
Research and insights

21 September 2021

What we’ve learnt about online learning and what it means for the future of education

Matt Hood OBE

In this webinar, we discuss new research that looks at how teachers and pupils are using Oak, and what we've learnt about remote teaching.

Oak launched just under 18 months ago to provide remote lessons for teachers and pupils during lockdown. Our platform has grown to host over 10,000 lessons, with pupils having now taken part in more than 130 million lessons. Oak has been used by 58% of all schools - used extensively for lesson planning, in-class teaching and cover, as well as remote provision.

Our second annual report documents our progress, drawing on an evaluation of our impact by ImpactEd.

This webinar covers:

  • A deep dive into research on how both children and teachers are using the platform.
  • Current evidence on what makes for effective online or blending learning for pupils is thin on the ground, with the expansion of digital resources far outpacing research.

Chaired by Nicola Woolcock, Education Editor at The Times, speaker include:

  • Matt Hood, Principal, Oak National Academy
  • Reka Budai, Research & Evaluation Manager, Oak National Academy
  • Owen Carter, Managing Director, ImpactEd
  • Natalie Perera, Chief Executive, Education Policy Institute

Further resources
If you found this workshop helpful, here are some additional resources to help support your in-class teaching:

  • Take a look at our curriculum maps. For each subject and key stage there is a map that provides:
    • an overview of the curriculum principles we’ve followed;
    • details about all units of work in each subject and key stage;
    • one or more optional sequences you can teach them in.