Painting the seasons
I can use a variety of painting techniques when painting a triptych
Painting the seasons
I can use a variety of painting techniques when painting a triptych
These resources will be removed by end of Summer Term 2025.
Lesson details
Key learning points
- Know that each panel within a triptych can tell part of a story and should be connected.
- Know that artists can choose from a wide range of painting techniques.
- Know that artists evaluate their artwork to help them improve over time.
Painting techniques - different ways of using and applying paint
Triptych - a type of artwork that has three parts which work together
Panel - one part or section of a triptych
Evaluate - when we think about our artwork to understand how good it is and how we could make it better
Common misconception
That each part of a triptych is separate and unconnected.
Remind children that in a triptych, each panel shares ideas with the others to create one single artwork.
Thick card or paper for the panels, ready mixed paint, materials to use as painting tools such as conkers, sticks, leaves and pinecones, paintbrushes, waterpots.
Starter quiz
4 Questions

when you think about what you want to do then decide how to do it
what someone thinks or feels about something
a type of artwork that has three parts which work together
Exit quiz
4 Questions
a colour made by mixing primary colours
3 colours that can be mixed together to make secondary colours
adding white to make a lighter version of the colour
adding black to make a darker version of the colour