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Hello, my name is Mrs. Mehrin, and I'm so excited to be learning all about different types of food with you.

Let's begin.

Welcome to today's lesson from the unit "Healthy Me".

Your lesson outcome is I can describe why it's important for humans to eat different types of food.

Now, I know that learning can sometimes be a little bit tricky, but that's okay, because we are going to work really hard together, and we're going to learn lots of fabulous new things.

Let's begin.

Here are your keywords for today.

Let's do my turn, your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.

My turn.


Your turn.


Well done.

Now, let's begin with the first part of our learning today, 'cause we've got two parts, but we're going to start with the first one, which is different types of food.

Now, the children are talking about what they're eating for lunch.

Aisha says, "I am eating cheese sandwiches and a strawberry yoghourt." Jacob says, I'm eating a salad with chicken, tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumber." And Sofia says, "I'm eating spaghetti bolognese.

It's made from beef, vegetables, and pasta." Now, why do you think it's important for humans to eat food? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So food gives living things energy and helps them to stay healthy.

Is that what you said? So, let's have a look at these pictures.

We've got pat lunch and lots of healthy foods there.

We've got some Korean rice and sausages, mash, and peas.

Now, I want you to think really carefully about this question.

What food have you eaten today? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

I hope you've eaten lots of different types of food that's going to give you lots of energy and helps you to stay healthy.

So, I had some baked beans this morning on toast, and then I had some lovely fruits and vegetables, followed by a sandwich with lots of salad in it, a little bit of cheese, and then I had some rice and chicken to end my day.

Now, the children look again at their lunches and observe that they are all eating different foods.

So here we have Aisha's sandwich, we've got Jacob's chicken salad, and Sophia's spaghetti bolognese.

Now, why do you think this is? Why do you think they're all eating different food? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So different types of food can help our bodies in different ways.

So here, for example, we've got yoghourt, we've got fruits and vegetables, and we have some meat.

Now, do you know any of the ways that different types of food can help our bodies? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So foods that contain milk or dairy help our bones, teeth, and nails to grow strong and stay healthy.

Food such as meat, fish, and soya contain protein.

Protein helps your body to grow and repair.

And eating fruits and vegetables can help a human to stay healthy.

We've got lots of delicious fruits and vegetables in this picture.

Now, foods such as cereals, rice, and potatoes can help humans to keep active and do things like running, cycling, and jumping.

So it gives you lots and lots of energy.

Now, let's do a quick check of your learning so far.

It says true or false? It's important to eat different types of food.

Is that true or false? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is true.

Now, is this because a, different types of food help our bodies in different ways, or b, different types of food taste different? Again, I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

The answer is a, different types of food help our bodies in different ways.

Now, the children look at some other types of foods.

So we've got sweets, chips, and cheese pizza here.

And Lucas says, "I really like eating some of these foods, but I think I should eat small amounts of them and I don't think I should eat them often." That's because some foods contain lots of fat or sugar, and a diet with too much fat or sugar can be unhealthy for humans.

Now, why do you think this is? Why do you think it's so unhealthy for humans to eat so much food containing fat or sugar? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

So it's important for humans to eat foods that contain fats.

However, a diet with too much fat can make humans become unhealthy and unwell.

And you might have found that if you have had a day where you have eaten a lot of fat or sugar, and you might just be feeling a lot more tired that day than another day, and you might start to feel a little bit sick as well.

So a diet that includes a lot of sugar can cause tooth decay and it might make humans gain weight, which can also make them unhealthy or even unwell.

So here we have some sweet treats.

We've got chocolate cake and biscuits, but if we eat too much of that, that could lead to tooth decay, which you can see in this picture here.

We don't want that.

Now, let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

A diet containing foods with lots of fats or sugar can be a, healthy for humans, b, unhealthy for humans, or c, good for human's teeth.

I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is it's unhealthy for humans.

Now, here is your first task.

I want you to look at these meals in these pictures and I want you to talk to your partner about what type of foods are in each meal.

Do both meals contain all the different types of foods? I'd like you to pause the video here and have a go at this question.

Off you go.


Well done.

So Izzy says, "I can see there are lots of different fruits and vegetables in this meal, such as lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, and radishes.

It does not contain any other types of food." And John says, "This meal contains different types of foods.

It has some fruit and vegetables such as lettuce, onions, and tomatoes, as well as chips which are made from potatoes.

It contains cheese, which is a type of dairy, as well as a bread roll and a burger, which is made from meat." Now we are onto the second part of our learning today, choosing and sorting types of food.

