Key stage 2
Units (15)
Spanish units
Brand-new teaching resources, thoughtfully crafted by teachers for classroom needs.
Me and others: 'estar' for location and state
Year 3
10 lessons2
Me and others: 'ser' for traits
Year 3
7 lessons3
What I and others have: 'tener' and singular nouns
Year 3
8 lessons4
What I and others do: singular regular verbs in the present
Year 3
7 lessons5
How many: 'hay', numbers, plural nouns
Year 3
2 lessons6
In class: infinitive verbs, estar + location/state
Year 4
2 lessons7
Ask how many: 'tener', 'hay', numbers, information questions with 'cuántos/as'
Year 4
4 lessons
Units released in 2020-22
Resources made during the pandemic to support remote teaching.