Year 11

Energy resources

I can describe and compare different ways of generating electricity.

Year 11

Energy resources

I can describe and compare different ways of generating electricity.

Lesson details

Key learning points

  1. A non–renewable energy resource cannot be replenished as it is used.
  2. Non-renewable energy resources include fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and nuclear fuels.
  3. A renewable energy resource can be replenished as it is used.
  4. Renewable energy resources include biofuels, wind, hydroelectricity, geothermal, tidal, solar and water waves.
  5. Science can identify environmental issues, but political, social, ethical and economic considerations determine action.

Common misconception

Renewable energy resources are more expensive than fossil fuels and cannot meet the demand for electricity on their own.

Compare the cost of renewable energy resources with that of fossil fuels and explore advantages in energy storage technologies.


  • Renewable energy resource - an energy resource that can be replenished as it is used

  • Non-renewable energy resource - an energy source that cannot be replenished as it is used

  • Fossil fuels - coal made from fossilised plants, or oil and natural gas made from tiny fossilised sea creatures

  • Sustainable energy - using energy so that in the future there will be enough for people's needs

Pupils could complete a structured research activity to find and summarise information around the key learning points for this lesson. You may also find several six–mark questions in past papers on this topic for pupils to practice.
Teacher tip


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6 Questions

What is a fossil fuel?
a form of renewable energy
Correct answer: a fuel formed from the remains of ancient organisms
a renewable energy resource
a type of mineral
What is one effect of using fossil fuels on the environment?
decreased water pollution
Correct answer: increased carbon dioxide emissions
increased oxygen levels
reduced carbon dioxide emissions
What is a renewable energy resource?
Correct answer: an energy resource that can be replenished as it is used
an energy resource that cannot be replenished
an energy resource that is always available
an energy resource that never depletes
What is one example of a renewable energy resource?
natural gas
nuclear power
Correct answer: solar power
What is the primary component of natural gas?
Correct answer: methane
What is the law of conservation of energy?
energy can be converted into matter
energy can be created and destroyed
Correct answer: energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed
energy is always lost in every transformation

6 Questions

Which of the following renewable energy resources emits pollution when used to generate electricity?
Correct answer: biomass
Which non-renewable energy resource does not contribute to the greenhouse effect?
Correct answer: uranium
natural gas
crude oil
What is the main environmental concern with wind turbines?
Correct answer: impact on bird populations
release of greenhouse gases
soil erosion
water pollution
Match each renewable energy resource with its description:
Correct Answer:Biofuels,energy from organic materials

energy from organic materials

Correct Answer:Wind,Energy from wind turning turbines

Energy from wind turning turbines

Correct Answer:Hydroelectricity,Energy from flowing water

Energy from flowing water

Correct Answer:Geothermal,Energy from heat within the Earth

Energy from heat within the Earth

Correct Answer:Tidal,Energy from the rise and fall of tides

Energy from the rise and fall of tides

What is sustainable energy?
consuming as much energy as possible
Correct answer: using energy in a way that meets present needs without compromising future needs
using non-renewable energy resources
using only fossil fuels
What role does energy efficiency play in sustainable energy?
it has no impact on sustainability
it increases energy consumption
it only applies to renewable energy
Correct answer: it reduces energy consumption and promotes sustainability