
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Miah, and I'm so excited to be a part of your learning journey today.

I hope you enjoy this lesson as much as I do.

In this lesson, you are going to be able to explain that objects can be grouped in different ways.

Now, when I was younger, I loved grouping objects, and I loved grouping objects according to their colour, their size, and how many that I could have in each group, and we're going to explore this today.

Are you ready? Let's begin.

On the screen now, you can see your keywords, and I'd like you to repeat them after me.

So I'll go first.

Group, equal, unequal.

Well done if you managed to say those words correctly, and I'd love it if you could use those in your explanations as we are grouping throughout the lesson.

So this lesson, as you know, is all about grouping and grouping objects in different ways.

Now, there are two lesson cycles in this lesson.

Our first lesson cycle is all to do with the actual action of grouping, so that's what we're going to be doing.

Then our second lesson cycle focuses on equal and unequal groups.

To help us with our journey, we're going to be meeting Alex and Jacob that are also going to be giving their thoughts and opinions of what is happening when we are grouping objects.

Let's begin.

Jacob and Alex are helping Mrs. Hopper organise the class.

Now, you might do this, as well, when it comes to either the beginning of the year or the end of the year, especially when we're packing away our resources.

Now, Jacob says he's found seven pencils.

Can you see that they're all scattered there in the middle? Now Alex says he has an elastic band and that he can use them to bundle them together.

Actually, that's a good thing to do because it sort of tidies away the mess.

So there we are.

He's now bundled them all together.

"Great!" he says.

"Now we have a group of seven pencils." So can you see there we've got a group of seven pencils? They've been bundled together.

So the pencils have been grouped.

Over to you.

How many groups of pencils can you see? There are mmm groups of pencils.

You can pause the video here.

I'd like you to say the sentence stem out loud.

So what did you say? Well, there are three groups of pencils, and that's because I can see, starting from the left, one group, two groups, and three groups of pencils.

Well done if you managed to say that.

Let's move on.

This time, Alex and Jacob are helping the dinner staff.

Now, Jacob says, "I found eight bananas," and actually, I can see eight bananas there.

Now there's a sentence stem there.

What do you think the missing number is? Well, Miss Kent has given Alex a small crate to put them in.

So there we are.

Let's put the bananas into the crate.

"Great! Now we have a crate of eight bananas." That is the same as saying one group of eight bananas.

So the bananas have been grouped.

Over to you.

Have a look at the screen.

How many groups are there all together? I wonder how many crates of bananas I can see.

There are mmm groups of bananas.

I want you to count how many groups of bananas you can see.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go.

So how many groups of bananas can you see? Let's count together.

I can see one, two, three, four, five, six crates of bananas.

So that means there are six groups of bananas, and in each group, there are eight bananas.

Back to you again.

So this time, I want you to get a little bit creative.

So using the objects on your table, can you make a group of five? You can pause the video here.

Off you go.

So how did you do? Now, when I was trying to do this where I am, on my desk, I had a sharpener, I had two pencils, and then I had another pen and a ruler, so five items. So that is my group of five.

Hmm, I wonder how you did.

Let's have a look.

You may have grouped together something like this, one group of five pencils.

Now don't worry if you didn't have an elastic band.

That's fine as long as you grouped the pencils together so you could see one group.

You may have put together one group of five erasers, and lastly, maybe you had sharpeners on the table, and you put five sharpeners together to make one group.

Now, it really doesn't matter if the sharpeners are different colours, if the rubbers are of different sizes, as long as you had five items in one group.

Well done if you managed to do that.

Let's move on.

Now, Jacob has found some more objects in the classroom and has put them into groups.

Now, on the screen, you can see some counters, some straws, and some rubbers.

I want you to think about what's the same between all three groups and what's different.

You could pause the video here and click play when you're ready to join the discussion.

So what did you think? Well, you may have said that there are four objects in each group, and that is true because let's have a look at the counters.

I can see four counters.

They're different colours, but there are four counters.

There are four straws.

There're all the same, but there are four, and lastly, there are four rubbers.

So that means there are four items or objects in each group, and actually it's been made clear because there's a purple line that separates all the items from each other, and I can see three of those.

So there are three groups of four.

Now, when I was thinking about what's different, well, I know that there are four in each group.

What's different is the actual item itself.

In the first group, we've got counters.

In the second group, we've got straws, and in the last group, we've got rubbers.

So Jacob is now recording the amount of groups he can make using counters.

Jacob says he's got four counters.

He says he's going to draw a circle around it to show one group.

There we are.

So we've got one group of four counters.

So now the counters have been grouped because he's drawn a circle around the counters, and Alex says that he can see one group.

There are four counters in one group.

Now Jacob continues, and this time, he has five counters.

I am going to draw a circle around it to show one group.

Let's have a look.

Ah, there we are.

The counters have been grouped.

So Alex again says he can see one group.

