
Lesson video

In progress...


- ♪ Hello everyone ♪ My name is Miss Hart, and welcome back to the final lesson in this unit of rhythm and pulse.

Today, we are going to compose a four-bar pattern.

So make sure you look to see what you need for this lesson on the next slide.

I've really, really enjoyed this and I hope you have too.

Remember, at the end of this lesson, there's going to be a quiz for you to do, to summarise everything we have learned in this unit.

Put your listening ears on and your big smile.

Let's go.

In this lesson, we are going to understand musical notation.

We are going to perform rhythm notation.

We are going to compose a four-bar rhythm pattern.

And we're going to consolidate our learning on pulse and rhythm so far.

In this lesson, you will need some paper or the worksheet that is provided with this lesson, a pencil and a musical instrument.

Don't worry if you don't have one at home.

You could make your own.

You could put some rice in a bottle and screw the top on really tight, or you could get a pencil and tap on a table.

See what you can find in your house.

Activity one, to understand musical notation.

Right, can you remember the song, Kye Kye Kule? We learned it in lesson one.

We're going to recap that song now, but instead of me being the leader and doing the call, you're going to do it.

I'll remind you how the song goes first, and then we're going to have a go.

My turn.

♪ Kye kye kule ♪ ♪ Kye kye kule ♪ ♪ Kye kye kofi sa ♪ ♪ Kye kye kofi sa ♪ ♪ Kofi sa langa ♪ ♪ Kofi sa langa ♪ ♪ Kaka shi langa ♪ ♪ Kaka shi langa ♪ ♪ Kum adende ♪ ♪ Kum adende ♪ ♪ Kum adende hey ♪ Has that reminded you? Right, you're the call then.

I'm going to count you in, and then you're going to start and I will copy you.

Are you ready? ♪ Off you go ♪ ♪ Kye kye kule ♪ ♪ Kye kye kofi sa ♪ ♪ Kofi sa langa ♪ ♪ Kaka shi langa ♪ ♪ Kum adende ♪ ♪ Kum adende hey ♪ Well done! Fantastic leading.

Should we go a little bit quicker? I'm going to lead this time.

Okay, we're going to go a little bit faster and I'm going to change where I'm doing the pulse.

Are we ready? ♪ Kye kye kule ♪ ♪ Kye kye kofi sa ♪ ♪ Kofi sa langa ♪ ♪ Kaka shi langa ♪ ♪ Kum adende ♪ ♪ Kum adende hey ♪ Well done, if you managed to keep up.

In the last lesson, we learned a chant called, Yes We Can.

Can you remember what the word chant means? It means it's like a song, but we use our speaking voice instead, keeping a steady pulse as we go.

We're going to go straight into our chant today because we have already learned it.

Are you ready? Let's tap the pulse on our shoulders.

My turn, your turn.

Remember, you answer, yes, we can.

Yes, we can.

Okay? Can you use your speaking voice? Can you use your loud voice? Can you use your whispering voice? ♪ Can you use your singing voice ♪ Well done.

After the last lesson, did you come up with your own types of voices you could use? I'm going to use some different ones now.

Make sure you copy back.

My turn.

What type of voice did I use there? I used my humming voice, didn't we? Let's see if we can do another one.

Can you use your low voice? Yes, we can.

Yes, we can.

Well done.

Should we do one more? Can you use your high voice? Yes, we can.

Yes, we can.

Ooh, that was a squeaky one, wasn't it? Well done.

Remember, you can come up with even more.

We're going to play, don't clap this one back, and we're going to do the tricky version.

So we've got two rhythms that you're not allowed to clap back.

Can you remember what they were? Have a little think.

Don't clap this one back, and don't clap this back.

We're going to go straight in with two.

Are you ready? Don't clap this back.

Oh, that was mean, wasn't it? I went straight in with one that you can't clap.

Let's have another go.

My turn.

Don't clap this one back.

Don't clap this back.

Don't clap this one back.

