
Lesson video

In progress...


I'm Miss Davies.

In this lesson, we're going to dividing a decimal by another decimal.

We have been asked to work out 2.

4 divided by 0.


This is equivalent to 24 divided by six, as both of the numbers have been multiplied by 10.

There are the same number of sixes in 24 as 0.

6 is in 2.


24 divided by six is four, which means that 2.

4 divided by 0.

6 is also four.

In our next example, we are calculating 1.

2 divided by 0.


This is equivalent to 12 divided by four, as both of the numbers have been multiplied by 10.

12 divided by four is three, which means that 1.

2 divided by 0.

4 is also three.

In our next example, both of the numbers have two decimal places.

This means we're going to multiply those numbers by 100.

This gives us 42 divided by seven, which is six.

This means that 0.

42 divided by 0.

07 is also six.

In our final example, we are dividing 1.

7 by 0.



7 has one decimal place.

If we multiply both of these numbers by 10, it is equivalent to 17 divided by 0.


17 is an integer, but 0.

5 isn't.

We needed to multiply our initial question by 100.

This gives us 170 divided by five.

This is equal to 34.

As these two calculations are equivalent, 1.

7 divided by 0.

05 is also 34.

Here are some questions for you to try.

Pause the video to complete your task, and resume once you're finished.

Here are the answers.

In question two, you needed to multiply both numbers in the question by 100, as the divisor, which is the number you're dividing by, has two decimal places.

Here is a question for you to try.

Pause the video to complete your task, and resume once you're finished.

Here is the answer.

You need to calculate 30.

6 divided by nine, which gives an answer of 3.

4 pounds.

That's all for this lesson.

Thanks for watching.