So thinking about how we could do this in the classroom, we don't need an elastic band.

We could actually just draw around the counters to show one group.

So there are five counters in one group.

Over to you.

Jacob has six counters.

He has recorded them in various ways.

Which shows one group of six counters? You could pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So which grouping did you tick and and why? Well, if you ticked A and B, you are correct, and that's because A and B show one group of six counters.

A has them arranged quite nicely in columns and rows, and B, even though they're scattered, there's still grouping that's happened because Jacob has drawn an outline around them to group them.

C is incorrect.

I can actually see six groups there, not one group of six.

Now Alex has found five markers.

He says he can make one group.

Group them by drawing a line around them.

So that is one group of five markers.

Hmm, now what if Alex arranged them differently? Let's have a look.

He's now made two groups.

There's one group of two markers, and there's one group of three markers.

So he's made two groups out of the five markers that he had.

So that is five markers all together.

"That's cool! I can make another combination." Ooh, let's have a look.

So now, he has one group of four markers and one group of one marker.

He's still got two groups.

So that is five markers all together.

There are so many ways I can group items, as long as the amount of the items all together remains the same.

Now, Jacob finds eight pencils.

So that is one group of eight pencils.

Jacob says he can make two groups.

So he groups them into two bundles.

Let's see how he does this.

Now remember, there are so many ways he could group them into two groups.

So there's one group of four pencils, and then we've got another group of four pencils, but do remember there are still eight pencils all together.

"That's cool! I can make another combination." So this time there's one group of six pencils and one group of two pencils, and that's still eight pencils all together.

So again, he's made two groups from the eight pencils.

Now Jacob notices something else.

He notices that he can also make three groups.

So now he groups them into three bundles.

Let's see how he does this.

So he's decided to have one group of one pencil, one group of two pencils, and one group of five pencils.

So this time, he's got three bundles.

It's still eight pencils all together.

Hmm, now he can make another combination.

Here we are.

So this time he's grouped them into two groups of three and one group of two pencils.

Over to you.

What I'd like you to do is find seven pencils, and I want you to explore how many ways you can group them, okay? So I want you to also use the sentence stem that you see at the bottom of the screen.

So that is mmm group of something pencils.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go.

So how did you do? Now you may have said something like this.

So here, we can see that is one group of seven pencils, and here are some more examples.

That is one group of five and one group of two pencils.

So there are two groups there or two bundles.

There's another grouping of two.

So that is one group of four and one group of three pencils.

Onto the main task for this lesson cycle.

So working in pairs and using items on your table, I'd like you to take turns.

Partner A will collect a handful of pencils and put them into groups.

Partner B is going to answer the following questions.

Can you say how many groups there are, and can you say how many items there are in each group? For question two, you're going to be answering the following questions.

So how many groups are there, and how many items are there in each group? So there are mmm groups.

There are mmm bananas in each group.

Now for the second example, have a look at how many straws there are, and for the last example, you're going to be looking at how many groups of erasers there are and how many erasers are in each group, and for question three, Alex has 10 counters.

He has grouped them in different ways.

I'd like you to complete the drawings to show how he could have grouped them.

So A has been partially filled out, B has also been partially filled out, so you're going to complete the rest and the same for C, as well, and for question four, can you think of another way to group the 10 counters? So that's your main task for this lesson cycle.

You could pause the video here.

Off you go.

Good luck.

Welcome back.

So how did you do? Let's have a look.

So for question one, these are some of the groupings that you may have had.

So for example, on the screen here, you can see that there are three groups, and we've identified those by drawing a line around them.

So there is one group of four pencils and two groups of three pencils.

Well done if you managed to identify the amount of groups and how many pencils there were in each group.

For question two, this is what you should have got.

So there are six groups, and there are seven bananas in each group.

Then for 2B, there are four groups, and there are four straws in each group, and for two C, there are 12 groups, and there are five erasers in each group.

Well done if you managed to get all of those correct and correctly identify how many items were in each group, as well, and for question three, this is what you should have got.

So 3A, you should have drawn two extra counters to complete the group of 10.

So there were 10 counters in each group.

For question B, you should have drawn three extra counters in the first group to make five, and then you should have drawn four extra counters in the second group to make five again.

So that would've been 10 counters all together across the two groups, and for C, well, so there are four counters in the first group.

There are two counters in the second group.

So four add two gives us six.

Now to get to 10, I need four more counters because six add four is equal to 10.

So you would've drawn four counters in the last grouping.

Now this had many answers.

So you could have had five groups of two counters and that would've given you 10 counters all together.

You could have had one group of six and one group of four counters.

So that's two groups of counters, and there would've been 10 counters again all together, and lastly, there would've been one group of eight and one group of two counters, which again, would've given you 10 counters all together.

Well done if you managed to answer all those questions correctly.

You are now showing that you can group items correctly.

Moving on to our second lesson cycle, equal and unequal groups.