Did you manage to stay in all the way to the end? Remember, you can play that with somebody at home.

See if you can teach them some rhythms that they're not allowed to clap back.

Activity two, to perform rhythm notation.

Remember I told you to look for a musical instrument at the beginning of this lesson? You need it now.

So if you haven't got it already, pause the video and go and find something to make a noise with.

It can be anything.

I'm going to go and add each rhythm as we go.

You can keep moving through the rhythms, or you can stick with the same one all the way through.

Let's have a go.

Number one.

One, two, three, four.

Okay, let's recap.

Which of these rhythms has the wrong time signature? Clap each of the rhythms through and then count the beats.

Remember, a ta is one beat, tee tee is one beat, and shh is one beat.

I have changed the time signatures in each of the rhythms, so be careful.

Make sure you look at the beginning first.

Pause the video now and see if you can work out the answer.

And the answer is rhythm two.

If you add up all of the different notation, it adds up to four.

Tee tee, ta, shh, ta.

This should say four, four.

Activity three, to compose a four-bar rhythm pattern.

Okay, I think we've got really good at our ta, tee tee, and shh now.

We're going to go a little bit further with our learning today.

We're going to start grouping notes into different amounts.

A ta is one beat.

It fits inside our heart.

Tee tee is one beat and fits inside a heart.

That means that each one is actually half each.

And shh is also one.

Even though it is silent, it takes up space, so it counts for one beat.

Let's use this knowledge that all of those are one beat each to complete the next activity.

You will see a rhythm for a well-known song.

Let me clap it to see if you can work out what it is.

Remember, have your thinking voice going at the same time.

Can you work it out? It's a chant.

One more time.

Can you use your speaking voice? Yes, we can.

Yes, we can.

Did you guess it right? Now, if you look on the screen, there are different things that are going to pop up.

We are going to see something called a time signature first, the two numbers at the beginning that say four, four.

This means there are four beats in a bar.

So we put tee tee, tee tee, tee tee, ta in the first bar.

When I've got to the number four, I put a line to say, yes, we've got four beats.

We can start counting again.

That line is called a bar line.

And when we finish the whole piece, we put a double bar line at the end to say finished.

Okay, on to our writing activity.

For this activity, you are going to write your own four-bar rhythm.

You need to make sure each bar adds up to four beats.

You can use ta, tee tee, or shh in your composition.

Your challenge: can you perform your rhythm to a member of your family? Here is my example.

I will clap it through.

One, two, three, four.

Tee tee, tee tee, tee tee, ta.

Ta, ta, tee tee, ta.

Ta, tee tee, shh, shh.

Tee tee, shh, ta, ta.

Should we see if we can clap it through together? Here we go, ready? One, two, three, four.

Tee tee, tee tee, tee tee, ta.

Ta, ta, tee tee, ta.

Ta, tee tee, shh, shh.

Tee tee, shh, ta, ta.

Let's do it one more time, but this time use your thinking voice.

So the only thing I should hear is your clapping.

Here we go.

One, two, three and four.

Well done if you managed to clap it through correctly.

So remember, you don't need the worksheet.

You can use paper, but you need to divide your page into four bars with four, four at the beginning.

Pause the video now to complete your task.

Make sure you resume the video once you are finished.

Activity four, to consolidate our learning so far.

Well done! You have made it to the end of this unit, rhythm and pulse.

Well done! Give yourself a pat on the back.

Now, to show that you've understood everything that we have been doing this unit, I would like you now to complete the quiz.

There are some questions in there all about different notations symbols, what pulse and what rhythm are.

See if you can get all of the answers right.

Remember, you can go back to any of these lessons at any time and recap some of the activities, especially if you enjoyed the games as much as I did.

I hope you've enjoyed yourself and I hope to see you back at Oak soon.


Remember, once you have finished your quiz, if you would like to, you could share your results or your composition from today with your teacher, or if you would like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

I hope to see you again soon.
