
Lesson video

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Hello, my name is Miss Roth.

Today we're going to be looking at the lesson getting a healthy balance online.

This fits into the unit Media influences: how do I decide what to do online? So let's get ready.

Let's get our eyes ready to look, our ears ready to listen, and our brains ready to do some learning.

Today's lesson outcome is: I can explain why balancing offline and online time is important.

Let's begin by taking a look at our ground rules, and we have our friends here to help us.

Laura says, "We should listen to others." That means not interrupting when somebody else is speaking.

Andeep says, "We should respect privacy." That means if somebody shares a story or an experience, that we don't go and repeat it to other people outside of this lesson.

Jacob says, "No judgement !" That means if somebody does decide to share a story or their experience, that we don't judge them because of it.

And Izzy says, "Choose your level of participation." That means you can decide if you simply just want to listen or if you want to share something throughout the lesson.

Here are some of today's keywords.

I will read them first to you, and then you can repeat them after me.

Are you ready? Healthy.


Well done.


When something is healthy, it means it is good for us, our minds and bodies.

Exercise means moving our bodies to stay strong and healthy.

Here are the rest of today's keywords.

Like last time, I will read them first to you and then you can repeat them after me.

Ready? Offline.


Great job.

Offline means not using the internet.


Having a balance means making sure you have enough time for work and fun.

For example, sharing your time between homework, play, and rest.

Let's see if we can spot any of these keywords throughout the lesson.

Here is today's lesson's outline.

We're going to begin with what things are important to keep us healthy.

There are lots of things we can do to keep ourselves healthy.

It's important to be healthy so that we can grow, play, and learn at school.

Getting enough sleep every night is important to stay healthy.

That means going to bed when your trusted adult tells you to.

Jacob says, "Sleep helps our bodies to rest and grow." Time for a check for understanding.

Fill in the missing word in this sentence.

When something is healthy, it means it is for us.


What could that missing word be? Is it A, bad; B, exciting; or C, good? Hmm.

Fill in the missing word in this sentence.

When something is healthy, it means it is for us.

Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said C, good.

When something is healthy, it means it is good for us.

It's important to eat healthy food.

"Can you spot any healthy food in this lunchbox?" Asks Izzy.


I know I can spot lots of healthy food in this lunchbox.

I can see some fruit.

I can see some vegetables.

I can see cheese and bread.

Healthy food gives our bodies energy and helps us to grow strong.

Jacob says, "Eating healthy food keeps our body working well so that we have enough energy to learn and play." Time for a check for understanding.

Why is it important to eat healthy food? Is it A, so our bodies can rest; B, so our bodies can grow; and C, so our bodies can get energy? Hmm.

Why is it important to eat healthy food? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said B and C.

It's important to eat healthy food because then our bodies can grow and our bodies can get energy.

Getting regular exercise also keeps us healthy because our bones and muscles can grow strong.

Jacob says, "Exercise can be many things, like dancing or playing games with our friends." It's also important to spend time with other people offline to keep us healthy and to help us feel happy and loved.

Andeep says, "I love spending time with my brother because he always makes me laugh." Laura says, "I love going to the park with my granny." They are great activities to do offline.

Well done, Andeep and Laura.

Okay, time for a check for understanding.

True or false? Exercise is not important.


You can give me a thumbs up if you think it's true or a thumbs down if you think it's false.


Exercise is not important.

True or false? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said false.

Exercise is important because it keeps us healthy.

When we exercise, our bones and muscles can grow strong.

Time for a task now.

Write a list of things that keep us healthy.

One has been done for you.

And on my list, I wrote spending time with people offline.

Laura says, "Remember that being healthy helps us to grow, play, and learn." Pause this video so you have some time to do the task, and then we will go through the answers together.

Well done for having a go.

Your answers could include spending time with people offline, getting enough sleep every night, eating healthy food, and exercising regularly.

Well done if you wrote something similar on your list.

We are now going to move on to the second part of our lesson, what can stop us being healthy? Spending time online can be fun, but it can take us away from doing things that keep us healthy, like exercising or spending time with other people offline.

It's important to get a balance of doing things that keep us healthy and spending time online.

A balance means making sure you have enough time for work and fun.

For example, sharing your time between homework, play, and rest.

Here is a balanced scale.

Somebody is watching videos, but they also spend time exercising too.

They are getting a balance.

If we spend too much time going online, then we are not getting a balance of doing things that keep us healthy.

For example, this person has been watching videos and online gaming and they've only spent a short amount of time exercising.

They are not getting a balance of doing things that keep them healthy and going online.

Okay, time for a check for understanding.

True or false? Spending too much time online can take us away from doing things that keep us healthy.


You can give me a thumbs up if you think it's true or a thumbs down if you think it's false.


Spending too much time online can take us away from doing things that keep us healthy.

True or false? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said true.

Not all online time is bad.

However, we should make sure we spend time doing healthy things like exercising and eating healthy food throughout our day.

