
Lesson video

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Hi there, my name's Mr. Byrne-Smith and today I'm going to be teaching you some spelling.

Which I'm ever so excited about because, I'm just mad about spelling.

Now, in today's lesson we are going to be practising and applying our knowledge of the en and ate suffixes.

These are suffixes that turn words into verbs.

If you haven't watched lesson two of ten for this unit, I really recommend you go back and do it cause that would be really really helpful.

So, come along, let's have some fun.

Here's the agenda for today's lesson.

Firstly, we're going to look at some key vocabulary.

Then, we're going to recap the rules.

After that, we'll learn a brand new strategy.

Before finally, having a go at our test.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or paper, a pencil, and last but not least, don't forget your brain.

If you need to run off and grab any of this, pause the video now and come back.

My turn, your turn.


A suffix is a group of letters at the end of a word that change its meaning and sometimes class.


A verb is a doing or a being word.


A noun is a person, place or thing.

Root word.

A root word is the most basic version of a word before any prefixes or suffixes has been added.

Let's look at the ate and en suffixes in a bit more detail.

These suffixes turn words into verbs.

Here, we're going to try and apply the ate suffix.

We have three words with which to do it: pollen, active, and medicine.

I'd like you to apply the ate suffix and then think about this question.

Which of these words had to change when you added the ate suffix, and which didn't? Which had to change? And which didn't? Pause the video and have a go.

Okay great, let's have a look at which of these words change when you add the ate suffix.

Look at that, it's all three.

Let's look at how they change.

In order to add ate to pollen, you have to change the E for an I.

In order to add ate to active, you have to remove the E.

In order to add ate to medicine, well look at that, it changes quite a lot.

You have to remove the I and E before adding the A-T-E.

So all three change.

I suppose I kind of tricked you then.

Let's do the same, but with the en suffix.

Have a look at these three words, flat, white, soft.

I'd like you to have a go at adding the en suffix.

Then think about which of these three changed.

Pause the video and have a go.

Okay, let's see which of these words change when you add the en suffix.

Flat and white.

Let's see how they change.

Flat becomes flatten, the T has been doubled.

White becomes whiten, you can see that the E has had to been removed before adding the en suffix.

Soft becomes soften.

The spelling hasn't changed but something has.

Let's listen very carefully, we have soft, and then soften.

Soft, soften.

That's interesting.

Soften has a soft T, when you say soften you barely pronounce the T.

Whereas when you say soft, there it is I can hear it, soft, soften.


Let's see if we can figure out which of these two suffixes is applied to the word short in order to turn it into a verb.

Remember top tip, say both options out loud and soon it will be very clear which one's correct and which one isn't.

Pause the video and have a go.

Okay, short becomes shorten, not shortate.

Help me add the ate suffix to this word.

The root word is active.

Pause the video and have a go.

Okay, active becomes activate.

We've had to remove the E before adding the A-T-E.

Let's have another go.


Pause the video and have a go.

Okay, weak becomes weaken.

In this instance, we've just had to add the en right onto then end of our word weak.

Let's learn a brand new strategy.

Today we are going to be thinking about a strategy called small to large.

This is a strategy I really like.

It actually combines two techniques, both of which I'm very fond of.

We're going to use the word activate.

The first step is to write the word small.

I've done that here, then you write it slightly larger.

Before writing it slightly larger again.

You can do this as many times as you want.

I'd recommend no more than five.

Just because very quickly you start running out of space.

When I've written my biggest version, I like to trace over it with my finger and with my eyes closed.

This is beneficial for a few reasons.

Why? Why is this a useful strategy? Firstly, you're forced to interact with the word, very slowly and carefully.

You also get a good feel for the shape of the word, especially when you trace it with your finger and your eyes closed.

You're relying really there on your understanding of what the word looks and feels like, which is very useful.

Finally, you're forced to slow down.

Which is one of the benefits of all spelling strategies.

By slowing down, you can think very carefully about the word and what it looks like.

Here I've had a go with the word sharpen.

And there's our biggest of the three versions.

When I have this, I trace over it with my finger.

Let's practise this brand new strategy on some of this week's spelling words.

I've put four options on the board, but you can choose any that you want to use.

Pause the video and have a go.

Time for this week's test.

For each word, I'm going to put the word into a sentence.

Please feel free to pause the video at any time.

You do not need to feel rushed, you have lots of time and you can take it at your own pace.

Number one, activate.

Activate, to activate the robot push this button.

Number two, motivate.

Motivate, it's important to motivate each other.

Number three, concentrate.

Concentrate, let's concentrate really hard on these spellings.

Number four, medicate.

Medicate, some people medicate asthma with an inhaler.

Number five, pollinate.

Pollinate, bees pollinate flowers so they are very important.

Number seven, sorry number six, Brighten, brighten, flowers brighten up any room.

Number seven, sharpen.

Sharpen, go and sharpen that pencil it's blunt.

Number eight, straighten Straighten, before leaving his desk, he thought it best to straighten his chair.

Number nine, lengthen.

Lengthen, some teachers want to lengthen the school day.

Number ten, threaten.

Threaten, when I misbehave my teachers threaten me with a telling off.

Okay, and that's the end of this week's test.

Well done for trying so hard.

We've done really well in this unit.

We've encountered a few unfamiliar words, so I'm really impressed with how we have done.

Before we look at the answers, I just want to remind you that getting an answer wrong is not a big deal.

In fact it can be really useful.

It's making mistakes that helps us learn.

If you have made a mistake, I'd like you to write out the correct spelling next to it.

Here are the answers.

If you need to pause the video to check the answers against the ones you've written down, now's a good time to do it.

Like I mentioned, it's really important that you copy out anything you might've gotten wrong, correctly.

And that's the end of this week's lesson.

Congratulations, you've done really well.

Today we've looked at key vocabulary, we have recapped the rules, we've learned a brand new strategy, which is going to be very useful, and done the test.

And you've worked really hard, so well done.
