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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mehrin and I am so excited to be learning all about body parts for our senses today.

Let's begin.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit human body parts.

Your lesson outcome today is I can explain which parts of the human body we use for our five senses.

Now, I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit difficult, but that's okay because it just means that we are going to work together really hard and we're going to learn lots of new things together.

Let's begin.

So we've got some keywords for you today.

We're going to do my turn, your turn.

My turn, senses.

Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.


Well done.

Now, our lesson is split into two parts today.

Let's begin with the first part, body parts for our senses.

Now, humans use different senses to explore the world around them.

So we might be exploring outdoors just like this child in this picture running around outside.

Or you might explore indoors like this baby in this picture who is playing with some musical instruments.

Now, scientists tell us that there are five basic human senses.

Can you name any of these senses? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

Now, let's see if we can name some of these.

So the five basic human senses are sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

Now, humans use different body parts when they use each of their senses.

Do you know any of these body parts that we might use in order to use our senses? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

Now, Sofia and Alex are playing on the school field.

Sofia shows Alex an insect that she has found.

Sofia says, "Look what I have found." Now, which part of our body do we use when we look at something? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

So humans use their eyes to see things.

Did you get that right? We call this our sense of sight.

We can see things that are near to us and things that are far away.

So here we are looking at things that are nearby and looking at things that are far away.

Now, sight is one of the five basic human senses.

Alex uses his eyes to look at this butterfly and Alex says, "Sometimes our eyes need a little bit of help to see things clearly so some people wear glasses like I do." Now, I want you to have a really good look around you.

What can you see? I'll give you five seconds to list as many things as you can that you can see around you.

Off you go.

Wow, you have listed so many.

Well done.

Now, scientists use hand lens or a microscope to help them see things.

We can also use binoculars or a telescope to see things that are far away.

And here we have some pictures of what they look like.

Now, which part of our body do humans use for seeing? Do we use our ears, our eyes, or our nose? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

We use our eyes.

Great thinking.

Well done, everyone.

Now, another of the basic human senses is hearing.

The children hear the bell ringing for the end of playtime.

Which part of our body do we use when we hear something? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

Humans use their ears to hear things around them.

A human's ears can hear very quiet sounds, as well as very loud sounds.

So it might be a quiet whisper or noisy drums. Now, sometimes our ears need some help to hear things clearly.

Some people wear a hearing aid or a cochlear implant, like I do.

Now, I want you to list as many things as you can hear around you in five seconds.

Are you ready? Off you go.

Wow, that was fantastic.

So I could hear some cars driving past on my street and I could hear the fan from my laptop as well.

Otherwise, around me, it's quiet.

Now, true or false? We use our ears to see things.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is false.

Now, do you think that's because A, we use our ears to taste things or B, we use our ears to hear things? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done, the answer is B.

We use our ears to hear things.

Now, it is lunchtime and the children are eating in the dining hall and Aisha says, "I'm eating some strawberries and they taste delicious." And Lucas says, "My chicken sandwich is yummy." Taste is another of the basic human senses.

Which part of our body do we use when we taste something? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Humans use their tongue to taste things.

Did you get that right? This helps you to sense the different flavours in your food.

And there we have a nice big picture of the human tongue and somebody tasting an orange.

Now, different people like different tastes and flavours.

Aisha says, "I love the taste of a cheese and tomato sandwich." And Lucas says, "I don't mind the taste of cheese, but I don't like the taste of tomatoes." Which foods do you like the taste of? Do you think you can name them in five seconds? List as many things as you can of foods that you like the taste of.

Ready? Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

You have named so many different foods that you like the taste of.

So I was thinking of pineapples and mangoes and I love the taste of chocolate as well.

Now, who do you agree with? Laura says, "Humans use their ears to taste things." Alex says, "Humans use their tongues to taste things." And Jacob says, "Humans use their eyes to taste things." Who do you think is correct? I'll give you five seconds.

Off you go.


Well done.

It was Alex who was correct.

Now, here is your first task.

I want you to look at this picture really carefully.

