earlier, we find it in our hips.

We also find it in our shoulders.

It's an amazing type of joint 'cause actually it allows for the greatest range of motion, and that motion can be completely in a completely circular motion.

And you can have a go at that as well if you would like.

So just sat at your chair, you could give your shoulders a little roll and feel how that movement is different from the movement that we find in a hinge joint at our elbow.

You can feel that it's different.

This one can go up and down like this, whereas this one can go round and round, it can go up and down.

It can go lots of different ways.

The last type of joint then is the gliding joint.

And as I said, we find that in the vertebral column, which is our spine.

That vertebral column is made up of many smaller types of bone.

We learned that in an earlier lesson about the skeleton.

And in between those bones, there is a certain amount of movement allowed.

However, it's not a great deal of movement comparatively to, say, the hinge or the ball and socket joint, but it does allow the vertebral column to bend, okay? You can actually feel that you can bend to the left, you can bend to the right, you can bend up and down.

So it is important that certain amount of movement is allowed there even if it's not such a greatest range of movement as you get in the other types of joints.

All right, let's have another check then.

So, which of the images shows where a hinge joint is found? Do you think it's A, the elbow, B, the hip, or C, the spine? I'll give you a moment to think about it.

But if you need more time, please do pause the video.


Did you get A, the elbow? Really well done.

Let's try another check then.

So, can you match up the joint to the type of movement? The types of joint we've got the ball and socket, the hinge, and the gliding.

The options for the type of movement then are, they allow bones to slide past each other, they allow bones to move in a circular motion, or they allow bones to move backwards and forwards.

I'll give you a moment to think about it, but please do pause the video if you need more time.

Okay, did you get ball and socket? They allow bones to move in a circular direction.

Hinge, they allow bones to move backwards and forwards.

And finally, gliding, they allow bones to slide past each other.

Really well done.

All right, now we're moving on to our first task of today.

You can find the tasks on the worksheet.

So if you would like to record your notes on there, please do find that worksheet now.

Okay, describe where you would find the three different types of movable joints in this human body.

So all of those different kinds that we've discussed already, where do we find them? I will give you some time to think about it, but please do pause the video if you'd like to write it down.

Okay, so did you have a think about the ball and socket joint can be found in the hips and shoulders, the hinge joints can be found in the knees and elbows, and finally the gliding joints can be found in the spine? Excellent, well done.

I'm sure you've done really well on that.

Okay, let's move on to our second learning cycle then.

Muscles can only pull bones by contracting.

All right, so we can see our picture of our knee again there and our hinge joint.

And what we can see is that actually, as well as the two bones meeting there at the joint, and that cartilage that covers it, we also have a ligament that is found between those two bones that's actually holding the bones together.

There's also a tendon.

And what tendons do is that they attach the muscle to the bone.

So muscles don't attach directly onto the bone, they're actually connected by these things called tendons.

Ligaments and tendons are both strong cord-like tissues.

Okay, so we know they're a living tissue, therefore they're made up of cells.

All right, we're now going to move on to a chicken leg dissection.

You may have seen a chicken leg if you eat meat at home, okay? You may have seen a chicken leg that's been cooked or you may have seen one that's been prepared before.

But you can just get them from your local butcher.

And we're going to have a look inside one in order to be able to see the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

So the first thing that you need to do in order to prepare your chicken leg is to remove the excess skin.

So we just peel the skin off.

It's actually quite easy to do.

And we are exposing the muscle.

You can see that actually, a lot of that meat that we think about that we eat actually is made of muscle.

When it's cooked, that muscle tends to be a much lighter colour.

So we can actually move the muscle away from the bone just with our fingers.

You can kind of run down the middle of the muscle and pull it open.

From that, we can expose then the bone, the tendon, and the muscle.

You can see that the muscle is actually connected to the tendon, and then the tendon is connected to the bone.

When the muscle contracts, remember contraction means that it gets shorter, and that's the part of the muscle movement that requires energy to be provided, all right? When it contracts and gets shorter, that then pulls on the tendon, which in turn moves the bone.

We can see this happening in our dissection.

So when the scientist pulls on that muscle, you can see that it pulls the tendon, which then moves the bone.

And actually when the scientist releases that muscle, all right, it doesn't push back, and that's because muscles can only pull.

They're actually not able to push.

Muscles contracting and pulling is the part that needs or requires energy.

When the muscle stops contracting then, it relaxes, the tendon stops pulling on the bone and it goes back to its original position.

We're now going to move on to the ligament then.

So we can see here that the ligament is found between those two bones of that chicken leg.

You can see it, and it is holding those two bones together at the joint.

We can also have a look at a video during the dissection to show that hinge joint in between the leg, and we can really easily see then that ligament between those two bones holding the bones together.

All right then, let's go to our first check of this learning cycle.

It's a true or false.

Ligaments attach muscle to bone.

