Year 11

How does the role of the UK Prime Minister differ to elected leaders in other countries?

Year 11

How does the role of the UK Prime Minister differ to elected leaders in other countries?

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will explore the role of the UK's Prime Minister and compare it to the President of the United States and the King of Saudi Arabia. We will how consider the similarities and differences of these premierships.


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6 Questions

What is the best description of a political system?
Political systems are unitary or federal systems.
Political systems are similar to any type of system such as the railway system
Correct answer: The things or processes that work together to enable politics to work and political decisions to be taken.
Which word means: 'two chambers' when thing about the legislative branch of government?'
Correct answer: Bicameral
Bicarbonate of soda
Congress is made up of:
The House of Representatives and the House of Commons
Correct answer: The House of Representatives and the Senate
The Senate and the House of Cards
Which house has representatives that serve for 5 years?
Correct answer: House of Commons
House of Lords
House of Representatives
Which of these houses is the only one that is not elected?
House of Commons
Correct answer: House of Lords
House of Representatives
Which of these is a positive of having a Bicameral system?
Having houses disagree could lead to inaction
It is confusing for the public to understand the role of both houses
Correct answer: There is always another body of people to check or scrutinise a law that is being passed

5 Questions

Which country is led by a President?
North Korea
Saudi Arabia
The United Kingdom
Correct answer: The United States of America
Which of the following roles do the Prime Minister and President of the United States share?
Being members of the legislative body
Head of State.
Holding the ability to appoint Cabinet members from outside those elected
Correct answer: Leaders of the Executive Branch of Government
Which country is led by a King?
North Korea
Correct answer: Saudi Arabia
The United Kingdom
The United States of America
Saudi Arabia is governed via Islamic Law.
Correct answer: True
Who is the UK's Head of State?
The Chief Civil Servant
Correct answer: The Monarch
The President
The Prime Minister