Units (31)
Citizenship units
Citizenship - what's it all about?
Year 7
6 lessons2
What are our identities and our communities?
Year 7
6 lessons3
What rights should all children have?
Year 7
6 lessons4
How does local democracy work?
Year 7
6 lessons5
What is crime?
Year 7
6 lessons6
How can we make a difference in our communities?
Year 7
6 lessons7
How does the political system work in the UK?
Year 8
7 lessons8
How does the media affect us?
Year 8
6 lessons9
What is the law and how is it changed?
Year 8
6 lessons10
How can citizens bring about change?
Year 8
6 lessons11
Why was the struggle for the vote important today?
Year 8
6 lessons12
What can we do about global problems?
Year 8
6 lessons13
How can we manage money well?
Year 9
6 lessons
Units released in 2020-22
Citizenship - What's it all about?
Year 7
6 lessons2
What are our identities and communities?
Year 7
6 lessons3
What rights should all children have?
Year 7
5/6 lessons4
How does local democracy work?
Year 7
6 lessons5
What is crime?
Year 7
6 lessons6
How can we make a difference in our communities?
Year 7
5/6 lessons7
How does the political system work in the UK?
Year 8
6 lessons