Which senses are being used in each photograph? I want you to identify the body parts that are used by each sense.

So this is the first picture, this is the second picture, and this is the third picture.

So I'd like you to pause the video now and I'd like you to think about which senses were being used for each photograph and identify the body part that is used by each sense.

Okay, off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Now, in photograph one, the boy is using a magnifying glass to look at something.

Humans use their eyes when they are looking at things.

Did you identify any other senses that might have been used? Maybe touch and we will talk about that a little bit more soon.

In photograph two, the girl is eating a watermelon.

She's tasting the food as she eats it.

Humans use their tongues to taste things.

And did you identify any other senses being used? You might have said smell and we will look at that as well soon.

And in photograph three, the child is listening to music.

When humans hear or listen to something, they use their ears.

And did you identify any other senses being used? You might have said smell, you might have said touch.

Now we are onto the second part of our learning where we are going to be learning more about senses.

Now, as the children are eating, they notice different smells coming from the school kitchen.

Which part of our body do we use for our sense of smell? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

Humans use their nose to smell things.

Some things smell nice such as roses, bread and chocolate cake.

Now, which smells do you like? Do you think you could list as many smells as you like in five seconds? Off you go.


Well done.

I like the smell of flowers and I love the smell of grass after it's been cut and strawberries as well.

Now, some things don't smell as nice, such as wet dogs and sweaty socks.

Now, which smells do you not like? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer and maybe you can list as many as you can in that time.

Off you go.


Well done.

I think I have to agree with these two.

The smell of wet dogs and sweaty socks are not my favourite smells.

Now, which part of the body do humans use for smelling? Is it A, the nose, B, the ears, or C, the tongue? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is our nose.

Now, the children go outside for lunchtime play and Jun is looking at some flowers in the school's garden and he says, "This rose stem looks spiky.

I'm not sure if I should touch it." Now, which part of the body do we use when we touch something? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So humans use their skin to touch things.

A human's skin can feel if something is hot or cold or smooth or rough.

So we don't just need to use our hands to touch something.

We could touch something with our feet.

We could touch something with our arms, we could touch something with our face.

Anywhere where you have skin, you can use that to touch things.

Now, it's not always safe to touch things and adults wear oven gloves when they are cooking things in the hot oven and sometimes scientists use tweezers to touch things to protect themselves, just like in these pictures below.

Now, true or false? Humans use their skin to touch things.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is true.

Now, is that because a human skin can feel if something is hot or cold or rough or smooth, or humans only use their hands to touch things? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is A, a human skin feel if something is hot or cold or rough or smooth.

Now, here is your second task for today.

Sofia's sister is baking a cake.

I want you to explain how she is using her senses in each picture.

So think about what our five senses are.

Which of those senses is she using in each of these pictures? Okay, I'd like you to pause the video now and have a go at that activity.

Off you go.


Well done.

What about in these pictures here? Again, I'd like you to pause the video and have a go at listing and explaining how she's using her senses in each picture.

Off you go.


Well done.

Now, Izzy says, "When she mixes all of the ingredients, she's using her sight and she might be able to smell the ingredients too.

She's also using her sense of touch to hold the spoon." Sofia says, "When she rolls out the dough, she is using her sense of touch, as well as her sense of sight." "When she puts the cake into the oven, she will use her sense of smell to check it doesn't burn, and her sense of hearing to listen out for the oven timer." Sofia says, "When she takes the cake out of the oven, she wears oven gloves to protect her hands.

She uses her sense of touch and sight to move it carefully." Izzy says, "She uses her sense of touch and sight to pour the icing over the cake.

I think she's also using her sense of smell because the cake will smell delicious." Sofia says, "When the cake has cooled down and is ready, she will be able to use her sense to taste when she eats a slice of it!" Now, we are onto the summary of our learning today.

Different senses use different body parts.

The eyes are used for seeing, the ears are used for hearing, the tongue is used for tasting, the nose is used for smelling and the skin is used for touching.

And different senses and their body parts are in these pictures here.

You have worked so hard and you have learnt so many new things.

I'm so proud of you all.

Well done.