Units (14)
Rshe (pshe) units
Units released in 2020-22
Online and media: Dangers of viewing explicit material
Year 10
5 lessons2
Being safe: Informed consent
Year 10
2/3 lessons3
Intimate relationships: Reproductive health and impact of alcohol and drugs
Year 10
3 lessons4
Mental wellbeing: Impact of our actions on mental health
Year 10
7 lessons5
Internet safety and harms: Online relationships and harmful behaviour
Year 10
7 lessons6
Drugs and alcohol: Addiction and alcohol dependency
Year 10
7 lessons7
Mental wellbeing: Recognising problems and seeking support
Year 11
7/8 lessons8
Internet safety and harms: Gambling, debt and targeted advertising
Year 11
6 lessons9
Being safe: Honour based violence and FGM
Year 11
4 lessons10
Intimate sexual relationships: Pregnancy and parenting
Year 11
6 lessons11
Healthy lifestyles: Choices approaching adulthood
Year 11
3 lessons12
Drugs and alcohol: Dangers of recreational drug use
Year 11
3 lessons13
Health and prevention: Self-care and self-awareness
Year 11
1/2 lessons