What happens to particles during dissolving?

In this lesson, we will learn what happens to particles during dissolving. We will investigate what happens when we mix water with salt, sugar and sand. For this lesson you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. If you would like to take part in the practical you will also need a glass of water and some sugar and salt. If you do not have these things then you can still take part in the lesson by watching the teacher's demonstration.

What happens to particles during dissolving?

In this lesson, we will learn what happens to particles during dissolving. We will investigate what happens when we mix water with salt, sugar and sand. For this lesson you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. If you would like to take part in the practical you will also need a glass of water and some sugar and salt. If you do not have these things then you can still take part in the lesson by watching the teacher's demonstration.

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Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Define solvent, solute and solution
  2. Draw particle diagrams to represent a solution
  3. Describe what happens to particles during dissolving


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5 Questions

What is meant by a pure substance?
A substance with a mix of different particles
Correct answer: A substance with only one type of particle
Is diagram A showing a pure or impure substance?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Impure
What kind of substance is diagram B showing?
An image in a quiz
Impure gas
Impure liquid
Impure solid
Pure gas
Pure liquid
Correct answer: Pure solid
What type of substance is diagram C showing?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Impure gas
Impure liquid
Impure solid
Pure gas
Pure liquid
Pure solid
What type of substance is diagram D showing?
An image in a quiz
Impure gas
Correct answer: Impure liquid
Impure solid
Pure gas
Pure liquid
Pure solid

5 Questions

Is sand soluble or insoluble?
Correct answer: Insoluble
Is salt soluble or insoluble?
Correct answer: Soluble
What is A in the diagram above?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Solute
What is B in the diagram above?
Correct answer: Solvent
What is C in diagram the diagram above?
Correct answer: Solution

Lesson appears in

UnitScience / Particles in physical and chemical changes
