Year 4

How can I embellish my textiles?

We will review our work from the last lesson. We will learn what embellishment is and how to embellish our own work. Once completed, we will reflect on our final piece thinking about what went well and what we might do differently next time. This will be recorded in our sketchbooks.

Year 4

How can I embellish my textiles?

We will review our work from the last lesson. We will learn what embellishment is and how to embellish our own work. Once completed, we will reflect on our final piece thinking about what went well and what we might do differently next time. This will be recorded in our sketchbooks.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Can use their sketchbook for different purposes, including recording observations, noting how their ideas have been shaped.
  2. Are able to demonstrate how tools and materials they have chosen to work with, should be used effectively and with safety.
  3. Can add embellishments to enhance their textile piece.


This lesson includes some physical activity and equipment beyond pen, paper or pencil. Please make sure your child is adequately supervised.

Content guidance

  • Equipment requiring safe usage.


Adult supervision recommended


This content is made available by Oak National Academy Limited and its partners and licensed under Oak’s terms & conditions (Collection 1), except where otherwise stated.


5 Questions

Which of the following has an eye?
Correct answer: Needle
What do we use pins for in sewing?
To cut the fabric out.
To decorate the fabric.
Correct answer: To hold fabric in place to stop it slipping.
What is appliqué?
Correct answer: A technique where layers of fabric are added to a background to make pictures
A type of stitch
A way of weaving a pattern
What is the piece of fabric added to the background called?
Correct answer: A patch
A pin
A pull
A push
We use a template to help us to cut out the correct shape and to avoid wasting fabric.
Correct answer: True

5 Questions

Which of the following is textiles?
Correct answer: A cushion cover
A magazine
A painting
A table
What is weaving?
A sculpture
A type of sewing
Correct answer: A way of making fabric
A way of mixing paint
Appliqué is when you add patches to a background to create a picture or decoration.
Correct answer: True
Textiles can be used to create pictures.
Correct answer: True
What does 'embellish' mean?
Correct answer: To add decoration or enhance
To cut out shapes
To paint
To print