Physical activity disclaimer
Covering physical education, school sport and physical activity
While the physical activities in each lesson have been carefully planned to ensure safety, use of the lessons on our website is entirely at your own risk and Oak National Academy Limited is not liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by participation in any of the lessons on our website. Please see our Terms and Conditions for further details.
All lessons are designed to be taught by appropriately qualified practitioners
If participants are taking part in any of our lessons within their school environment, under the responsibility of their school, the relevant teacher(s) and/or school leader(s) must regularly review and update their risk assessments - treating them as ‘living documents’, as the circumstances in their school and/or health and safety advice changes. This includes having active arrangements in place to monitor whether the controls are effective and working as planned. For more information on the requirements of teachers and/or school leaders in relation to health and safety risk assessments and managing risk specific to physical education, see the advice in the latest edition of the Association for Physical Education's online resource 'Safe Practice: in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. Failure to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment and put in place sufficient control measures may be considered a breach of health and safety law. Oak National Academy Limited is not liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by participation in any of the lessons on our website.
If participants are undertaking our lessons other than under the supervision of a teacher at school, parents and carers are responsible to ensure that participants can safely follow the correct safety advice provided at the start of each lesson and the teachers' instructions throughout each lesson. Parents and carers are responsible for supervising activities where required, and for seeking medical advice in advance if their child has a medical condition that may prevent them taking part in physical activity. If a participant or their parent/carer (as applicable) has any concerns about their physical health and ability to undertake physical activity, they should seek advice from their doctor or health care provider before participating in any of the lessons involving physical activity.
Participants and their parents or carers (as applicable) acknowledge and agree that:
- physical activities performed during lessons are carried out at their own risk;
- physical exercise during lessons involves strenuous physical activity and that such activity may carry a risk of injury, and that it is their responsibility to assess their physical and mental capability for such activities; and
- by participating in lessons involving physical activities, participants will not exceed their limits while performing such activity and they will select an appropriate level of difficulty for their own personal skill, ability and physical condition.