
Lesson planning

26 January 2021

Teaching music remotely with Oak

Margaret O'Shea

Join Oak National Academy's Music Subject Lead, Margaret O'Shea, and Oak music teachers for a free webinar to learn more about the music resources on offer.

This webinar covers:

  • How to use Oak's resources for remote and in-school teaching.
  • The principles and structure of Oak's music curriculum.
  • Techniques for teaching music remotely.

Further resources
If you found this workshop helpful, here are some additional resources to help support your in-class teaching:

  • Take a look at our curriculum maps. For each subject and key stage there is a map that provides:
    • an overview of the curriculum principles we’ve followed;
    • details about all units of work in each subject and key stage;
    • one or more optional sequences you can teach them in.