Year 11
Lessons (5)
I can plot and describe magnetic fields around bar magnets.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can describe how to test the strength of an electromagnet.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can accurately measure the strength of an electromagnet to analyse how different factors affect it.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can describe how electromagnets are used in a range of practical applications.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video
I can explain how connections in a motor enable its coil to be driven continually in one direction.
1 Slide deck
1 Worksheet
2 Quizzes
1 Video