Year 11

How is the UK population changing?

Year 11

How is the UK population changing?

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will explore the changing UK population, in relation to its composition. This lesson will also explore the impact of a changing population on society.


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5 Questions

True or false, history, language, culture, tradition and region all contribute to a person's national identity?
Correct answer: True
True or false, individuals may identify differently in relation to their UK identity? For example, someone may feel more Welsh rather than British.
Correct answer: True
Which jurisdiction passed a law to enhance the status of their national language and give it equal importance to English?
Correct answer: Wales
True or false, Scotland was once an independent nation?
Correct answer: True
The Department for Education defined British values as the belief in:
Freedom, justice, parliamentary sovereignty and patriotism
Multiculturalism, individual responsibility and tradition
Correct answer: The Rule of Law, democracy, Individual liberties, mutual respect and tolerance

6 Questions

In what way does the composition of the UK population change?
It changes based on death rates in the community
It changes in response to public sector spending
Correct answer: It changes with age, ethnicity, religion and disability
Why does the UK have an ageing population?
Correct answer: Because better living standards and healthcare has increased life expectancy
Because education has improved quality of life
Because of an increase in birth rates
What might be a negative impact of an ageing population?
Correct answer: Increase demands on health services and social care
Lower cost of pensions of shorter period of time
Lower cost of social care
What is the percentage of the Black African/ Caribbean British community in the UK?
Correct answer: 3%
What has been the positive impact of ethnic and religious changes in the UK?
Correct answer: It has brought about innovation and creativity as well as better cultural understanding
It has increased segregation of different communities
It has led to division within society
What is the impact of a changing UK population?
Decrease in taxes.
Correct answer: Impact on wealth distribution, resources and diversity
Increased emigration