Andeep says, "I like spending some time watching videos online and then going outside to play with my brother." Wow, Andeep, it seems like you are really getting a healthy balance between online time and offline time.

Well done.

Time for a check for understanding.

True or false? All online time is bad.


Give me a thumbs up if you think it's true or a thumbs down if you think it's false.

All online time is bad.

True or false? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said false.

Not all online time is bad.

However, we should make time to do healthy things like spending time with other people offline or exercising.

It's also important to get a balance of eating healthy food and treats, like chocolate and sweets.

This person is getting a balance between eating chocolate and eating fruits and vegetables.

If we eat too many chocolates and sweets, then we are not getting a balance of healthy food.

This shows an unbalanced scale.

The person has eaten lots of chocolate and sweets and not a lot of fruit and vegetables.

Eating too many chocolates and sweets can stop us from being healthy.

Andeep says, "There is a lot of sugar in chocolate and sweets." Laura says, "Eating too much sugar can stop our teeth and bodies from being healthy." Time for a check for understanding.

Which plate on the screen shows a balance of eating healthy food and treats? Hmm.

Is it A, B, or C? Which plate shows a balance of eating healthy food and treats? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said B.

B shows a balance of eating healthy food and treats.

Time for a task now.

Read Jun's sentence below.

He says, "Spending too much time online can stop us from being healthy." Tell your partner why Jun is correct.

Pause this video so you can have some thinking time and do the task.

Then we will go through the answers together.

Well done for having a go.

You could have said to your partner, Jun is correct because spending too much time online can take us away from doing things that keep us healthy.

You could have said to your partner, Jun is correct because spending too much time online can take us away from doing things that keep us healthy, like exercising or spending time with other people offline.

Well done if you said something similar.

We are now going to move on to the third and final part of our lesson.

How can we plan a healthy day? There are lots of fun things we can do to plan a healthy day.

Izzy asks, "Can you think of any healthy things you do in your day already?" Hmm.

We can start our day by eating a healthy breakfast.

Jacob says, "I love eating porridge with bananas and honey for breakfast." So do I, Jacob.

Time for a check for understanding.

How could we start our day in a healthy way? Is it A, by sitting down for a long time; B, eating a healthy breakfast; or C, spending a long time online? Hmm.

How could we start our day in a healthy way? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said B.

We can start our day in a healthy way by eating a healthy breakfast.

A healthy day includes spending time exercising and moving our bodies.

This could be running in the park with friends, walking to the shops with your family, or going for a swim at your swimming club.

Jun says, "I love exercising in my PE lessons at school." After moving our bodies, it's important to take a short break to rest.

Izzy says, "I like reading a book when I am having a rest." It's important to also spend time in our day doing something we enjoy.

It might be playing, practising a hobby, or online gaming.

If we decide to spend time online during our day, we need to make sure that we have breaks offline to find a healthy balance.

For example, talking to our friends in person, playing outside, or doing a fun activity like baking.

Jacob says, "Having a balance between offline and online time keeps us healthy." Time for a check for understanding.

What should we do if we decide to spend time online during our day? Hmm.

Is it A, take a break from being online; B, spend most of our day online; or C, do something offline? Hmm.

What should we do if we decide to spend time online during our day? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said A and C.

We should take a break from being online and do something offline.

We can finish our day by going to bed when our trusted adult tells us to, and by getting enough sleep.

Jacob says, "When we get enough sleep, our bodies will rest and grow." Izzy says, "Our trusted adults are always there to help us make choices that keep us healthy." Jacob says, "Always speak to your trusted adult if you are worried or unsure about whether you are making a good choice that keeps you healthy." Time for a check for understanding.

True or false? Trusted adults help us make choices that keep us healthy.

You can give me a thumbs up if you think it's true or a thumbs down if you think it's false.

Trusted adults help us to make choices that keep us healthy.

True or false? Pause this video so you can have some thinking time.

Well done if you said true.

Time for a task now.

Alex has decided he wants to spend part of his healthy day watching videos online.

First, draw a picture of something Alex could do offline after watching videos.

Then tell your partner why it is important that Alex balances offline and online time.

Pause this video so you can have some time to do the task, and then we will go through the answers together.

Well done for having a go.

Your drawing could look like this.

Alex could play football after spending time online.

And you could have said to your partner, it's important that Alex balances his offline and online time so that he can do things that keep him healthy, like exercising.

Well done if you said something similar.

This brings us to the end of our lesson, and I've had a fantastic time with you today.

Here is a summary of everything that we've covered.

Sleeping, exercising, healthy food, and spending time with others are important.

We must have a balance between doing things that keep us healthy offline and time spent online.

Online time is not bad for us as long as it does not stop us from doing things that are healthy for us.

Trusted adults help us to make choices to stay healthy.

For example, helping us to balance offline and online time.

Here is a slide with some support if you need to access it.

Childline: a website and phone line which is able to offer confidential advice and support.


The CEOP helps protect children from online abuse and exploitation.

Internet Matters.

Internet Matters teaches children and parents how to stay safe and happy online while using the internet.