
Lesson video

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Hello everyone.

Welcome back to another maths lesson with me, Mrs. Pochciol.

I can't wait for us to have lots of fun together and hopefully learn lots of new things.

So let's get started.

This lesson is called Explain How Times Table Facts Can Help Us Define the Quotient with a focus on the 2 times table, and it comes from the unit, Doubling, Halving, Quantitative, and Partitive Division.

By the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain how the 2 times table facts can help you to find the number of groups or the number in each group.

Here are our key words for this lesson: divisor and divide.

Let's practise, my turn, divisor.

Your turn.

My turn, divide.

Your turn.


Now that we've practised our words, let's use them.

Here is this lessons outline.

In the first part of our learning, we're going to be finding the number of groups when the divisor is two.

And in the second part of our learning, we're going to be solving problems in context.

So let's get started with the first part of our learning, finding the number of groups when the divisor is two.

In this lesson, you're going to meet Jacob and Sophia.

They're going to continue to help us with our learning.

Are you ready guys? Let's get started.

Sophia and Jacob are explaining what they can see now.

Jacob can see that there are six counters all together.

How did you know that, Jacob? Jacob can see that there are three groups of two.


One, two, three groups of two.

"Oh, yes." Sophia notices this and is able to record this as three times by two is equal to six, but we could also see this as two, three times, and record this as two times by three is equal to six.

"Six represents the total number of counters.

Two represents the size of the groups" because there are two counters in each group, and "three represents the number of groups." Jacob also thinks that he could represent this array with this equation.

Six divided by two is equal to three.

What do we think? Let's have a check to see if this equation still matches our representation.

Six is our whole divided into groups of two, one, two, three, we can make three groups.

Yes, it's correct.

So this must be a related division fact to three times by two or two times by three is equal to six.

Well done Jacob, and thank you for checking that, Sophia.

If the divisor is two, we can use the 2 times table to find the number of groups.

3 twos are equal to six.

So six divided into groups of two must be equal to three.

That's great because Sophia is really confident with her 2 times tables.

So this just shows if you're confident in your times tables, division can be so much easier.

Well done.

So let's have a look then: two, four, six.

I've got my six counters, so I can see this as three times by two, two times by three, or we can see six divided into groups of two is equal to three.

And we can use this knowledge to help us to solve lots of different divisions.

Are we ready? Let's have a practise.

Jacob and Sophia now check this, exploring another problem.

Eight divided by two.


So what knowledge could we use here to find the missing number? We can see that eight is our whole and we are dividing eight into groups of two.

How many groups of two can we make with our counters? One, two, three, four.

We know that this is correct because 4 twos are equal to eight.

So eight divided into groups of two has to be equal to four.

So eight divided by two is equal to four.

Over to you.

Can you use your 2 times table knowledge to help you solve this division problem? What multiplication can you use to help you to solve the division and use that stem sentence to help you explain what you're doing.

Pause this video and come on back when you found a solution.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look then.

We can see that 10 is our whole and we are dividing into groups of two.

We know that 5 twos are equal to 10, so 10 divided into groups of 2 will be equal to 5.

Well done if you said that and well done if you are able to use your two times table knowledge to help you to solve this division.

Now let's continue to practise this in Task A.

Task A is to fill in the missing numbers to complete this grid.

You can see that the numbers in the top row multiplied by two are equal to the numbers in the bottom row.

So one times by two is equal to two.

The numbers in the bottom row divided by two are equal to the numbers in the top row.

So two divided by two is equal to one.

So using your knowledge of multiplying and dividing by two, can you work out what the missing numbers are on the table? Part 2 is to use your knowledge of the 2 times table to complete these divisions equations and see if you notice any patterns when you're completing them.

And three is to fill in the missing numbers to complete the equations.

Remember to look carefully because there are lots of different parts missing.

So make sure you check carefully to see what number is missing and the number you're trying to find.

Pause this video, have a go at Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 and come on back when you're ready to find out how you've got on.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look then at how we got on.

So Part 1 was to complete the table.

We knew that the top row times by two was equal to the bottom row and the bottom row divided by two would be equal to the top row.

So let's see how you got on.

We can see here that four divided by two is equal to two because two times by two is equal to four.

Here, three times by two is equal to six and six divided by two is equal to three.

So that's correct here.

10 divided by 2 is equal to 5 because 2 times by 5 is equal to 10.

And here, 6 times by 2 is equal to 12 and 12 divided by 2 is equal to 6.

So our missing numbers were 2, 6, 5, and 12.

Well done if you completed Part 1.

Part 2 was to use your knowledge of the 2 times table to complete the division equations.

So let's have a look at the first four.

Two divided by two is equal to one.

Four divided by two is equal to two.

Six divided by two is equal to three and eight divided by two is equal to four.

Each time the whole increases by two, so there's another group of two that can be made.

So our answers were one, two, three, and four.

It's also our times tables.

One times two is equal to two, two times two is equal to four, three times two is equal to six and four times two is equal to eight.

And then the second part, 12, 11, 10, and 9 were our answers.

Each time the whole decreased by two.

So there was one less group of two that can be made each time, and it's also our times tables going backwards.

24 divided by 2 is equal to 12.

22 divided by 2 is equal to 11.

20 divided by 2 is equal to 10 and 18 divided by 2 is equal to 9.

It was also working up my times table charts.

Well done if you completed Part 2 and Part 3 was to fill in the missing numbers to complete the equations.

So something times by two is equal to six.

We know that 3 twos are equal to six.

So six divided by two must be equal to three.

