Key stage 2
Units (14)
Rshe (pshe) units
Brand-new teaching resources, thoughtfully crafted by teachers for classroom needs.
Media influence: How do I keep myself safe online?
Year 3
6 lessons2
Our online lives: How can I be kind and happy online?
Year 3
5 lessons3
Media influence: What is fake news?
Year 4
3 lessons4
Our online lives: How do I decide who to trust online?
Year 4
4 lessons5
Media influence: Who decides what I experience in the online world?
Year 5
4 lessons6
Physical health: Is it hard to be healthy?
Year 5
2 lessons7
Media influence: How do I decide what is true online?
Year 6
5 lessons8
Our online lives: What should I share online?
Year 6
4 lessons9
Physical health: how do I plan a healthy week?
Year 6
2 lessons
Units released in 2020-22
Resources made during the pandemic to support remote teaching.