Key stage 2
Design and technology
Units (11)
Design and technology units
Brand-new teaching resources, thoughtfully crafted by teachers for classroom needs.
Units released in 2020-22
Resources made during the pandemic to support remote teaching.
Cooking and nutrition: healthy and varied diets
Year 3
10 lessons2
Mechanisms: levers and linkages
Year 3
10 lessons3
Keep it safe: shell, solid and combination structures
Year 4
10 lessons4
Electronics: simple circuits and switches
Year 4
10 lessons5
Cooking and nutrition: celebrating culture and seasonality
Year 5
10 lessons6
Reactions (Control in D&T)
Year 5
9/10 lessons7
3D computer aided design
Year 6
9/10 lessons8
Textiles: combining different fabric shapes
Year 6
10 lessons