15 times by 2 is equal to 30.

So I know that 30 divided by 2 must be equal to 15.

I can use that multiplication knowledge to help me to solve that division.

And C, I can see that my whole here in the division is 18 and I know that 9 times by 2 is equal to 18.

So 18 divided by 2 must be equal to 9.

Well done for completing Part 3 and completing Task A.

Let's move on then to applying this learning into some context.

We're gonna solve some problems in context and we're going to return back to the theme park with Jacob and Sophia.

Let's see what problems they face this time.

14 people are waiting to ride The Ferris Wheel.

Each carriage holds two people.

So how many carriages will be filled? Hmm.

Let's see.

We know that 14 is our whole because that's the amount of people that are waiting to ride The Ferris Wheel.

The group size is two because we can fit two people in a carriage at a time.

So the number of carriages will be the number of groups of two that we can make.

We know that 7 times 2 is equal to 14.

So 14 divided by 2 must be equal to 7.

So that means that "seven carriages will be filled if 14 people want to ride The Ferris Wheel." Well done, Sophia.

I love how you use your times tables there to help you.

So over to you then.

22 people are waiting to ride The Ferris Wheel.

Each carriage holds two people.

So how many carriages will be filled by the 22 people? Record this as an equation and use your times table knowledge to find out how many carriages will be filled.

Come on back once you've found an answer.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look then.

So we know that there are 22 people waiting to ride The Ferris Wheel.

Each carriage holds two people, so that's going to be 22 divided into groups of 2.

We know that 11 twos are equal to 22.

So 22 divided into groups of 2 will be equal to 11.

11 carriages will be filled by the 22 people on The Ferris Wheel.

Well done to you if you said that 11 carriages would be filled.

Jacob and Sophia now take another trip to The Swirler.

There's a really long queue for The Swirler though.

So a group of 16 is split equally into the two different queues.

How many people will be in each queue? This time we can see that our whole is 16, but this time we are sharing 16 between 2 groups rather than grouping them into twos.

So we're sharing the 16 people between queue 1 and queue 2.

Once we've solved that division, the answer will then be the size in each queue or the size of each share.

Sophia notices though that two is still our divisor, so we can still use our 2 times table to find the size in each share.

Sophia knows that 8 twos are equal to 16.

So 16 divided between 2 groups will be equal to 8.

So there will be eight people in each of the queues.

So even when our problem is sharing between two, we can still use our knowledge of the 2 times table because two is still the divisor.

Over to you then.

Have a go at this problem.

This time there's a group of 24 people that equally need to be split into two different queues.

How many people will be in each queue now? Record this as an equation and explain the knowledge that you used to solve the problem, then come on back when you're ready to see how you got on.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look then.

So this time our whole is 24, but we're still dividing it between two groups, those two queues.

We know that 12 twos are equal to 24.

So 24 divided by 2 must be equal to 12.

In each of the queues there will be 12 people.

Well done if you've got this correct.

Let's continue to practise this, returning to The Prize Pavilion with Jacob and Sophia.

They decide to explore some of the other Prize Pavilion stations.

Wow, Dizzy Dice, Bonkers Buckets and Whack-a-Mole.

Let's see what problems they face.

For each of the problems, record it as an equation and solve the problem using your knowledge of 2 times tables.

So A, Jacob plays dizzy Dice.

He needs to roll 12 to win and the numbers have to be the same.

If he rolls two dice, what number does he need to roll on each dice? B, On Whack-a-Mole, Jacob and Sophia earn a total score of 18.

Each mole is worth two points.

So how many moles did they whack? And C, on Bonkers Buckets, Sophia has eight balls.

If she gets an equal amount in each bucket, how many balls did she get in each bucket? So pause this video, record each problem as an equation, and find the solution and come on back when you're ready to see how you've got on.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look then.

A, Jacob's playing the Dizzy Dice.

He needs to roll a 12 to win and the numbers have to be the same.

If he rolls two dice, what number does he need to roll on each dice? 12 is our whole and each of the 2 dice had to be equal.

So we are dividing 12 into 2 equal groups.

We know that 6 twos are equal to 12, so 12 divided by 2 must be equal to 6.

He needs to roll a 6 on each dice to score 12 altogether.

Well done if you said this.

B, On Whack-a-Mole, Jacob and Sophia earn 18 points.

Each mole is worth two points.

So how many moles did they whack? 18 is our whole and each mole is worth 2.

So here we are dividing 18 to see how many groups of two we can make.

We know that 9 twos are equal to 18, so 18 divided into groups of 2 is equal to 9.

Nine two-point moles must have been whacked to score 18 points.

Well done to Jacob and Sophia for completing that challenge.

And C, on Bonkers Buckets, Sophia has eight balls.

If she gets an equal amount in each bucket, how many balls did she get in each bucket? Eight is our whole and we're putting them into two groups.

So here we are sharing eight between two groups.

We know that 4 twos are equal to eight, so eight divided between two groups will be equal to four.

We can see that the eight balls will be put into two equal groups of four.

Well done to Sophia and Jacob for all of their hard work and well done to you for all of your hard work.

Let's have a look at what we've covered today.

When we are dividing by two, you can use the 2 times table to find the number of groups or the number in each group.

And here's an example, 3 twos are equal to six.

So six divided into groups of two is equal to three.

3 twos are equal to six.

So six divided into two groups is equal to three in each group.

Thank you so much for all of your hard work today.

I'm hoping that you are feeling really confident at using your times tables to solve divisions now.

I can't wait to see you all again soon for some more learning.