So Mrs. Hopper wants to make a fruit salad.

She begins with four fruits.

Jacob says, "I can see four fruits.

I found a plate.

Maybe we can put them there for now." "Oh no, not all of them fit on the plate.

We need another plate." There we go.

So you can describe this as groups, as well.

So that is one group of two fruits, and the second plate also shows one group of two fruits.

What do you notice? Now, you may have said that the groups are equal because there are the same number of fruits in each group.

Over to you.

What I'd like you to do is gather six items and arrange them into equal groups.

I've got counters that I'm going to use.

Now you might use pencils, erasers.

It's up to you.

You could pause the video here.

So how did you do? So here are some examples of how you may have arranged them.

Now, you may have arranged them into equal groups like this, three groups of two counters and two groups of three counters.

This shows equal groups.

Now, Jacob has had a go at making equal groups with nine counters.

Here is how he arranged them.

So here, we've got three groups of three counters.

How do you know that they are equal groups? Have a think.

Now, we know that these are equal groups because we've got the same number of items in each group.

So for this example, we've got three counters in each group.

Now, Alex has a go at making equal groups with some counters.

Here is how he arranged them.

Hmm, what advice would you give to Alex to make his groups equal? Well, Alex could add one more counter to the red group to make two equal groups of five.

We know they're equal because there are five counters in group.

Now, Alex notices another way to make equal groups.

What advice or what do you think Alex has done to make the groups equal? Well, you may have said that he could remove one counter, as well.

So now you have two equal groups of four counters.

Over to you.

So here are two groups.

How would you make them equal? Jacob says the groups are unequal because there are a different number of pencils in each group.

Hmm, I wonder what you could do.

You could pause the video here and click play when you're ready to rejoin us.

So how did you do? Now, you may have said you could add one more pencil to the second group.

So that would leave you with two groups of four pencils, or alternatively, he could have removed one pencil from the first group.

So this would've given you two equal groups of three.

Now, Mrs. Hopper has some fruit left over from a salad she made.

Jacob says, "I can see seven fruits.

I found a plate.

Maybe we can put them there for now." So here we are.

"Oh no, not all of them fit on the plate.

We need another plate." Now you can describe this as groups.

So that is one group of four fruits, and that is one group of three fruits.

What do you notice? Well, this time, the groups are unequal because there are a different number of fruits in each group.

Okay, over to you.

So this time, I'd like you to gather some pencils, and I want you to show unequal groups.

Off you go.

You can pause the video here.

So how did you do? Well, I gathered seven pencils, and this is how I showed unequal groups.

I first presented them like this.

So I have got one group of four and then one group of three, and I know that they're unequal because they don't have the same amount of pencils in each group, or I also could have grouped a different amount of pencils like this.

So this time, I have 10 pencils all together, but in my first group, I've got five pencils.

Then in my second group, I've got two pencils, and in my last group I've got three pencils.

So the groups are unequal because there are different number of pencils in each group.

Okay, onto your main task for this lesson cycle.

You're going to gather 12 items. This can be anything, pencils, erasers, whatever you have on your table.

So working in pairs, you're going to be completing the tasks.

Partner A will arrange the 12 cubes into equal groups.

You will then explain to partner B why they are equal, and partner B will arrange the 12 items unequally.

You're going to use a sentence stem to explain why it is unequal.

For question two, you're going to be answering the following questions.

So Izzy is arranging 12 objects into equal groups.

Can you complete her drawing? And you can see that there are 12 lollipops there, and for question three, now Izzy is arranging 12 cubes into unequal groups.

Can you complete her drawing? So there are four groups there.

I wonder how many items you're going to put in each group to have 12 all together, but remember, they have to be unequal.

You can pause the video here.

Off you go.

Good luck.

So how did you do? For question one, you may have got something like this.

So for example, you could have had two groups of six or six groups of two, or you may have had three groups of four or four groups of three.

The most important thing to remember here is that your groups were equal, and how do we know that they're equal? The same number of items in each group.

Partner B.

Now here's an example here.

So the groups are unequal because there is one group of seven, one group of four, and one group of one.

So they have a different number of items in each group.

For question two, this is what you should have got.

So there would've been four lollipops in each group, and for question three, to arrange the 12 groups unequally, you may have had something like this.

So in your first group, you may have had four cubes, in your second group, three cubes, in your third group, two cubes, and in your last group, three cubes.

The main thing to remember here is that the groups are unequal because there would've been a different number of cubes in each group.

Well done.

We've made it to the end of the lesson, and in this lesson, you were able to explain that objects can be grouped in different ways.

So you should now understand that objects can be put into groups.

You also understand the difference between equal and unequal groups.

Equal groups are equal because there are the same number of items in each group, and unequal groups means that there are a different number of items in each group.

Well done for completing the lesson, and thank you for joining me.

I hope to see you in the next lesson.
