Year 10

Stretching a spring practical

I can measure the extension of a spring and describe its properties as it increases in length.

Year 10

Stretching a spring practical

I can measure the extension of a spring and describe its properties as it increases in length.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. Stretching or compressing an object requires more than one force.
  2. Below the limit of proportionality, a stretched spring is not stretched permanently out of shape.
  3. Above the limit of proportionality, a stretched spring is stretched permanently out of shape.

Common misconception

Extension is the extra amount the spring has stretched when a bigger force is applied.

Ensure pupils fully remove each hanging mass between measurements so they see the extension of the spring from its original length each time.


  • Extension - The increase from the original length of a spring when it is stretched.

  • Elastic deformation - The stretch of a spring that returns to its original shape when the stretching force is removed.

  • Inelastic deformation - The stretch of a spring as it is permanently stretched out of shape.

  • Limit of proportionality - The largest extension of a spring before it is stretched out of shape.

Place a cardboard box beneath each set of hanging masses so that, if they fall, the impact does not damage the mass hanger. Often the box (or other padding) can be placed on top of a stool so that the possible length of fall is reduced.
Teacher tip


Apparatus to measure the extension of a 'Hooke's Law spring' to destruction with hanging masses of 12.0 N in 1.0 N increments.

Content guidance

  • Risk assessment required - equipment


Adult supervision required


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6 Questions

The energy an object has because it is moving is in the energy store.
Correct Answer: kinetic
The energy an object has because it is stretched or squashed is in the energy store.
Correct Answer: elastic
Friction or air resistance can cause energy to into the surroundings.
Correct answer: dissipate
An object hangs from a rope. Which of the follwoing is equal to the force exerted on the rope by the object?
the mass of the object
the speed of the object
Correct answer: the weight of the object
the kinetic energy of the object
An object has mass 5 kg. Which of following is closest to the weight of the object?
0.5 kg
0.5 N
5 N
50 kg
Correct answer: 50 N
The following graphs plot variable 1 on the $$x$$–axis and variable 2 on the $$y$$–axis. On which graph is variable 1 directly proportional to variable 2?
An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz
Correct Answer: An image in a quiz
An image in a quiz

6 Questions

Match the following terms to their definitions (for a spring).
Correct Answer:extension,the difference between the spring's stretched and unstretched length

the difference between the spring's stretched and unstretched length

Correct Answer:elastic deformation,a reversible (temporary) change in length of a spring

a reversible (temporary) change in length of a spring

Correct Answer:inelastic deformation,a permanent change in length of a spring

a permanent change in length of a spring

The diagram shown is of a spring in its unstretched state and when it is stretched. Which arrow, A, B, C, or D, shows the extension of the stretched spring?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: B
The limit of proportionality of a spring is the largest possible extension before the spring …
undergoes elastic deformation.
Correct answer: undergoes inelastic deformation.
Correct answer: becomes permanently deformed.
becomes temporarily deformed.
The following graph shows the extension of a spring against the stretching force. Which point, A, B, or C, shows the position of the limit of proportionality?
An image in a quiz
Correct answer: B
A pupil investigates how the extension of a spring varies with the force stretching it. Which of the following safety precautions are necessary for this investigation?
Tie long hair back.
Correct answer: Wear safety glasses.
Correct answer: Clamp the clamp stand to the desk.
Use a set square to avoid parallax error.
Correct answer: Put padding on the floor under the mass holder.
A spring has extension of 4 cm when it experiences a stretching force of 5 N. If the spring does not reach its limit of proportionality, the extension is cm when the stretching force is 15 N.
Correct Answer: 12, 12.0, 12cm, 12 cm, 12.0 cm

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