Year 10

Microscopy of human blood cells and blood vessels

I can use a light microscope to observe blood cells and blood vessels.

Year 10

Microscopy of human blood cells and blood vessels

I can use a light microscope to observe blood cells and blood vessels.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. The parts of a light microscope and their functions, and the sequence of steps for setting up a light microscope.
  2. A light microscope can be used to observe blood cells on a prepared slide.
  3. Observations from a light microscope can be recorded in a labelled scientific line drawing with an indication of scale.
  4. A light microscope can be used to observe sections of blood vessels and differences in the structures of their walls.
  5. Explaining observations from microscopy of differences in the walls of different blood vessels.

Common misconception

Scientific drawings made using a microscope are difficult to do and often sketched like an artwork. The requirements are clear and precise and require practise to get right.

The expectations for scientific drawings are clearly stated and shown visually. Opportunities to practise drawing different structures are included throughout the lesson.


  • Light microscope - An instrument that uses visible light and lenses to magnify viewed objects.

  • Lens - Glass or plastic disc that refracts light to increase magnification.

  • Focus - To make an image sharper and clearer.

  • Magnification - The number of times greater in size the viewed object is compared to its actual size.

  • Red blood cell - A cell that transports oxygen around the body.

Give students plenty of time to make their scientific drawings. Drawing whilst looking down a microscope is really hard to do, so students may be more successful if they draw from a picture displayed on the board or a sheet instead, rather than having to contend with the microscope as well.
Teacher tip


Light microscope, slides of human blood smears and blood vessels.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

The photograph shows a piece of apparatus called a light ...
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: microscope
We are made up of tiny living building blocks called ...
Correct answer: cells
Who is correct?
Aisha: “Only humans and other animals are made of cells.”
Lucas: “I think animals and plants are made of cells.”
Correct answer: Izzy: “All living organisms are made of cells.”
True or false? Most cells are large enough to see with the unaided eye.
Correct answer: false
Match each structure to its function in the human circulatory system.
Correct Answer:artery,transports blood away from the heart

transports blood away from the heart

Correct Answer:blood,liquid that transports cells and dissolved substances

liquid that transports cells and dissolved substances

Correct Answer:heart,pumps blood around the body

pumps blood around the body

Correct Answer:vein,transports blood back to the heart

transports blood back to the heart

Various substances are transported around the human body in the blood. Match each substance to its correct description.
Correct Answer:carbon dioxide,transported from body cells to the lungs

transported from body cells to the lungs

Correct Answer:glucose,transported from the digestive system to body cells

transported from the digestive system to body cells

Correct Answer:oxygen,transported from the lungs to body cells

transported from the lungs to body cells

Correct Answer:urea,transported from body cells to the excretory system

transported from body cells to the excretory system

6 Questions

Match each part of the microscope to its name.
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Correct Answer:A,eyepiece lens

eyepiece lens

Correct Answer:B,objective lenses

objective lenses

Correct Answer:C,light source

light source

Correct Answer:D,focus wheels

focus wheels

Part E is called the ...
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Correct Answer: stage
On this microscope, the eyepiece lens has a magnification of x10, and the objective lens has a magnification of x40. What is the total magnification?
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Correct answer: x400
Four students have used a microscope to observe blood cells. Each person has drawn their observations of a red blood cell. Who has produced the best scientific drawing?
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Correct answer: Sam
A student observed a sample of blood using a light microscope. The structure labelled A is …
An image in a quiz
a red blood cell.
a vein.
Correct answer: a white blood cell.
an artery.
These structures observed using a light microscope are an artery and a vein. Which statements explain why structure B is a vein?
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It has a narrow lumen.
Correct answer: It has a wide lumen.
It has a thick wall.
Correct answer: It has a thin wall.

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