Is that true or is that false? Can you justify your answer? A, ligaments hold bones together at joints, or B, muscle is not attached to bone.

Okay, have a little think about it.

If you need more time, please pause the video.


Did you think that was false? Brilliant.

That's because ligaments hold bones together.

That's A.

Onto our second check of the learning cycle then.

Another true or false.

Tendons attach bones to other bones.

Is that true or is that false? Justify your answer.

Tendons hold bones together at joints, tendons attach muscle to bones.

Okay, if you need more time, please pause the video.

Otherwise, that's false.

Well done.

And that is because tendons attach muscles to bones.


All right then, we're moving on to our second task of the of the day, task B.

Describe how muscles move bones.

Now we've got a little image there that should help you to think of some of the key terms that you need to use in order to describe how muscles move bones.

I will give you some time on the video to think about it.

However, if you'd like more time to write that and record it on your worksheet, please do pause the video.


Okay, did you think of all these points? "Muscle is not directly attached to bone." "Muscle is attached to bone by tendons." "When muscles contract they pull the tendon, which in turn pulls the bone." and finally, "Muscles can only pull and not push." Excellent, well done.

All right, we're doing really well today.

We're going to move on to our third learning cycle, which is some muscles work in antagonistic pairs.

You might want to say that word out aloud to practise it after me.


Brilliant, well done.

All right, let's move on then.

So, we can see somebody is lifting a weight here using their arms, okay? Now, the way that that is happening is 'cause muscles are pulling and contracting to lift that arm up, okay? The two muscles are the antagonistic muscles and they're working together to move that bone backwards and forwards at the joint.

You can move your own arm backwards and forwards to feel that happening at your hinge joint of your elbow.

That's called an antagonistic pair then.

An example of an antagonistic pair then is your bicep and your tricep.

All right, your bicep is found here on the top, your tricep is found underneath.

You can feel both of those muscles on your own arm.

They pull the forearm, so this part of your arm here, up and down at that elbow joint.

What happens during that movement then is actually the bicep when it contracts, it gets shorter, lifts your arm up.

When your bicep is contracting, your tricep is relaxing.

You can feel, you should feel nice and relaxed under there and a little bit more squidgy than on the top here.

The opposite happens then when you want to straighten your arm back down.

The bicep relaxes, and I can feel that that's gone nice and soft now, whereas my tricep in order to pull it back down has contracted.

So it's actually got a little bit harder there as well.

All right, let's have a go at this first check for this section.

Can you complete the sentence? "To move bones at the joints, muscles can only blank and not blank." "Some muscles work in blank." "When the muscle contracts it causes the blank to pull on the bone." I'll give you a short amount of time to think about it.

But if you would like more time, please do pause the video.


Okay, so to move the bones at the joint, muscles can only pull and not push.

Some muscles work in antagonistic pairs.

When the muscle contracts, it causes the tendon to pull on the bone.

I hope you got all of those right.

Well done.

All right, so we're going to have a look at our final task of the day.

Task C, "Hamstrings and quadriceps are a pair of antagonistic muscles.

Explain how these muscles work together to make the runner's leg bend at the knee, and then straighten again.

At the back there, you can see those are the hamstring muscles and they're at the back of your thigh.

You can have a feel of those if you wish.

Whereas the quadriceps, they'll be on the top of your thigh, okay? And the part of the joint that we're going to be looking at is the knee joint.

That is also a hinge joint similar to the elbow.

And the bone at the bottom is called the shin bone.

So, you can have some more time to think about it if you like, but I will give you a short amount of time on the video.

You can record your answer in the worksheet.

Okay? All right, let's have a look at the different points that you could have included.

So we're trying to explain how hamstrings and quadricep muscles work together to make the runner's leg bend at the knee and then straighten again.

So we could have had the knee as a hinge joint where the leg bones meet.

The hamstringing and quadricep muscles work together as an antagonistic pair.

The This hamstringing muscles contract and the quadriceps relax.

This pulls the shin bone to bend the leg at the knee joint.

The quadricep muscles then contract and the hamstrings relax.

And finally, this pulls the shin bone to straighten the leg.

Okay, hope you got a few of those.

If there's any extras, please do add them onto your worksheet and improve your answer.

So we've come to the end of our lesson today.

Thank you so much for joining me.

Let's have a little summary of what we've learned today.

So joints are found where two or more bones meet.

Some joints are fixed, but actually most of them are flexible.

There are three main types of flexible joints.

They are the hinge, ball and socket, and (indistinct).

Ball and socket and gliding.

Bones are held together with joints ligaments.

Muscles are attached to bones by tendons.

To move bones, muscles pull the tendons by contracting.

They cannot push.

Some muscles work in antagonistic pairs to pull a bone in opposite directions at the joint.

Okay, so thanks very much for joining me today.

It's been an absolute pleasure.

I look forward to learning with you again.

Thank you so much.
