Speech and language therapy

Attention and listening

Lessons (13)

    In this lesson, we will introduce early attention and communication. The lessons focus on developing the adults' ability to observe the child and respond to their early communication signals. This is the first step in the development of attention.

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    1 Video

    In this lesson, we will continue to develop the audience understanding of early attention and pre intentional communication. The activities work to extend the adult's ability to respond to the child's bids for communication through child led play.

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    1 Worksheet
    1 Video

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    In this lesson, we will explore joint attention. Joint attention is the next step on from joint engagement. Joint attention is a specific skill that involves being able to attract and direct another's attention to an object or activity.

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    1 Worksheet
    1 Video

    In this lesson, we will develop the skills for starting and finishing a task.

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    1 Video

    In this lesson, we will develop the skills for starting and finishing a task.

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    1 Worksheet
    1 Video

    In this lesson, we will will focus on teaching the parts of the body used when listening. Children will make their own 'good listening poster.'

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    In this lesson, we will share ideas for motivating adult led activities that can develop listening skills every day, in order to promote language and communication development.

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    1 Video

    In this lesson, we will help children and their adults to understand the basic memory process. Strategies focus on introducing simple visual and auditory memory games.

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    In this lesson, we will link visual and verbal information. It provides us with something that we can see and refer back to for help. By teaching this skill to child we are not only helping to embed strategies to aid the retention of information, but we are supporting them to be more independent.

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    1 Video