So Alex is choosing a food for snack time and he says, "I can make good choices about the foods I eat to help you to stay healthy.

Which food should I choose for my snack today?" What do you think? Which one is the healthiest one that Alex can choose? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done.

I think it might be the apple.

And Alex agrees.

He says, "Today I've chosen an apple for my snack because I know that eating fruit and vegetables is a good way of staying healthy." Good choice, Alex.

And he says, "The donut has lots of sugar and fats in it too, and the lolly has sugar too.

So I should not eat these foods too often because this makes them an unhealthy choice." Now, why is it important that humans make the right choices about the food they eat? Why do you think that is? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

So, the reason why it's so important that humans make the right choice about the food they eat is because it affects our bodies.

Now, if we're always eating lots of sugary and fatty food, one, it's going to affect our teeth.

And secondly, we might put on a bit of weight, and also it's not good for our hearts and it's not good for our health and we might end up becoming a bit unwell as well.

Now, let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

It says which of these foods has the smallest amount of sugar and fat? Is a, vegetables, b, biscuits, or c, ice cream? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

The answer is vegetables.

Well done.

Now, the children are looking at different foods.

So they've got salad, pizza, pastries, and fish.

And Izzy says, I like eating all of these foods, but which should I eat often and which should I only have sometimes? What do you think? Which should she eat often and which one should she only have sometimes? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.

So, the one that Izzy should be eating often is the salad because that's part of your fruits and vegetables and it's really healthy for you.

And she should also eat fish, too, because that's a great source of protein.

However, the pizza and the pastries, they have a lot of fats in them and they're not great for us to be having all the time, but you can have it sometimes.

Now, Izzy says we can sort the foods into different groups to show which foods we can eat often and which food we should only eat sometimes.

And Jun says, "When we sort things into groups, we put things together that are similar." So the children sort the foods into two groups, foods that they should eat often and foods that they should only eat sometimes.

And Izzy says, "I've sorted the foods that have a lot of sugar or fats into the eat sometimes group." We can see that that's exactly what she's done.

Now let's do a quick check-in of your learning.

It says, which science skill do we use when we put foods into groups? Is it a, testing, b, measuring, or c, sorting? I'll give you five seconds to think about your answer.

Off you go.


Well done, the answer is c, sorting.

Now, let's have a look at our second task for today.

It says, sort these foods into eat often and eat sometimes groups.

So we have fish, cake, chips, soya, peas, sweets, crisps, and oranges.

So I want you to think about which ones are healthy and we can eat often, and which ones are full of fats and sugars, which means that we should only eat it sometimes.

So I'd like you to pause the video now.

I want you to go away and draw these circles and then sort the foods into the circles.

And then once you are ready, you can come back and we'll go through the answer together.

Okay, off you go.


Well done.

Let's see if you were right.

So, in the eat often side, we have oranges, fish, soya, and peas.

And in the eat sometimes group, we have crisps, cake, chips, and sweets, because we can't eat those every single day because it'll make us unwell.

But it's great as a nice treat sometimes, isn't it? Now, I want you to check your work.

Did you get these right? Have a look and compare.

If you didn't, you might want to just have a quick change of the groups that you've put them in.

Fantastic, well done.

Now, the second part of your activity is to explain to a partner why it's important for humans to eat different types of food.

So we've got some examples here.

We've got vegetable skewers and we've got a lovely roast dinner.

So, why is it not good for us to eat the same type of food every day? And why is it important that we do eat different types of food every single day? Okay, I'd like you to pause the video and have a go at doing this.

Off you go.

Fantastic, well done.

Now, Laura and Andeep were partners and Laura said, "Different types of foods help a human's body in different ways, so it's important to eat lots of different foods." And Andeep says, "Eating things like milk and cheese will help my bones and teeth to stay healthy.

Eating meat and fish can help my body to grow and repair." Some fantastic answers there from Laura and Andeep.

Now we are onto the summary of our learning today, and it says different types of food can help our bodies in different ways.

A diet containing lots of fats or sugar can be unhealthy for humans.

Making the right choices about the food we eat can help humans to be more healthy, and different types of food can be sorted into different groups.

And here we have a picture of a wonderful healthy meal.

Now, you've done lots of learning today and I hope that you start to make really good choices about the food that you eat.

And remember, if there's something that you don't like, sometimes we have to try it a few times, at least three or four times before we can really decide whether or not that's something that we don't like, because it can take our tongues three or four times to get used to the taste.

So, next time you're not sure about something, give it a go three or four times first before you make your mind up.

Now, you have worked really, really hard and I am so proud of you.

So well done for your brilliant effort today.