
Lesson video

In progress...


Hi everyone! I'm Mrs. Howley and this is Cedric and it's great to be here.

I've been practising a tongue twister that we learned at the start of the unit.

Do you want to see it? Okay.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Yes! Should we try it again? Join in with me! Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Red lorry, yellow lorry.

Things do get easier when you practise.

Oh, Cedric that's right, you have helped me as well.

He's such a good helper.

We've been learning a story about helping.

Can you remember what its called, Cedric? That's right! The Magic Paintbrush.

Lets get ready for our learning today.

In today's lesson, we're going to be reading and we're going to make inferences based on what characters say and do.

We're going to start with our spelling activity, then we're going to have a think about what is inference? Then we're going to read the text and then we're going to explore the text.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book and some paper, a pencil or a pen and your brilliant brain.

Why don't you pause the video now to get those things.

Lets get started with our spelling.

Now, lets have a look at this word.



Remember that Y makes an e sound.

And we've got two syllables.


Can you clap? Fu-nny.


Now, I've got a picture of Cedric there because I think he is very funny, he does make me laugh.


I've got an idea.

We can change the happy song.

Let's try it.

♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ ♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ ♪ I know he is, I'm sure he is ♪ ♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ Can you join in this time? ♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ ♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ ♪ I know he is, I'm sure he is ♪ ♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ Fantastic! That might help us remember the spelling of that word by saying the letter names.

Lets have a look at our words.

we've got happy.





And greedy.

Have a look for the tricky bits.

Cedric spotted that some of the words have a double consonant before the Y.

So in happy, funny, lorry and bunny.

But be careful with party and greedy, they don't.

Now, you're going to pause the video in a moment and have a go at writing out your words but I'd like you to try and do it without looking at the word whilst you're writing it.

So, you're going to look at the word then you're going to say it in a sentence, you're going to write the word and then you're going to check the spelling.

Pause the video now and have a go.

We know our story is called The Magic Paintbrush but can we remember what happens in the story? That's right Cedric, Ma Liang has a special object.

I wonder if you've got a special object? In today's lesson, we're going to be practising inference.

By looking at some extracts from the story.

But what is inference? When we make inferences we have to be text detectives! Can you get your magnifying glass at the ready? Because we're going to be looking for clues.

Clues about what is happening or how characters are feeling based on what is said and done.

Also, to be amazing readers, we're going to use these strategies.

We're going to look at the letters, make the sounds and blend them together.

And then, if it doesn't make sense, we're going to go back and read that sentence again.

To be brilliant at inference, we're going to ask questions as we read, we're going to find clues in the text about what the characters are saying and doing.

And we're also going to use our own experiences to make inferences.

We're going to use our phonic strategies but we're also going to look out for high frequency words to help us as well.

Can you get your pointing finger ready and put it on the first word which is the first part of the main characters name.

Ma, Ma Liang.

Oh this words a bit tricky.

It ends, I've spotted, in ed.

So it could be a past tense verb.

Let's sound out the first part of it.

So, we'll look at the letters, say the sounds and then blend them together.




Ma Liang rushed to, that's one of our high frequency words.

This ones a bit tricky, lets sound it out.



Ma Liang rushed to join the people, there's one of our tricky words, in the this one's a bit tricky.



Fields! Ma Liang rushed to join the people in the fields.

And we've got one of our tricky words, he.




He held the special object tightly in his, H-ah-n-d.

He held the special object tightly in his hand.

His heart raced and he grinned from ear to ear.

Can you show me a big grin from ear to ear? Gorgeous.

When he arrived, he t-oo-k.

Took out the, this words a bit tricky.

But I can break it down I think into two smaller words.

Let's have a look at the first part.



Lets have a look at the second part.



Paintbrush! When he arrived he took out the paintbrush and started to draw.

The c-r-ow-d.


The crowd.

This next word has got an ed on the end again but I'm going to sound out the rest.



The crowd watched every stroke of the brush with their, Mm-ou-ths.

Mouths wide open.

The crowd watched every stroke with their mouths mouths wide open.

It danced across the page as a river began to come to life.

Someone shouted, "what is going on?" Can you shout that for me now? What is going on? The cool waters flowed as the crowd began to roar with cheers.

I'm going to make some inferences now using clues from the text.

What is the special object? Later in the text it mentions the paintbrush that he uses to draw, so I think the magic paintbrush is the special object.

Can you see how I used clues in the text? My next question is why did he rush to the fields? I know, because it says in the text, that he uses the magic paintbrush in the fields.

I'm going to use my own experiences now.

I think I would like to rush somewhere when I'm feeling excited.

I think Ma Liang rushes to the fields because he is excited to use his paintbrush.

Now, it's your turn and first you've got a true or false question.

Number one, true or false? Ma Liang was careless, which means he doesn't care about it, was careless with the paintbrush as he rushed to the fields.

Think about how he was holding the paintbrush.

Pause the video now and write your true or false answer for the first question.

Ma Liang rushed to join the people in the fields.

He held the special object tightly in his hands.

That shows me that he was being careful with it, not careless.

So that statement was false.

Your next question is, his heart raced and he grinned from ear to ear.

What does this tell us about how he was feeling? Maybe use your own experiences.

How would you feel if you were grinning to ear to ear and your heart was racing? Pause the video now to write down your answer to number two.


If my heart is racing and I'm grinning from ear to ear, I'm feeling excited.

Your next question, number three, is why did the people, the people in the crowds, have their mouths wide open? Maybe find that bit in the text.

Pause the video now and write down your answer to question three.


I think the people had their mouths wide open because they were amazed.

It says in the text that they were watching Ma Liang draw with the magic paintbrush.

Now I've got a challenge for you.

Using your inference skills, I'd like you to draw a thought bubble and write down the thoughts of the people in the crowd.

Think about how you would feel if you were watching those events and be a text detective and look for clues in the text.

Pause the video now and have a go at that.

Fantastic! I'm going to give all of us a magical cheer.

Get your magic wand ready.

Well done! Well done! Well done! Well done! Wow! What was your favourite part of the lesson? Cedric? Cedric liked imagining he was in the crowd watching the events using the evidence from the text.

Well done, Cedric.

Before we finish, lets sing our f-u-n-n-y song again.

♪ F-u-n-n-y ♪ ♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ ♪ I know he is, I'm sure he is ♪ ♪ He's f-u-n-n-y ♪ And don't forget, if you'd like to share your brilliant work with us, make sure you ask a parent or a carer, to do this for you.

Have a great day and we'll see you soon.
