Physical education
Units (14)
Physical education units
Invasion games: principles of attack and defence through ball games
Year 3
6 lessons2
Invasion games: principles of attack and defence in netball
Year 3
6 lessons3
Invasion games: maintaining possession and stopping an attack through basketball
Year 4
6 lessons4
Net and wall games: tactics to overcome an opponent through pickleball
Year 4
6 lessons5
Invasion games: scenarios, tactics and power play through tag rugby
Year 6
6 lessons
Units released in 2020-22
Gymnastic activity: locomotion and rolling
Year 3
4 lessons2
Dance activity: patterns
Year 3
3 lessons3
Athletic activity: run, jump and throw 1
Year 3
2/3 lessons4
Outdoor and adventurous activity: trails, trust and teamwork
Year 3
4 lessons5
Water safety
Year 3
0/3 lessons6
Games activity: passing and receiving
Year 5
6 lessons7
Gymnastics activity: sequencing
Year 5
4 lessons8
Athletic activity: run, jump and throw 2
Year 5
4 lessons9
Outdoor and adventurous activity: planning and making a journey
Year 5
0/3 lessons