Year 10

Mass in a chemical reaction (RAM 1 d.p.)

I can use conservation of mass and relative formula masses to predict the mass of unknown products or reactants.

Year 10

Mass in a chemical reaction (RAM 1 d.p.)

I can use conservation of mass and relative formula masses to predict the mass of unknown products or reactants.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In a chemical reaction, the atoms in reactants are rearranged and are the same atoms that are in the products.
  2. The mass of products in a chemical reaction is equal to the mass of the reactants.
  3. The sum of the RFM of the reactants equals the sum of the RFM of the products, taking account of balancing coefficients.

Common misconception

Pupils struggle to recall the order of steps required to mathematically process the available information in order to answer the question.

Colour-coding the steps can help pupils remember how many steps are involved. Much practice and perseverance is needed to create and maintain the memory pathway of the mathematical processing.


  • Balanced symbol equation - A balanced symbol equation describes a reaction using a symbol equation with coefficients, which ensure there are equal numbers of atoms of each element on both sides of the symbol equation.

  • Conservation of mass - Conservation of mass means that the combined mass of the starting reactants equals the combined mass of the products formed.

  • Relative formula mass - The relative formula mass (RFM) of a substance is the sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms in a formula.

  • Coefficient - A coefficient is the number placed in front of a chemical formula to balance an equation; it multiplies all the atoms in the formula and shows the ratio of substances in a reaction.

Use of modelling via visualisers, colour-coding and faded 'I do, you do' examples is particularly useful to help pupils develop a memory strategy for the mathematical processing required to answer these types of questions.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

Given the relative atomic masses (Ar): C (12.0), O (16.0). Calculate the relative formula mass (Mr) of carbon dioxide (CO₂).
Correct answer: 44.0
What does the conservation of mass in a chemical reaction imply?
Mass of products is always more than the mass of reactants.
Mass of reactants is converted into energy.
Correct answer: Mass of reactants equals mass of products.
Atoms are destroyed to conserve mass.
If 20 g of sodium reacts fully with 15 g of chlorine, how much sodium chloride is produced?
Correct Answer: 35 g, 35 grams, 35, 35g
For the equation __ N₂ + __ H₂ → __ NH₃, select the correct coefficients to balance it.
Correct answer: 1, 3, 2
1, 2, 3
1, 3, 3
2, 3, 2
What does the equation 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O tell us?
Two molecules of hydrogen react with two molecules of oxygen.
Correct answer: Two molecules of hydrogen react with one molecule of oxygen.
One molecule of hydrogen reacts with one molecule of oxygen.
Two molecules of water are decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen.
Given the relative atomic mass values (Ar): H (1.0), S (32.1), O (16.0). Calculate the relative formula mass (Mr) of sulfuric acid.
Correct Answer: 98.1

6 Questions

Match the following terms with their correct definitions:
Correct Answer:balanced symbol equation,Describes the numbers of atoms taking part in a reaction.

Describes the numbers of atoms taking part in a reaction.

Correct Answer:conservation of mass,In a chemical reaction mass is neither created nor destroyed.

In a chemical reaction mass is neither created nor destroyed.

Correct Answer:relative formula mass (RFM),The sum of the relative atomic masses of all atoms in a formula.

The sum of the relative atomic masses of all atoms in a formula.

Correct Answer:coefficient,The number placed in front of a formula in an equation.

The number placed in front of a formula in an equation.

True or false? In a chemical reaction, only some of the atoms in reactants are rearranged and are in the products.
Correct answer: false
Balance the following equation: __ H₂ + __ O₂ → __ H₂O.
H₂ + O₂ → H₂O
H₂ + O → H₂O
Correct answer: 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O
2H₂ + 2O₂ → 2H₂O
2H + O → H₂O
2Mg + O₂ → 2MgO Relative atomic mass (Ar): Mg (24.3), O (16.0). 48.6 g of magnesium reacts with excess oxygen. Calculate the mass of MgO produced.
40.3 g
Correct answer: 80.6 g
64.6 g
48.6 g
2Na + Cl₂ → 2NaCl Relative atomic mass (Ar): Na (23.0), Cl (35.5). 46.0 g of Na reacts with excess chlorine. Calculate the mass (g) of NaCl produced (3 s.f.).
Correct Answer: 117 g, 117 grams, 117, 117g
H₂ + SO₃ → H₂SO₄ Relative atomic mass (Ar): H (1.0), S (32.1), O (16.0) 8.01 g of SO₃ reacts with excess hydrogen. Calculate the mass (g) of H₂SO₄ produced (2 s.f.).
Correct Answer: 9.8 g, 9.8, 9.8 grams, 9.8g