Year 11

What is identity and how can we be defined?

Year 11

What is identity and how can we be defined?

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. In this lesson, we will explore the meaning of identity. We will look at how the concept of identity is shaped and how it can change.


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6 Questions

What does identity mean?
A person's character
A person's nationality
Correct answer: Who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others
True or false, someone's identity can be shaped by different things, such as a person's culture, religion, ethnicity, gender and hobbies?
Correct answer: True
What is the difference between nature and nurture?
Correct answer: Nature refers to characteristics you get at birth, whereas nurture refers to the way we are brought up
Nature refers to the natural world around us and nurture refers to how we are treated
Nature refers to the way we are brought up, whereas nurture refers to how we are raised by our family
True or false, people only have one identity?
Correct answer: False
Is identity fixed or fluid?
Correct answer: Fluid
Why can people's identity change?
Correct answer: People change over time as they have different experiences and identify with different things
People's identity changes because they renew their passport
People's identity never changes, just their personality