Working in the style of a professional choreographer

In this lesson, we will explore the stylistic features of Wayne McGregor's choreography in 'Infra'.

Working in the style of a professional choreographer

In this lesson, we will explore the stylistic features of Wayne McGregor's choreography in 'Infra'.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Pupils will be introducted to Infra and Wayne MacGregor's approach to abstracting alignment and choreographic style/approach.
  2. Pupils will demonstrate the ability to abstract and 'distort' recognised movement and explore attention to dynamics in choreography.
  3. Pupils will develop a taught phrase using McGregor's techniques in pushing physicality.
  4. Pupils will review the effectiveness of choreographic choices.
  5. Pupils will learn about independence, creativity, problem solving, decision making, resilience, risk taking and critical thinking.


Device to play music (e.g. phone or MP3 player), a 2x2m clear space, suitable clothing.

Content guidance

  • Physical activity required.


Adult supervision recommended


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4 Questions

What is the correct definition of posture?
How to sit or stand
Correct answer: The way the body is held
Choose the words that best describe the shaping of the dancers bodies:
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: Angular, sharp, defined
Fluid, straight, pointy
Smooth, curved, elongated
Which image(s) do you think demonstrate the term 'hyperextension' - going beyond a 'normal' range of movement?
Correct answer: Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Correct answer: Image 4
What do you think alignment means?
Being in the correct order
Correct answer: Correct placement of body parts in relation to each other
Dancing in a line
The space you dance in with others

4 Questions

What is the name of the piece our work today was inspired by?
Correct answer: Infra
The starting point for this piece was based on a poem called...
The Empty Field
Correct answer: The Wasteland
Under The Ground
What is one of Wayne McGregor's key choreographic styles?
Correct answer: Abstract and distorted movement
Creating narrative
Movement that shows soft dynamics
Which physical skills have we explored through our use of distortion today?
Correct answer: Alignment and posture
Balance and mobility
Stamina and control
Strength and flexibility

Lesson appears in

UnitPhysical education / Dance activity: developing the use and application of appropriate action, space and dynamics linked to the intention of seeing 'below the surface'

Physical education