Year 6

Spiderman - Journalistic writing

Lessons (20)


These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.

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    In this lesson, we will investigate text-type features of a newspaper report. We will then compare two types of newspaper reports - broadsheet and tabloid. Finally, we will label or identify the text-type features, using a model newspaper report as the independent task.
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    In this lesson, we will explore the letter strings -ough, -ear, -ou, -au and -ice and the different sounds made by each letter string. 10 spelling words will be explained and set to learn.
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    In this lesson, we will recap on sentence types: compound, simple and complex. We will then recap on the definitions of the different word class categories. Following this, we will sort words into their word classes and lastly, identify word classes in different sentence types.
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    In this lesson, we will write a complex sentence with a relative clause. Next, we will look at where we would be gathering evidence or information from if we were journalists writing our own newspaper reports and practise how to use brackets in sentences.
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    To develop a rich understanding of words associated with chaos and confusion

    This lesson is currently unavailable.

    In this lesson, we will be investigating the purpose of semicolons and practising how to use them in a list. We will look at an opening of a newspaper report and identify the 5Ws: who, what, where, when and why, and we will write our own headlines for a newspaper report.
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    In this lesson, we will recap the letter strings -ough, -ear, -ou, -au and -ice and the different sounds made by each letter string. We will learn a spelling practice strategy, and the 10 spelling words set in the previous lesson will be revisited and tested.
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    In this lesson, we will look at which time conjunctions are appropriate for newspaper reports. We will sort time conjunctions into the relevant sections of the Venn diagram and add time conjunctions and journalistic sentence starters in our plans.
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    In this lesson, we will look over our plans from the previous lesson and use them to inform our writing when writing a recount. We will look at a shared piece of writing, followed by a modelled piece of writing. Both methods will support us to write our own recounts.
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    In this lesson, we will break an editing checklist into two parts: one that checks for punctuation, spelling and sense; and the other for language choices, sentence types and structure. After we have practised editing, we will be expected to edit recounts from the previous lesson.
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    In this lesson, we will investigate different types of speech punctuation and put them into practice. Lastly, we will write our own speech in bubbles and transfer them into sentences with the appropriate speech punctuation.
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    In this lesson, we will investigate the suffixes -tion, -ssion, -sion and -cian and explore some exceptions.
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    In this lesson, we will look at what determiners are in general. We will idenitfy determiners within a paragraph and insert the appropriate determiners in sentences.
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    In this lesson, we will look at some examples of eyewitness statements and who could have been at the scene of the event. We will plan two eyewitness statements and look at a modelled piece of writing for the final paragraph of a newspaper report.
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    To develop a rich understanding of words associated with feeling surprised

    This lesson is currently unavailable.

    In this lesson, we will review speech punctuation in all three forms of speech: first, second and interrupted. We will review planning from the previous lesson on eyewitness statements, to support us in writing a paragraph for a newspaper report.
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    In this lesson, we will practise and apply our knowledge of the suffixes -tion, -ssion, -sion and -cian.
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    In this lesson, we will discuss what tense we would be speaking in when we are talking about something that is happening now. We will use a sentence scaffold to say something about pictures in the present tense. We will then write a sentence in the present tense.
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    In this lesson, we will recap our knowledge of interrupted speech and then practise writing speech sentences. We will recap the purpose of editing and the checklist needed when making edits. Lastly, we will edit our own newspaper report.
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    In this lesson, we will be revising all the features of a newspaper report, looking at the headline, 5Ws, witness statements, direct and indirect speech, journalistic sentence starters and lastly, tense in the final paragraph. We will then write our own newspaper report.
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